29 December 2021
The sunset was a spectacular orange colour. Crowds of people were enjoying God’s wonderful display of His glory. The heat had drawn them out, all trying to find a cool breeze. I was captured by the hues and wonder of God’s creation. The ocean was clear as glass and cool to the touch. I breathed in the beauty. It made me wonder how many times have I just taken sights like this for granted. How many times I have not appreciated what God has given to us. Since Christmas Eve, after the church service we went to, I had been overcome with more appreciation of what God has done for all of us, for me. He sent us His Son born into a humble family, born in a stable. Simple. Glorious in its simplicity. Angels singing his praises. Announcing His birth. God has blessed me with new eyes to see, new ears to hear, a new heart to feel and love.
On Christmas Day I heard a child’s giggle, a muffled whisper and all the excitement that comes from little children around the Christmas tree. Before we started the gift giving, we gave thanks and praise to God who we acknowledged had given us the greatest gift of all – himself. Prayers of many came to my mind as I was sitting there. Prayers penned, voiced and oh so many that were not stated but God knew. God saw. God read our hearts. The following words were so true. When you pray, God listens. When you listen, God talks. When you believe, God works. More and more my faith, my belief, my trust in my God is expanding. He is amazing. He gives exceedingly. He is audacious in His generosity. He has always been this way. I am just seeing it more for the first time. I desire to bend my knee more. To bow my head to the God of all.
And so in the prayers we have offered up to this Almighty God I trust many will have miraculous stories of answered prayer. Many will point to God’s hand saving them. Many will see God’s goodness turning around situations. This wonderful, all loving God loves each of us. Sending us His Son displays this. The gorgeous sunset for us to all enjoy displays this. Oh, breathe in not only the sights but the Spirit of God who lives and moves and is in our being. Ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes and hearts to see this and more. So, I’m going to sit here a while longer, enjoying this sunset. Enjoying the beauty of God.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you enjoy the beauty of God’s creation?
Through prayer what situations to do you need to ask God to come into?
Here where I am we are experiencing an extreme and unusual cold snap. It has created a frozen wonderland. I was fortunate to be able to spend a day in the mountains at my son’s cabin. The grandeur of the mountains, the snow-covered trees and the huge sparkling icicles took my breath away and filled me with awe and gratitude. I just had to sing “How Great Thou Art”.
Denise Knowles
Dear Rosemary, how fortunate you are to be living in such a beautiful Country, We also do have beautiful sunset over our Hamilton Bay when we have our summer, in our Province now we are having freezing rain, and it will continue until New Year, We don’t celebrate New Year Eve here, we start our New Year’s day by going to Mass, and looking at all the beautiful Christmas trees, and point settas, for the Midnight Mass at Christmas, and of course our beautiful Manger in front of the Altar, where you see Mary and Joseph adoring the Baby Jesus who has his arms extended to you, and you kneel down, I just wanted to pick Him up and hug Him, how Precious He is, Then the Mass begins, We were sitting in the front pews, I could hear what Our Bishop Crosby was saying all the prayers, then the 1st reading then the 2nd reading then the Gospel, it warms you totally and I was not able to take my eyes away from Baby Jesus.telling Him all the Fuss we make for Him, An hour 1/2: We all received the Special Benediction when Bishop Crosby put His arms forward and Blessed all .the community…and pray for all, to get home safe.
The roads were very icy too dangerous to drive, once you got home, you put the car in the garage and it stayed there. We go to our Suite and put the fireplace on, eat a hot bowl of homemade stew with thick French bread, our conservation is always about our Mass , then we text our family ,no one is taking chances to take their car out. Freezing rain for the next 2 or 3 days, but it’s very pretty to see the trees branches all decorate with ice garland
Dear Rosemary,How I have been inspired by your gentle but powerful ministry particularly to women. You have a wonderful God given gift..I am learning to fall in love with Jesus all over again in d8fficult circumstances. Thank you so very much.I look forward to connecting with ladies that are eager to spend time 8n God’s presence. From Carol