25 March 2020
It’s scary. Read the news, listen to the radio. The reality of life today stops you in your tracks. Literally.
“Oh God, what is happening?” my thoughts say and immediately my spirit answers, “God will work good out of this.”
Just like scripture says (the word of God that is truth), all things (even corona things) work for good according to God’s perfect plan.
It still “seems like a sci-fi movie” one of my daughters shared. But pinch yourself it is real.
Jesus was tired and the apostles in trying to care for him told the mothers – take your children away. They scolded the parents for bothering Him.
Jesus in watching the situation called out, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” No, send the little ones to me. (Matt 19:14)
The picture would have been the little ones running to Jesus and clambering upon his knee, leaning into the crook of his arm, and getting in as close as possible.
They were being hugged by him.
Loved by him
Listened to by him.
Prayed over by Him.
I reflected upon this story after reading someone else’s story. Both true stories.
An ER nurse comes home after every shift and goes through the laundry door. She washes her hands then takes off her clothes and puts them straight away into the washing machine with disinfectant in a hot wash. Then she has a shower and re-disinfectants herself. She talks to her children and husband via the internet for she has put herself into permanent isolation while the covid19 virus is around. She is being extra cautious because she is in the ‘firing line’ of catching the virus. She does not know how long it might be before she can once again hug her children or hug her husband. Relate with them once again as before. Go back to normal. Will normal ever come back?
So, the scene of Jesus cuddling the children again comes to my mind. We are those children. Because of the isolation rules, the distancing ourselves from everyone, Jesus is really the only one we can go to for that much needed hug, that leaning in for a cuddle, for comfort, for direction, for contact so necessary for us as humans.
Jesus does not say, “go away, I’m tired. Go away I’ve isolated myself due to the virus.” NO, He says, ‘Come ALL of you, all who are burdened I will give you rest.” Send the little ones to me.
Oh, what relief that brings me. I am not isolated from Him ever. I am not turned away from Him if I come and humbly ask for help. Only the proud due to their attitude of “I can do it myself”, stop themselves from reaching Him.
Oh Jesus, may we be your little children, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like little children. Open, believing, innocent.
So, for those who cannot get a hug right now, close your eyes and imagine Jesus is there in the room with you. Standing near you and saying, “Come I am here for you. I will comfort and console you. My arms are open wide waiting for you to walk into them so I can enfold you to myself.”
Suggestions of what you can do to connect with others during this time:
- Call someone
- FaceTime
- Text people to see how they are
- Post a letter – you could find a pen pal!
- Deliver a goodie bag to a neighbour’s front door
- Drop a note in someone’s letterbox
- Post some encouraging letters to the residents at an Aged Care facility
- Follow us on Instagram (@heartministryforwomen)
- Like our new page on FaceBook – Heart Ministry for Women
- Watch Mass Online
- Watch an encouraging message from my husband Bruce Downes – https://brucedownes.org/
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
What attitude (like a little child) do I need to come to Jesus with?
Do I feel the isolation? The lack of human contact?
How can I help others in this?
What gives me hope in this time?
Love and prayers to you. Thank you.
Christine ONeill
Thankyou Rosemary
Your words today were an inspiration. As all my usual activities close down, the idea of Jesus being in my small house fills me with joy.
Colleen VanHaeften
Thanks Rosemary. Much appreciated, Really helpful views at this difficult time. God bless. Colleen.
Beautiful and comforting words Rosemary, much needed words in these troubling times. Where would we be without the Lord’s unending love?
God Bless you
Elizabeth Mamet
I’d love to receive Jesus’ helpful guidance you are sharing during those hard times.
Thank you Rosemary.
Thank you Rosemary and Bruce for the wonderful gift you both share with us all. I started doing little things for my neighbors as I live in an area with a lot of elderly people. It makes me feel great to cook a meal or two for those less able buy milk for another and just pop in and talk to the lonely. Always outside the front door due to social distancing. Just check in and see if they are ok. Thanks xx
Rosie imbert
Your beautiful words are such a comfort to us in this very difficult time.. may we put our trust in God, and as you say, Di something good for someone in need, or lonely..
miss our weekly gathering 💕💕🙏
Amelia Pereira
Hi Rosemary
Our Connect Group of 5 is finally getting underway today by Zoom. We will use your jottings to focus our time together on our Lord during this unprecedented crisis our world is undergoing.
Thank you, Rosemary. Look forward to the the Heart Conference later in the year. Praying for you, Bruce and your family.
Odell Roundtree
This is so beautiful!! Thank you for sharing. A few days ago, I thought about leaving a short message on my neighbor’s door, and I thought well ‘no I do not want to offend anyone’, your writing has helped me to change my mind. Thank you and may God continue to keep all of us. Love