I Stand on God’s Promises
The thoughts come and go and so too the feelings of sadness. Loss does that. The questions still pop into my mind. Again, loss does that. But the stability in my life remains the same.
I stand upon the promises of God, who is faithful and true.
Some of the thoughts whirling around in my limited brain……..
He will never leave us orphaned. I turned to Psalm 46:10 and John 14:18.
“Be still and know I am with you, be still I am the Lord, I will not leave you as orphans, (or the comfortless), I will come to you.”
God will never leave us when we face tribulations. Even when there appears no hope, Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. My thoughts were acknowledging that I am not God and don’t know His mind. But I do know His heart for us – the Father’s heart of love.
Many of us know the poem ‘Footprints’, where a man complains that God left him when tough things in his life occurred. At the beginning of the journey there were two sets of footprints. Jesus replies – ‘do you see those one set of footprints in the sand, part way through. That is when I carried you.’
Then I read a quote from a Christian author, Bob Goff – who is a very positive inspirational wise man, and it made so much sense:
“God doesn’t owe us an explanation every time He does something we don’t understand yet.”
Jesus did say one day, in heaven, all will be revealed. God IS THE AUTHOR OF LIFE. HE IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA. The beginning and the end. He is God!
I share all of these thoughts to encourage others who may struggle to know – why God?
This life on earth is just a way-station. A place where we live for a time. We are all just passing through. Each have different tickets with different times on them. But we all, one day, reach our destination. Either Heaven with the Lord or Hell – that other place that often we don’t want to talk about.
That is the reality of life. But in light of who God is – a great reality – not to be feared.
And so this week we celebrate our friend’s life, oh the beautiful memories that make me chuckle. He always loved a good laugh. Now he is just having the chuckle with His God and all the angels and saints.
Who do you remember with fond thoughts?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Who do you remember with fond thoughts?
Do you have scriptures that comfort you when you need them?
Carol Christophers
Rosemary thank you so much for sharing, your thoughts & truth of God’s word give me God’s courage & hope for right now & also in the future God bless you mightily
Mona Torres
Thank You so much for sharing these scriptures with us Rosemary, they are encouraging thoughts for me, today is my niece fourth death anniversary and she has been on my mind. we were only 6 years apart but got along like if we were sisters. I will be praying these scriptures again Thank You for sharing. Blessing To You & Everyone in the group.
deanna Francke
Thank you Rosemary for sharing such beautiful thoughts. I always have fond memories of my parents who left us 10, 15 years ago they are always close to my heart.
I pray that God will bless you. Bruce & the team abundantly. 💟✝🙏
Christine Dobson
My foster mother, it took her 20 years to realise I was going to be the only daughter she would ever have., after I had married and had a daughter of my own Mum E asked for forgiveness as she had always treated me as a boarder.
My special scriptures are knock and the door will be opened and Jesus wept.