29 September 2021
The rumbles I had in the stomach were not good. The tiredness and light-headedness that came in waves showed no signs of abating, which again were not good.
I could not be sick now! I had too much to do! We were moving house. There was the final packing, the organising and then the cleaning.
But sometimes in life you cannot pick and choose. I just had to go with what was presented to me. Thank goodness for kind workers who work for my husband and the wonderful children I have!
I did as much as I could in between sitting on the couch or running to relieve my stomach. Oh, I hope no one else gets it. Hand washing and sanitising to the fore!
It smelt like a hospital.
The words that came to my mind were
“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
And Jesus often would take his disciples aside to rest when they had been working hard or overdoing it.
Funny but I had a sense of peace about it all.
Jesus does that! When you trust in Him in all things, even things like bugs that you have picked up, He gives you peace. Jesus sends peace to all who ask and accept it.
In peace I will both lie down and sleep;
Psalm 4:8 ESV
for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
It all got done. I don’t know what’s in any box but we packed it all and the house is clean! My unpacking may take a while due to not knowing where anything is but I’ve learnt to count my blessings. I’m a few pounds lighter, my clothes fit me better and my stomach rumblings are now due to hunger for it was 5 days without food.
What blessings can you count? Or are you the blessing for someone else?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you need to take time to rest physically? What can you do to make time to rest?
Do you feel peace from Jesus?
What blessings can you count? Or are you the blessing for someone else?
Mary coelho
I hope you are feeling better God bless Mary Coelho
Gabriele Williams
I found peace in my praying and felt Gods presence as I had so many emotional issues and care responsibility with obstacles from family to care for my 92yr old mother who was recently taken to hospital for physical health checks. She can no longer walk due to crippling arthritis. Mums mental state declined quickly whilst in hospital and it looked grim. They were recommending Mum goes into nursing home care. She had always said she wanted to die at home, like our father.
I asked God through Jesus name to help. Whatever he planned for her, so be it.
I asked help from God for myself to have knowledge and right judgement to deal with the complicated services and not being able to see Mum in hospital due to corona virus exclusions. It was a difficult time. Everyday that passed she became weaker and more memory loss. Stopped talking, stopped eating. Just drifting away.
God did intervene and We were able to get home help with special electric bed for easier movement a mattress that prevent pressure sores. and after 3 weeks were able to bring her home. Her appetite came back, she became more aware of her surroundings. Praise to God for all things.
Rosemary Downes
Dear Gabrielle, praise God your mum could come home just like you prayed snd like your mum wanted. God is gracious! What a blessing for you all
Valerie Lack
Hi Rosemary,
So sorry you had a tummy bug. Out of all the bugs we are prone to catching and apart from Covid, the gastric bug is the most awful and disgusting. For some reason, when I was younger, and bringing up our five children.( funnily enough we also had four daughters and a son}, if I was sickening for something, I would often feel terribly tired a few days before I became ill. I used to push myself so hard, because then, I thought I was just being lazy. My mother always told us to ” Listen to your body” She was wise. It took a long time for me to take her advice. Pleased you are feeling better now. May GOD bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
Best wishes
Thank God you have recovered, & praying your unpacking is going well, & you still have God’s peace. May it always be with you Rosemary & Bruce, your Family, & Ministry Team.
Cynthia Ross
Dear Rosemary, I am delighted to learn you have recovered from the bug. Moving house is always a challenge with so much work in it. I pray that our Lord will bless you and Bruce abundantly in your new home. I am so blessed with the daily devotion videos, your Heart Ministries, and Jottings from your Journal.
Carla Villafana
I know that when I do trust in Jesus things work out. I could not function without His love.