24 June 2020
I’ve been reading a book titled Recapture the Wonder. I was drawn to the title. The Holy Spirit within me was urging me to go chase after that wonder. The world especially right now needs to know the Wonder, the Majesty of God.
I opened the first page and read the author’s introduction. I immediately knew I had chosen to read the right book at this time. The author Ravi Zacharias, a protestant theologian who just recently died, wrote that he “could have easily made the title Recaptured by Wonder. In a sense, it is not as much about something we may possess as it is about what possesses us.”
Wow! What drives me? Who, what DO I SEEK AFTER?
I was confronted by these words but funnily it also sat comfortably with me.
Is the God of Wonder, MY Lord and Saviour?
Or has the circumstances in this world right now with the Covid virus, with the high unemployment and the risk to many jobs, of the protests of inequality, of governments or leaders trying to show their superiority etc etc, been such a focus that God has been forgotten? That the wonder of God has been swallowed up?
He’s still here seated on the Throne, vibrant, full of AWE and WONDER.
Deep within all of us is a longing that we win, we get over the line and win that prize. We all pursue for that contentment, that joy which lasts forever. It resonates with all of humanity. All of us have a deep longing of acceptance, no matter our race, colour, creed, religion – acceptance of who we are.
We dream of that ultimate fulfillment. That destiny for all, where we are all treated equally. Loved completely. Loved for me.
It is only through Jesus, the Son of God, that this is achievable. He spoke about this 2000 years ago and it is the same today for each and every one of us. He came to give us LIFE and life to the FULL. Where we find true fulfillment.
We desire our lives to be in tune with reality but full of wonder and hope for a better future.
In Isaiah 42:7 these following statements read out by Jesus were and still are occurring to all who seek after Him.
“….to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness”
He was onto it. He KNEW what we needed! Not fame, fortune, or things. But a LOVE that is abundant, everlasting and a LIFE that finds true fulfillment.
Steve Jobs was an American Business Magnate who co-founded Apple Computers. He died in 2011 from cancer and was worth 7 billion dollars. (That’s what Wikipedia states about him.) As he was dying, he wrote “I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to. At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death. “
I pray that he found God and found that joyfilled fullness that only God can bring.
I, more and more, don’t want to lead a meaningless life. I want my life to matter. I don’t just want to attain my own personal goals, professionally or economically. I want to live with this Awe and Wonder and gratefulness towards the Great I AM. I want to love the Lord with my whole heart, soul and mind and love my neighbour, all my neighbours, like I love myself. I want to be recaptured BY this God of Wonder, this Saviour who LOVES and this spirit who leads and guides and whispers the mind of God to us.
At the end of my life, if I was interviewed, I want to state that I tried really hard, I gave my all and I am joy filled by My God. HE is ALL THAT MATTERS. May I leave that legacy. May others follow in the Lords footsteps. May I just point to Him.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Who are you following? Who are you captured by?
Are you living a life of fulfilment from God?
Thank you for heart, it was what my heart needed to hear. I do not know if you truly understand how you can impact another You may never meet in person here. I have felt so much love from words you share I pray you continue. Some times I have saved them and reread them . Godless you Bruce
Janet Cusack
You give us so much to ponder with your posts. Thank you. This one was of so soul searching.
That is beautiful Rosemary and I agree with you entirely. Wealth means very little in the end. As I have heard said a few times ‘shrouds don’t have pockets’. But I am sure our hearts have ‘pockets’ which we need to fill with LOVE for GOD and our fellow man. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts with us.
Philippa Higgins
Rosemary you give me great inspiration every week. You are the sense of reason in this troubled world. Thank you for your loving thoughts. They are very much appreciated.
Deanna Francke
Wonderful thoughts Rosemary as always.You’re right wealth means so little & we can’t take it with us.
May God Bless you & your family, Bruce & the team.
Valerie Simms
Rosemary very well put!!! I remember a few years back I was given a lift home from an outing I had
with aged care residents in a minibus. i recall having a conversation with one of the residents and
I don’t exactly know how it came about but we were talking about the world today. Out popped
from my mouth in Italian ” It’s LOVE that makes the world go round, NOT MONEY!” The priest
who was Italian gave a long, silent glance, a kind of peaceful surprise, while I contemplated on God who
lovingly created all into being including myself. In the mornings I venture into the lounge room
and from my glass sliding doors watch the sun rise with such magnificent light while I pray and read
the Scripture Readings for the day. I see the birds in flight, the neighbours huge trees, bushes and plants waving
in the breeze and thank God for the life I see and for my own. None of what I see I have bought with money.
Yes the most valuable things in life do not come through money. Especially Love of God, spouse, family,friends,
neighbour, yes even when we follow Christ and enter by the narrow gate and love those who make life hard for us,
creation…Love makes the world go round, not money….
Rosie Imbert
Thank you Rose for your continued support, your prayers and wisdom that you share with us every week. You’re a true child of God n pls continue to pray for us all 🙏🙏.
Happy belated birthday. May God grant you many more as you (and Bruce) inspire me in the most unusual ways. I now find myself seeking God for Himself and wanting only to be more hungry and thirsty for the Living Bread and Water. Isn’t it wonderful that the promise is that I shall be filled! Both of you are Christ to me. I am changing for the better everyday as a result of your ministry.