17 March 2021
It started with a ten week term of exercises, stretches, moves and flexing. The class had all started together and were all beginners. Every week there was excitment in the air to what was being taught today and how far the group had progressed. Then it stopped. Came to a crashing halt. All because of a change.
It was gymnastics entry level for my 6 year old granddaughter Aubrey.
She had for weeks been showing everyone the new “moves” she could do. The flexible back bends, the splits, the cartwheels were all in her resumé. And each week you could see her improve in her flexibility and in her techniques. Then the class, after the first 10 weeks, were graded and Aubrey was moved up into the next grade. That’s when it all fell apart.
After 2 weeks of tears she pulled out. Why we all asked her? We could see she had great natural ability. Her splits were already flat on the floor, not like mine where I was lucky if I got one foot our straight. What had happened?
After talking with her and her parents the reason at first which was obscure became obvious. She was the only one in the class that had moved up to a higher grade. The teachers could see she had natural talent and had already exceeded the ability she needed for the entry level. All Aubrey could see was she did not know anybody. The new class already had made friends. Where were hers? Where did she fit in? They all appeared to be more advanced than her.
And so without the support of her classmates that had laughed, enjoyed and encouraged each other in the lessons from week to week she had wilted and felt alone and finally pulled out going. As the term drew to a close and a new one was starting, Aubrey was once again encouraged to go back, to perservere in starting afresh. Her parents now understanding her reason for stopping, had been sharing with her about starting afresh in the new year with all new classes, all the children have new teachers and all of them don’t know each other.
Aubrey after weeks of listening. After weeks of deliberating made her choice. “I’d like to go back.”
We all waited with abated breath, after the first lesson, for her assessment of the class. She came back with all smiles. By week 2 she was inviting Bruce and myself to come see her lesson one afternoon. Finally in week 5 we were able to schedule a time in our diaries to go and see her lesson. I am a proud grandparent sharing with you all that Aubrey is the best in her class! Her agility, balance and flexibility is amazing. But the enthusiasm and enjoyment on her face, glowing within her, is what brings tears to my eyes. That’s what warms my heart.
This little girl enjoys the company, enjoys the comradeship, enjoys the lessons because of who she is doing it with. She feels way more capable because she is not doing it alone. The extra blessing of her talent, of the gymnastics she is learning is secondary to the group of children she is doing it with.
Psalm 133 comes to my mind. The blessedness of Unity.
How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!… For there the Lord ordained his blessing, life forevermore.
Psalm 133:1, 3b NRSV
What joy it brings to our hearts when we are doing life with others. When we have people around us on the same page. Encouraging us. Enjoying each other. Unified.
The Passion translation says
How truly wonderful and delightful to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity!… For from this realm sweet harmony God will release his eternal blessing, the promise of life forever.
Psalm 133:1, 3b TPT
Oh doing life with others helps us so much. Yes of course doing life with Jesus helps us the best but even God wanted “a people” to be unified in following Him. These people in our lives are so important. Important in encouraging us, drawing out the best in us and us in them.
If you feel you are all alone – I want to tell you, you are not. WE are here for you! Internet, technology has the ability to bring us into your loungeroom every day. If you have no people supporting you. WE ARE HERE.
Pick up your keyboard and write us an email. Join in a zoom smallgroup.
Don’t stay isolated.
If it did not work out the last time you tried to join a group, give it another go like Aubrey did.
HEART Ministry for Women started so that women would have a place to go to be encouraged. A place to belong, no matter our talent or skill set. No matter our background.
From that place of togetherness, God’s blessings will flow.
I want to tell you that you belong! You are needed! WE miss you when you don’t participate. The group is less when you are not there.
So sign up for the first time or again join us.
Communicate with us like we do with you. Send in your prayers, petitions, needs. Go to the Prayer Wall HERE Ask for prayer. Pray for others. Comment. Join a small group. Let us join together as sisters in Christ.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you have a group of people around you, cheering you on?
Where could you be a part of a group that encourages others in their life?
Do you need to try again? What is God saying to you about this area of your life?
Love your emails..i have no computer or zoom access..this little device is exhausting tiny and difficult to see. Cannot afford more..would love to belong to your wonderful group of women..You are all a blessing to eachother..truly must make Our Awesome God 😃
Hi Rosemary. I am very Blessed to have a wonderful little group of about 6 women, who do all the things you’ve mentioned. Encouraging, being there for each other, praying together etc. I also like to tune into your Heart Ministry’s. Very enjoying & uplifting. Glad your Granddaughter is doing well. Their circumstances can be heart breaking at times. I love my Grandchildren & Great Grandchild too. Always in my prayer. Thank you & many Blessings, Vivienne 💐
Denise Knowles
Hi Rosemary, I really like reading about all the good things you write about, they are not just things, they are very special things. When my granddaughter was 13 some of her many friends wanted to join a Karate class, well after finding out the cost for the hour lessons, some weren’t able to join, but her 2 best friends, since kindergarten were ready to started. Well they needed a parent to drive them and stay with them, of course I had just retired, so I became their personal driver, but it all started this program was for teaching the young girls how to defend and protect themselves, while driving them I could hear their conservation, but by the time they were 16 they had won 3 belts, but their conversation was about if you quit, I will quit too, my granddaughter Cerriwddyn said, Gramma how do we pray about this, we are not looking to get a black belt, but we want to stay together, and protect each other, when we arrived at the Karate, I park the car and I said to the girls, why don’t we pray about this, they looked at each other, Cerriwddyn, Emily, and Therese, joined hands, and we prayed for the good Lord Jesus Christ, will listen to their prayers, half an hour later, they all started to say and agree that it was time to stop the exercises, and going to the same University, their parents will be happy, now they’re all 20 years old, when something comes up they hold hands and pray for an answer. We live in a big City, and being female, they take a chance when they go out….they’re all tall girls with long hair, very beautiful girls, but being thought Karate was only to protect and defend themselves, they dont go out to often, they say it’s too expensive, and with the Covid 19 the pandemic is not over yet……
Our Churches are not open yet ..
.We need a lot of prayers, we do pray, pray for God’s protection, We’re only allowed to have a Bubble of 5 persons only,..and for a family gathering is only 10. We pray the Chaplet of Devine Mercy, for us and the whole world,
I am so glad I am able to read your e-mails, I was cut off for a while.
I enjoyed to read about your granddaughter and the time you gave her. Yes we are been created to live in society and Jesus taught us
to pray together.
Thank you, Blessings
Jeanie Bartholomew
Thanks Rosemary, I live alone, I am 83, and I don’t have any close friends, I do wish your group was here in Sydney, but you are not here in Australia, I do belong to a Baptist church, and have friends there, but they are all married, and so have heir husbands to do things with.
Anyway I know that I am never alone , God is always with me. Jeanie