12 February 2020

David, the King of Israel, the ruler in that part of the world, thought about God, His creator. His thoughts were often written down in his journal – called the psalms in the Bible. He wrote songs and poems and essays about God. Some of these thoughts are described in Psalm 139.

Have you ever thought about God? Or even wondered if there is a God?

David’s thoughts went like this… “O Lord, you have searched me and known me…”

God, the creator of all, knows me -he’s searched me thoroughly and knows me. I am known to Him. I am recognized, familiar, within His scope of knowledge. Not just into the future – to know me but already knows, understands how I work, think… I am known.

Like a body search at the security station at an airport- a pat-down – to see if anything is hidden. Nothing is hidden from God. He does not need a machine to X-ray me. He sees with His eyes, His mind and thoughts. He created me, so knows me through and through.

Verse 2 says, “He knows when I sit and when I stand.” He does not need to look at an android watch to calculate how many times I stand, or walk, or takes the stairs or burn calories. He just knows.

He knows everything I do! Oh no, everything? Yes. And He still loves me, even though I’m frail and weak. Even though I fall short, not just of perfection, but also my own standards at times.

“You discern my thoughts from far away, you search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.”

You understand why I think the way I do. From afar you scrutinise me and know why I walk the path I do. Still, you love me! You want me. You want an intimate relationship with me. You are already intimately acquainted with me. You know it all. But sadly, not I with you.

You know me so much you know what I am going to say. In verse 4, “Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, you know it completely.” Does not that make me stop and think what words are on my tongue? Are they kind, encouraging, loving words?

In verse 5, “You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.” You, O God, have enclosed me, not to stop my freedom but to protect me from all harm. From behind, and from before, into my future and present. You place your kind protection upon me.

Oh, that I would know such a God that only wants me to have all the good benefits!

David expressed this feeling in verse 6. “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. It is so high that I cannot attain it.

His mercy is shown to be way above His judgement by the singular message of sending Jesus Christ, His Son, to the earth. To live with us and ultimately die for us. His love for us has never waned.

Wherever we are You are. “Where can I go from Your spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence?” (Verse 7)

Is this even real? Or just a make-believe story?

The more medical science discovers about the human body, the more verse 14 and 15 becomes real. “I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully (amazingly, gobsmacking or as I like to say God-smackingly) and wonderfully made.” When I was being made in secret, intricately woven…

Who could have designed such a creature like me? The intricacies in every organ, the way the systems work. The way our brains rewire, work, memorise …. amazing, mind-boggling!

Doctors often share how they are overawed by how the systems in the body work and how each section works together but separately need to function too. Every time man discovers with medical research (or uncovers what God had already designed) a new way the body acts, works, repairs, feels etc., I think about how wonderfully He has made us.

To know that there is a God who not only made us but wants a friendship with us. Wants to be able to have a conversation with us. Wants an intimate relationship with us. Is all-knowing, all caring, all loving towards us! That does feel like a fairy-tale, but it is all real!

That there is a God who offers us free access to His Kingdom if we chase after Him. He invites us to come and sit at the wedding feast table. That there is a room for us in the King’s mansion. No sharing needed, there is plenty of room.

I believe he has already designed our own heavenly room for each of us, fashioned and decorated just to how we like things. Cause that’s who our God is! Generous, loving, caring, busting with love for us! Yes, busting! (picture a balloon so full it’s about to burst!)

Now I know we don’t need earthly decorated rooms in heaven. We won’t care about those things there. But my imagination goes to this when Jesus describes how His Father has a room prepared for each of us. In my spirit, it uplifts me to know that our God cares about us, even to the point of going all-out to decorate our own room.

Oh, I want to know a God like that. I want to follow a God like that. Well, that’s Our God! And we can.

And then David goes on to say right at the end of this Psalm, “Search me O God, and know my heart, test me and know my thoughts…”

Let’s be honest now, God, David says. Search me, my thoughts, and so my deeds. Test me. But God does not leave it just up to us. It’s not all about the work we can do for God, the person we can be for God. That’s the human side.

“Lead me in the way everlasting.” Now God – you do it. You lead me. You guide me in your ways. Forever. I surrender myself to you. This is the spirit part that only the Holy Spirit can do. He just needs our permission. Oh, what relief this brings me! I don’t have to do it all by myself. I don’t have to overcome all things by myself. In my humanity, I don’t have to be superwoman. I often try to be, but this takes a huge burden off my shoulders. I can give it all to God to send the grace, send the help, send His Spirit. To lead me in his everlasting ways.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.


Do you ever imagine what God is like? Write down some of your thoughts and reflections.

Reflect on the human part of our body in all its intricate design, and how it can show us how wonderfully we are made? What about the spirit part? Discuss with your group.

Do we check out this God who intimately knows us and wants to be known by us? Do we read about him and talk about Him to others? Describe one experience or resource that has helped you to come to know God more?