6 November 2019

GODS LOVE – Walk into it and stay in it. It will change everything in your life about your life. And for the better. This is what entered my thoughts as I meditated and journaled and read.

Everything that God is doing in our lives is intentionally relational. It’s all about Him and us. To walk with Him and with others, to Love Him and others.

God’s love draws us deeper and His commitment to us never waivers. In every situation in life, God desires to give us himself – He can’t help it because He loves us. It started at the beginning of our existence and will go on forever. Even though there is the good, the bad and the ugly in each of us, God wants us in His life.

He always calls us to better, for He calls us to Him, and He is Holy, Pure, Perfect and so He calls us to those qualities of Him too.

When Jesus was encouraging us to invite His Kingdom here on this earth, he was also inviting us to bring The Kingdom Values into our lives. Some of which I have listed below…

Bless those who curse you.

Pray for those who spitefully use you.

Give to everyone who asks of you expecting nothing in return.

Do to men what you want to be done to you.

Love your enemies.

Do good to those who hate you.

Be merciful, especially to those who need mercy.

Give as a way of life

The first will be last and the last will be first.

Invite those who are not usually invited to your table.

Love those who are incapable of loving you… (I could go on and on… – for then you shall be called a son or daughter of the most high God.

God has designed our current circumstances to enable us to see a part of Him that we could not see anywhere else and at any other time. If we are struggling, then He can be the solution – the unstruggler (I know there is no such word but describes Him well) – the solver- a part of who He is and what He does.

If we are grieving, then allow Him to show us comfort. He is the comforter, another part or facet of Him.

That’s not to say that God has made all of our circumstances for we are responsible often for where we are in life, but He can work GOOD from these things, these places we find ourselves.

Only God can turn a trial into a triumph!

For ALL things work together for Good… (Romans 8:28)

Gods wants us to see Him. To come to know Him. Yes, He is the great I AM. Able to do all things, a miracle worker.


He is the Provider, not the provision.

We tend to often start worshipping the gift and not the Giver. Well, I know I do. My focus wrongly comes off HIM, who is everything to what He can do for me.

Think about it. If you gave someone a gift and they did not say thank you, but only focused on what they got and every time you were with them expected another gift and not appreciate you as you, how sad would you feel? God is the same. He wants our focus. Our heart fully devoted to Him.

So, my reflection comes full circle. Thinking over me, my circumstances, my relationship with God, with my family, with people. I need to walk with this ALL LOVING GOD. Holding tightly onto Him. Learning to love from Him and so love others better. Learning to lean on Him more.

Learning to chase after HIM, this love relationship He invites us into, and not chase after what our God can do for me is my aim. They are just the benefits of knowing Him. Benefits that He provides to those who live in His Kingdom and follow Him.

I desire to have a heart that even if there was NO gift, I’d welcome HIM into my lounge room and offer Him the best coffee and cake I could offer.

So put the kettle on, get the best cake and biscuits you have out because He is coming to your house just as soon as you invite Him.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’

Love always
