19 May 2021
One of my favorite programs on television is a show called ‘Blue Bloods.’ About a Catholic family, the Reagans, where most of the members are policemen in the NYPD. The Father of the family is the Police Commissioner, the son of a former PC himself. The show has a human side to each problem, dilemma, storyline that is shown each week.
The other night I was watching a re-run. The only daughter in this Catholic Family is a Lawyer – a District Attorney, Erin Reagan. She was representing a youth in a suspected robbery. She was trying to stay focused on the role of lawyer by focusing on the possible judgement that may occur in the trial. But behind the scenes she was grappling with the youth’s background, upbringing and lack of formation. Erin went and had a private talk with her Dad. Not letting any private information out she asked his opinion, his wisdom as a Father, on her struggles. What I loved about the discussion was that putting aside the Law (for now) her Dad had some wonderful words of wisdom for her.
It made me stop and think!
Oh, to get wisdom that can help us in our lives, in choices, decisions we have to make.
The scripture that came to mind was in James 3:17.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
James 3:17 NIV
In the Message Bible (a translation of a translation – in everyday language) it describes wisdom this way…..
Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced.
James 3:17 MSG
We need to be full of God’s mercy, overflowing blessings towards people. Being gentle and sincere. Just like OUR LORD IS WITH US!
How often do we go and seek the Fathers wisdom, Our God’s wisdom, on stuff in our Lives?
How do I talk to my teenage son Lord?
How do I love when I’ve been hurt so badly by others?
How do I show mercy to others who have NOT shown mercy to me?
The answer is only found on the other side of forgiveness and the Grace of Mercy that God fills us up with.
It is not easy.
Some situations are very difficult to forgive. But God forgave us!
Ask the Holy Spirit for the Grace and the courage to forgive. To head towards the steps of mercy.
Blessings will flow for you. God will bring you Peace.
And so Erin Reagan went to work the next day and tried to help this Youth, as much as she could. He needed to take the punishment for his crime but she steered him into a Youth Program to help him start again. She presented to the Judge a way forward. A way full of mercy and compassion, not denying the need for justice.
It spoke to my heart because we all need the Mercy of God. Everything we have in life, even our next breath, is a gift from Him.
If we got what we deserved, we would not have our life. But Our Lord, stood in our place. From the cross he pleads to His Father for us “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
So, I am compelled out of Love for Christ to show Mercy and Compassion to others. Yes, even those who don’t deserve it. For I did not deserve it.
Cut people slack cause God cuts us slack all of the time.
Love prospers when a fault is forgiven,
Proverbs 17:9 NLT
but dwelling on it separates close friends.
Wisdom says to give to others what they need. They need the Lord Jesus Christ. Be merciful. Spread peace. Spread mercy.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
How often do we go and seek the Fathers wisdom, Our God’s wisdom on stuff in our Lives?
How do I show mercy to others who have not shown mercy to me?
Sharon Lewis
First thing I want to say is Thank You RoseMarie for all you do! I love all the heartfelt words that you say. I am learning so much about God and his mercy! I have lived all my life with alcoholism,mother,father,and been abused by my brother who has died, I forgave him before he passed. I’ve had problems listening toGod, but you have helped so much. I understand your words.
I’ve been married for 50 yrs,to the most negative and ignorant man. But thru the grace of God I have made it! So I just want to Thank you and God for helping me. God bless you and Bruce for all you do
Sharon Lewis
Patti Drummond
Good Morning Rosemary
I too watch Blue Bloods many reruns I love the show. I am new to your email sharing and I thank you for your reflection of the day for myself. Forgiveness and prayer. I am so blessed to have a dear friend Cheryl in my life and we call each other everyday on phone to pray together . Whenever two or three are gathered He is there.
God Bless you Rosemary
Patti 💞
Thank you for your words Rosemary. I understand a hurting heart and the need to forgive. I have been put through a lot emotionally, but a wise person taught me many years ago, you can’t hate those you pray for. I was going through so much hurt and pain! I am not going to lie, it was hard at first…praying for someone who destroyed you physically and emotionally. But each day that I prayed for those people, I grew stronger. My heart was focused on the Lord and his will for me, not my emotional state. I learned to live my life just one day at a time.
Denise Knowles
Thank you so much, for the words of Wisdom that you have your self..
I too have been hurt deeply, my sister was not always kind, she used to make fun of my nose, saying I have mom’s nose, but mom was beautiful, now I have a bit of skin cancer on my nose…I do go for treatment, when she was dying 2 years ago, I cried so much for her, because she had a very brutal life, she has 3 adults children and had a terrible husband that hurt her physically and emotionally, I cried for the love she never had…I did forgive her, but at times I remember all the nasty words she had for me. ….I’m always asking God to forgive me for feeling this way….God Bless You Rosemary PLT ….Praise the Lord
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for today’s jotting in your blog concerning forgiveness and mercy, especially to
those of us who don’t deserve it. It is always wise Rosemary that when we have been hurt or harbour
hurt from the past, to compare with the hurt that our Lord Jesus experienced, while He lived a human
existence, here on earth with us sinners.
Although my hurts have been very real and painful, they can’t compare to the hurts that Jesus
suffered. The betrayal from His own people, who one day were laying down their cloaks, palms in
their hands, cheering Him with praises ” Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” And
another day shouting ” Crucify Him!” , preferring Pilate, the Roman Governor to release a notorious
criminal than Jesus! The betrayal that came from Judas, one of His very own apostles, who would
have Jesus arrested and eventually put to death for 30 pieces of silver, and the other apostle, Peter
who denied knowing Jesus three times, for fear that he would have the same fate as his Lord.
All the insults and ridicules, all the lashes Jesus received, who had done nothing to anyone to
deserve this punishment and maltreatment. Then to carry the cross, the weight of all our sins,
all the way to Calvary, that He would finally be hung upon, for all to see. A slow and torturous way
to die. Above His head was the inscription, ‘King of the Jews’, His crime given by the Romans, the
High Priests had protested and asked to replace it with ‘ Jesus who said he was King of the Jews.’
Just how hard has it been for me to forgive those who have hurt me, and made life difficult for me?
To be honest it has not been easy. How hard must it have been for Jesus? It would be beyond comprehension!
Yet here was Jesus dying an agonizing death on the cross, asking His Father ” Father, forgive them, for they know not
what they are doing” The words Jesus said concerning all who were responsible for His punishment and death was
When we hurt others, make others suffer, do harm, say harmful things, lie, use violence and justify doing this,we
think we are in control and have power. We think the satisfaction we have by repaying evil with evil is the best and at
times delude ourselves, by thinking it’s the only way, Lord Forgive us for we know not what we are REALLY doing!!!
Rosemary I’m convinced that I am where I am today because the Lord God wants me to know LOVE and HOW
TO LOVE. I can honestly say to you that where I am was not my choice. I had made up my mind more than a decade ago
to be thankful to God that I wasn’t living where I am now! BUT HERE I AM! The Lord has me here for a purpose. As it says
in Romans 8: 28 We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His
God bless you Rosemary, in Christ’s Love, Valerie
Marci Valente
Thank you Rosemary for sharing your journal with us all. You have a big heart full of love for Our Blessed Lord and we are thankful He placed you in our lives. God bless💞🙏🌈🕊🇨🇦
Helene Williamson
Rosemary Blue Bloods is a show that both my husband and I watch every week. It is an awesome show. I just thought I would write to you to let you know that I think your writing is Blessed. I think you should write a book. You wisdom and love is shown in all that you write and speak about.
God Bless you abundantly