20 October 2021
Great times with family.
Great time with friends.
Reflecting upon the wonderful time we had on the weekend, it saddens me greatly when I hear of tragedies in our world. Death, destruction, abuse, isolation, persons missing, a whole people forgotten. Sitting in hopeless cycles. Who can help?
Then I read past stories of where God came to people and rescued them. In the book of Judith (found in Catholic bibles), this widow who trusted in her God was used by God to help rescue His people. She had to trust, pray and have courage and a plan, relying on God completely. God was ever faithful and came and saved her and his people.
Let us look at it in chapter 9 starting at verse 1 then from verse 6 to verse 12.
Judith fell prostrate, put ashes upon her head, and uncovered the sackcloth she was wearing. Just as the evening incense was being offered in the temple of God in Jerusalem, Judith cried loudly to the Lord: ….
Judith 9:1
“The things you decide come forward and say, ‘Here we are!’ All your ways are in readiness, and your judgment is made with foreknowledge.
“Here are the Assyrians, a vast force, priding themselves on horse and chariot, boasting of the power of their infantry, trusting in shield and spear, bow and sling. They do not know that you are the Lord who crushes wars;
Lord is your name. Shatter their strength in your might, and crush their force in your wrath. For they have resolved to profane your sanctuary, to defile the tent where your glorious name resides, and to break off the horns of your altar with the sword.
See their pride, and send forth your fury upon their heads. Give me, a widow, a strong hand to execute my plan.
By the deceit of my lips, strike down slave together with ruler, and ruler together with attendant. Crush their arrogance by the hand of a female.
“Your strength is not in numbers, nor does your might depend upon the powerful. You are God of the lowly, helper of those of little account, supporter of the weak, protector of those in despair, savior of those without hope.
“Please, please, God of my father, God of the heritage of Israel, Master of heaven and earth, Creator of the waters, King of all you have created, hear my prayer!
Judith 9:6-12
Firstly Judith came with an open, humble heart to God and called upon his mercy. The absolute trust in her God gave her courage and strength to work out a plan to stop the army invading.
But in verse 11 she declares some of the attributes of God that she knows – ‘the helper of the afflicted, the saviour of the hopeless.’
So when I look at the news I no longer feel helpless. I call upon my God to come and save. To come to all who are feeling hopeless – even those I don’t know personally but I do know a personal God who cares!!!!!!
Let us be like courageous Judith and do what we can do.
Read the story if you don’t know it and learn from a kin women who had to push through, had to help where she could and then in all of it rely on her God. Our God, the same God, will come to your aid.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Where do you need to be courageous in your life?
Where do you need to trust God and His plan?
What area of your life do you need to rely on God again?
Helene Williamson
Rosemary that was such a beautiful passage you focused on this week. It touched me greatly, as I tend to forget that God is always with me even if I don’t feel it. God Bless you and your team
Patricia Grandolfo
Thank you for reminding us that God is always with us and how much he loves us even when we fall short,on a daily basis. Prayers for your family your team and the amazing work you do to bring this message to the world. In Jesus’ Holy name. Amen 🙏✝️
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for such an extraordinary, encouraging message!!! I will read Judith!!! I may have read this Book of Judith a long time ago and I believe I need her kind of faith and courage to face the challenges that I face at present! After I have read the Scripture passages, I might come back and say more! May the Lord bless you Rosemary and all who do great work in this special ministry, including Emma! Please keep up the good work for us all and most important for the glory of God!