18 August 2021
The place was quiet except for the footsteps on the hard floor.
Then out of the silence came this angel’s voice. Pure, beautiful, powerful, rejoicing. the audience cheered. The chairs moved and the vision before the judges bowled them over.
The contestant finished her magnificent rendition of ‘Climb every mountain’ and the applause was deafening.
Then the words came…
“I don’t know if the judges turned their chairs because I am blind.”
Did they?
There was a unanimous “Yes!”
The lady at the centre of the stage with a small gasp and tears in her eyes said, “Oh – that is overwhelming.”
The scene was electric with emotion.
Out of my mouth came praises for my God that he could give such a gift to this lady.
That this lady had used and developed her craft to perfection.
No note was out of tune.
Imagine the angel choir in heaven, singing Gods praises –
Holy holy holy is the Lord.
Our God almighty!
In tune with magnificent harmonies – nothing that we have ever heard on earth! – for the glory of the Lord!
Here on Earth is just a taste of what we will have in Heaven.
We must remind ourselves of these things, otherwise we think the world is it.
The difficulties are gone, the danger, evil is no more. Praise be to God!
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you sometimes get stuck with all that you can see on Earth?
Do you need to remind yourself of the glory of God?
How can you use your gifts to praise God?
I did not receive your email event of the 14th August, nor my sister in South Africa,(fatimam.desouza12@gmail.com)
We would’ve loved to receive your video.
Thank you …..God bless you and ministry
That brings so much inspiration and searching your prayers fir our families. That my daughter and companion will baptise their new born baby Édouard In Jesus name snd holy spirit.to bring the love of God to this new born baby Édouard. I pray so much Thank you
Leonie Cornell
I love your insight into everyday life, Rosemary. I to love The Voice, and when I saw that lady be led out and how she sang with every emotion showing, I too was amazed. Thank you for your weekly jottings and all the ways you help us to centre ourselves in God. I am blessed to have you and your husbands messages in my life. May I bless others too.
Thank you Rosemary. I also saw the Lady you spoke of. What a Blessing & Gift from God that she has. I just marvel at the singing/voice gifts that God has given to people. Praise Him. Some very young people too. The Lady’s husband had two walking sticks to get around. They seemed so devoted to each other. Keep up your wonderful ministry Rosemary. Hugs Vivienne
I do await that glorious day when we join the choirs of heaven in praising our Heavenly Father.
Carla Villafana
What a beautiful event that must have been for that blind woman. How amazed the audience and judges must have been. May the Glory of God continue to be sung and shared by that beautiful soul.
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for describing what you heard and saw on the show the Voice and then how you compared this
to how you imagine what we will hear and see in Heaven! The awe that you described when hearing the lady sing
is very similar to the awe I have when seeing a magnificent sunset! The golden rays highlighting the trees and the
cockatoos spreading their wings in flight, behind are magnificent bands of pinks in the sky! I recall saying to a lady
I recognised on the bus ” No one can match God He is the Supreme Master Artist!” The Lady asked me to repeat
what i said as she didn’t hear it. So there I was having to say out loud what I said to her again, before getting off the
bus! If our Creator God can be so majestic, awe inspiring, so beautifully creative with what we see, hear and
experience here in His Creation, what must it be like in His Home in Heaven? !!!
God bless you Rosemary!