27 October 2021
The evening started out fine. Four little ones, ages ranging from 7 down to 18 months. I was babysitting for my son and his wife who were celebrating a wedding anniversary by having a night away from the kids. Yes, I was staying overnight (with Bruce) looking after their tribe.
Bruce was still at work, so I fed them all, played with them for a while, started to read them stories to relax them before bed and got them in their pj’s.
Three of them slept in one room in this three-way bunk bed. So, we said prayers together then tucked them all in and left the room with the youngest, Abigail, on my hip. I gave her a bottle, changed her nappy and tried to put her down when Mackenzie came out of the room saying she needed cream on her sores. So, I quickly left the little one in the TV room with her bottle to go put some soothing cream on her sores. The two boys were fast asleep.
Finally, back in the TV room with the little one who had started to cry out, I cuddled her for a bit then after putting her in her sleeping bag put her in her cot. She did not go down straight away but after the third go was successful. As I sat down Mackenzie walked out again saying her sores still hurt so back I went with her to help her as best as I could.
After they all fell asleep, I sat down to wait for Bruce who still was not home yet. I started watching TV, whatever spy show that was on when I heard a noise and went to check on the kids. Mackenzie had no blankets on and was scrunched up in a ball and was cold so I pulled up the sheet and blanket and tucked her back in. Freddie was good, fast asleep but Emmett was wrapped in his blankets so tightly twisted I had to untwist him to make him more comfortable. He woke as I was unravelling them from around his leg. He stated his leg was hurting so I started massaging it. Then half asleep he asked for cream – so I pretended to moisturise while still massaging it. Then he wanted me to pat his back.
As I knelt on the side of the bed patting his back I had a picture of God the Father patting our backs, comforting us as we his children cry out to him.
We are hurting. He comes.
We are feeling anxious. He is there.
We can’t sleep. We are concerned about tomorrow, He sends His peace. He helps us!
For Jesus stated – if we as parents give good things to our children surely God who is way more good than us will send good gifts and things to us.
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Matthew 7:11 NIV
Bruce finally rocked up at 10 pm as I was heading for bed (because the baby or any of the others could wake in the middle of the night – they did twice) and we were up at 6.35am.
He stated, “Well that was easy babysitting”, as he climbed into bed beside me. Oh, I had a little chuckle. He just never knew how much we Mum’s do, for he is such a heavy sleeper and never hears anyone wake in the night!
Oh, it reminded me so much of what my God, who protects and guides me, does for me.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you cry out to God and ask Him to comfort you in your life?
Have you had moments in your life when you are reminded that God protects and guides you?
Lovely story Rosemary I think the children are very blessed by having such loving Grandparents. Wonderful to think that God cares for us even better.
Denise Knowles
Hello Rosemary, Barry and I baby sat our grandchildren more then a few times, everything went well, they had a snack an hour before bed time, and there not allowed to watch television. They were, 15, 6, 2, but their mom had been sick a lot,..I heard the little one crying, for his mommy, the 6 year old woke up, he was crying, so I stayed in the boys room, I read them a book about Jesus sending 2 holy Angels to sing to the little children when they don’t sleep, then the 15 year old got up came in the boys bedroom,, then Barry came up, our 15 year old granddaughter said ,gramma you know why we’re all crying, our mom doesn’t want to hug us any more, she said we don’t need it,. So my husband said let’s all go downstairs..their parents our son his wife was very sick…We all sat on the couch holding hands, and just cuddle up, their mommy was in the hospital, and our son was with.her,We knew she was very sick with cancer at 36 years old.. that night they operated on her our son was so afraid to loose her, my husband said I’l go to the hospital and stay with him..so the kids and I were we hugged and prayed,then we all look at each other, and fell the peace of Jesus, the children said Gramma its like the book you were reading to us upstairs, so Jesus heard your prayers and He’s send down 3 angels, so I said lest go up and get in bed, and your Holy Angel are here for each one of you.our15 year old said lest go in the big bed that my parent share, so we did, Barry text me said they don’t think she’ll pull trough. Well although it was late, I called our Priest for him to get the whole Prayer Group to pray..but she will be in the hospital for a long time, I called her family 1500 hundred miles away, they would fly down the next day..4 days later she came home, the children were so happy, they hug her, but she didn’t respond. Our son told us, they stopped the surgery, she still has a brain tumor. We pray all the time for all of them. She’s home stays in their bedroom upstairs…she doesn’t talk to any one, not even the children..and Danny our son.
I wept for you and the children.
May God give you His words and comfort as you protect and love those children. May they each know God’s presence in a real way.
Father God, I also pray for their dear Mum as she faces this difficulty. Jesus I pray healing through your precious blood shed for us, but most of all, may she know you as her personal Saviour.
Peace to that home, in Jesus’ name.
I’ll be praying for you all.
Isabel Batongmalaque
Praying for my children as they raise their own children and move forward with their own lives, may the Good Lord always protect them, Amen.
Such a beautiful way of relating God’s love for us…so simply put and so meaningful.
God Bless you and your team.
Marjorie Jobb
Did you received my comments, right now , we needs prayers for my family, life is just not for us right now 💔💔💔
Thank you
Rae Dodd
Beautifully written Rosemary . Thank you for sharing, we do tend to forget sometimes that God is there for us, especially when frustration in situations takes over in stead of remembering God is there always for us and just to hand it over to him. Blessings for today.
Vivienne Chapman
Beautiful story Rosemary. Such a great grandparent. A chuckle at Bruce’s comment. Only the Lord knows a Mother’s life. Blessings all round. Thanks for sharing a very touching story.
Helen Garrick
not always so positive
7 yr old granddaughter didn’t feel like wiping her sticky hands before sitting down to watch tv
gentle persuasion didn’t help so I turned off the tv
first I disarmed her of the broom as she tried to hit me
then I disarmed her of a large stick
hands wiped well done inky .tv back
but she screamed at me because she had lost her program
silence for a while
then my daughter arrived home
inky immediately yelled at me
go home Nana .I hate you
I guess God had his own special plans that day,!