28 April 2021
The padding tries to protect the whole body. The size allows the person to walk slowly, but somewhat cumbersomely towards their opponent. The black helmet protects the head but also helps play its part in the costume. SUMO suits are what I am describing.
Eden, one of my granddaughter’s, had them at her tenth birthday party. Adult sizes and children’s sizes. I was amused when I watched the two younger children bow to each other before moving forward towards each other as fast as they possibly could. It was very funny to watch each opponent trying to push the other one over. This was the aim of the game. Once they were down it was often very difficult to get back up.
Willow, the three-year-old, found this out the hard way. At every turn she was trying to run away from her older, taller sister but even though the legs were moving fast underneath the suit (or trying to) the huge padding made her move too slow and her sister literally bowled her over and down she went. Then once on the floor she was stuck like a turtle, flaying on its back, with its arms struggling in the air. She tried and tried to no avail and needed help to get back onto her feet. Then this arm came out from the protective Father and he lifted Willow back on her feet so she could “play” some more.
It made me think that’s how I feel sometimes when LIFE circumstances bowl me over. I am left flaying on my back, struggling to get back on my feet but losing the battle. The cancer diagnosis from the Doctor was hard to take. The news that Mum had Alzheimer’s was difficult to swallow. The update from the paediatrician that my child has autism set off new dilemmas in my mind. The email that was received rejecting my application for the job made me feel hopeless……Oh this is only a few of Life’s curve balls.
I’m sure you can add many to the list.
Then I read about crises in the World. Fighting, blackmailing, corrupt Governments, people in slavery, thousands in poverty, starving……..
Then I remember that God my protective Father always pulls me out of the “miry clay” and sets my feet back on solid ground, with His loving arms guiding me.
It states in Psalm 40:2
He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
Psalm 40:2 NLT
out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
and steadied me as I walked along.
Now I know if we call out for help God will come and rescue us but to be honest how long do I flay on my back trying to do it all on my own before calling out?
This is so encouraging to read and when you read verse 1 – it tells you what relationship we should have with God, what trust ……
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
Psalm 40:1 NLT
and he turned to me and heard my cry.
This is the Christian Maturity we strive to get to – to trust in Him explicitly and WAIT for Him to come and rescue us. Of course using our own God given abilities too.
Then beyond this is the Spiritual Maturity that if it looks like He has not come, to continue to trust for He has a higher purpose for the circumstances. He has the perfect plan.
I reflect upon in Scripture the story of Lazarus. Jesus waited three days after his death to then go to his sisters. For God’s Glory to be seen (a greater Good) is what Jesus stated to them.
In the Book of Acts, Stephen the first Christian Martyr was not rescued by God. Theologians and historians attribute his death to the spread of Christianity throughout the World for the Christians dispersed, frightened they would be next.
I know God’s Grace (the ability to do what we cannot do on our own) was sent to these people and even today, everyday people in their circumstances God’s Grace sustains them.
I do not fully know the mind of God, but I do know HE IS FAITHFUL.
I do know He performs miracles even today – not just in the bible or with the saints. He can with us every day ordinary people too.
This side of heaven we will not know how many times our Loving Protective Father has extended His arm and pulled us out of the “miry clay”.
So next time when you are on your back – stuck like a turtle – cry out to the ONE who can rescue you.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
How long do you wait before your cry out to God? Are you trying to do things in your own strength?
Where can you begin to trust God in your circumstances?
Where can you ask for God’s grace to sustain you?
Cheryl Grace
Thanks Rosemary. I needed this reminder today. God bless you and the team.
Deanna Francke
Thank you Rosemary for these uplifting words as always. May God Bless you, Bruce & the team abundantly so you can continue to bring these amazing stories to us.🌹🙏
Denise Knowles
Dear Rosemary, thank you for sharing, your sufferings pain, and God is there with you helping you to handle it. At my age 76 I have been though many disappointments, and many Glories. I always cried to God to help us start a family, we were young when we got Married, I always thought God where are you? 6 years later we were Blessed with a beautiful baby Boy, then God said He wasn’t done yet, 2 years later we were happy in a big way, Twins, the first 3 months I was doing well, then the last 6 months I was in the Hospital for serious Toximia, my parents looked after our boy, that every night on the phone he would say, mommy come home, I missed him so much, I had a very good Doctor, at the time I was ready to give birth, I was put in a room where a nurse dominated my contractions I didn’t feel any labor pain, so when it was time, they put me in the delivery room, that had too many doctors and nurses, our twins were .born feet first, it took a long time, finally our boy weight 8 1/2 pounds, our daughter weighed 7 pounds, they put me back in my room, 1/2 hour later I was being looked by 2 doctors, the head nurse refused the doctor to take me to the O.R.because I will not make it, at that moment, I had an out of body experience, and it was very very beautiful, and I was wearing a long white robe, sitting on a very long table with a table cloth that was so white, everything was white, then I saw a very long hallway in front of me and it had a big white door at the end, I sat their not moving then it all began to look gold, my robe ,the table cloth, the long hallway with the gold door, I did feel a something on my left shoulder, then I heard the doctor say she should be alright now, and I was back in my bed, that the front of my bed was elevated, the head nurse wanted me to have some tea, then to go back to sleep, I said no if I sleep I wont wake up. 2 days later I woke up wanting to see my babies, the nurse said look they are at the foot of your bed with 2 nurse who were wearing so bright white Hospital gown both had the same gold hair, they showed me my babies, 2 days later I was more awake, they sat me straight on my bed, and the two doctors came in, and each one of them were holding our babies….I stayed in the Hospital for 10 more days, my mom and dad brought Danny with them , so they all saw the twins ,Danny said Mommy come home now, but I had another week to stay, not getting out of my bed..then the Sunday I was really going home with the babies Mark and Michelle. Barry came and pick us up, my mother was coming home with us, their cribs were ready, Rosemary, I asked my husband Barry, if he was happy and he said No I am having an Affair. I said pack your bag and leave and he did.when I get sad I thing about the beautiful moments God gave me and the twins are now 47 years old, Barry begged me to come back…I said only for getting help from our Church…he agreed .God had to be with me, I was always asking him to be with me. I never shed a tear. The twins were very healthy. And so was Danny…..please believe me this is the first time I did share…to any one …
Dear Denise, wow what a life story. I just want to hug you in your honesty and vulnerability which speaks to all of us women to be brave also and love each other. God definitely had and has a plan for your life, praise God you remained , being a great mother to your children. May God continue to unfold you and bless you in your life. Makes me want to trust in Him more. Much love Rosemary. Don’t forget we are here for you!
Thank you doesn’t seem like a ‘big’ enough word to express how your reflection made me feel….but thank you! God bless you also Denise for being brave enough to share your story. Amazing.