2 February 2022
Burning the candle at both ends is not a good idea. You can do it for a time but then it catches up on you. I know there are seasons when this can occur but my body is wearing thin (If only – no weight loss, disappointing sigh!) The legs ache, the eyes are dry, the head throbs, the shoulders are tight and the clock ticks away. 11pm. 12pm. 1pm. Oh dear.
My 3, soon to be 4-year-old grandson, Emmett, left his blankee at my work a few days ago and I have been sending him messages and pictures showing his doggy blankee watching the television, helping me with my work, even sleeping in my bed. This is what will continue to occur until his Mum can come and get it for him.
But to no avail it does not work for me. Emmett’s blankee does not help me sleep, like it does him.
I’ve tried slowing my breathing down. Making my mind think of nothing. It’s not working!!!!!
Oh, it is so frustrating when you want to sleep and can’t get there.
And so, on an ongoing basis I turn to God.
I start saying some rote prayers like the Our Father and the Hail Mary. Over and over. My brain can say them fluently, without thinking and they settle me. Nearly every time I wake in the early hours of the morning around 3 or 4 am and I had dropped off to sleep. Maybe only for a few hours but at least a few. I’ve often asked God to refresh me in those few hours as if it is 8 hours sleep.
I desire to work diligently and hard for God right now in my life. I’m at an age where I have already done my career, my children are all grown and having children of their own. I’m able and equipped to focus more now on God’s work, God’s ministry for me.
So, it is soooooooo frustrating to be tired most of the time. Why?
I have and am still checking out healthwise if there is a reason for it, for the lack of being able to sleep. But I am learning to give that tiredness over to God. May He use it for whatever purpose. May all things – even this tiredness – work for good in my life and others.
I am surrendering to God the few hours I have where I have energy. I am asking Him to replenish me physically and if he does not, to be content with that. He has the greater picture, the perfect plan for my life.
He is the BREATH of LIFE. This physical depletion of life has made me have a craving for, a hunger for, a desire for more of this SPIRIT of LIFE in my life. If I feel low without the energy for the body, how would I feel without the energy for my soul?
Praise God HE is working on my mind, body and soul continuously and HIS LOVE never wanes.
Is there anything in your life, that is not going to plan? Is there anything in your life that needs handing over to God so that He can work good out of it? Do you have anything in your life that needs continual prayer over and over?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
What is not going to plan in your life?
Do you need to hand it over to God?
Do you have anything in your life that needs continual prayer over and over? Who could you ask to pray for your needs and in return you could pray for their needs?
Rosemary I understand exactly what you are saying. Why is it we are so tired and go to sleep only to wake up a few hours later wide awake! I do as you do pray to our awesome God and ask him to help me put my mind at rest and go back to sleep!! As you said sometimes it the Our Father and other prayers that I just repeat again and again! Most times it relaxes me and I can finally fall back to sleep! I feel like I am being watched over and his spirit is with me!!
Diane McDonald
Rosemary as we get older I find that my sleep is disturbed waking so often each night. I too pray for all those I am called to pray for or the Hail Mary or just a Mantra Jesus I trust in you. My husband is worse and sleep evades him too. We understand your frustration and like you we will give it over to God and see what happens. Love and blessings, Di X
How wonderful it is to give -even our lack of sleep- over to God. I so enjoy a “Nanna Nap” when I am not working but need Gods refreshing energy most of the time.It is wonderful to know others are frustrated like me and have learnt to turn to God.It encourages me to persevere. Gods blessings to you
Lorraine Good
I understand how you feel Rosemary, there are days even when I get a good night’s sleep, I wake up tired in the morning and never seem to have enough energy or I just don’t feel like doing anything. I went to the doctor and she told me that she thought I was burnt out. I don’t find a lot of joy in life right now. I pray but I am not consistent. I want a closer relationship with God but aside from praying and going to church every Sunday, I don’t know how to get that feeling of a warm hug from my God.
I am not working hard to try to stick to my weight loss program, I have stopped drinking Rum. It has a very bad side effect for me. I ask God to help me but I am sure I am not consistent enough.
I am very grateful for my 3 sons whom I raised pretty much on my own. My husband died when I was 26. He was only 28. I was 7 months pregnant with my second son. I worked full time, My boys are a blessing and they are all successful. Their wifes are wonderful people and my 5 grandchildren are adorable. I have much to be thankful for. I would like it if you would pray for me. I ask for prayers for others usually but today I need prayers to give me strength. I am 72 years young and I have a lot more life to enjoy.
I enjoy reading your jottings. God bless you for the work you do.
Lorraine Good
Dear Lorraine, I love your description of 72 years young! Thats what I think too. In Psalm 92 verse 13-14 it states for those who are planted in Christ- the righteous-
the righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon, they are planted in the house of the Lord, they flourish in the courts of our God
No matter our age if we stay /abide in HIM we will flourish and produce fruit. So even though we may be tired at times and not sleeping as well as we used to. God uses us magnificently.
You encourage me! so hopefully I am encouraging you to continue to perservere. God has NOT finished with you yet. You still have more to give to your family, your community and society. May HIS Name be praised. much love Rosemary
Oh it is so good to hear of others going through the same scenarios and how they cope and how they turn to the Lord in prayer too! it is comforting to know others are praying or at least trying to in the wee hours.
May His name be praised! May we all get some sleep but definitely refreshment from the Lord for our minds. bodies and souls!
Hi Rosemary ,thank you for your inspirational words always . Like you , and Lynne in her comment have said , I also get a few broken hours sleep overall every night ., always counting up the number of hours to try and reach enough to be able to function next day !!!! When I wake I find to whisper JESUS slowly that this helps me , also if one prays to the Holy Souls it’s helps too .
I often go to sleep repeating The Lord’s Prayer, the Apostle’s Creed, etc. My husband passed away 18 months ago. My problem is the dreams that I have. Sometimes he is in them, but most nights I weave aspects of daily living into disturbing occurrences. Not nightmares, but bad enough for me to wake up exhausted.
Valerie Lack
Re question 1.
Everything is unfolding, gently.
Question 2
I handed all my burdens and troubles to GOD, a long time ago. It took a while, not to go and retrieve them, at regular intervals, but am learning.
Question 3.
My constant and earnest prayer?
That would be,”please GOD stay with me hold my hand never let it go. Lead me, guide me. Without you I am nothing, can do nothing. Thank you for a life full of blessings. I love you.