I Need God.
It started a few months ago and has been building ever since. My awareness of my frailty. Humanity’s frailty.
The world right now is in Crisis everywhere.
If it’s not covid and trying to cope with this virus and the effect on people lives (many have died, many staying sick longer, and also many affected livelihoods, where does it stop?) then its climate change problems, floods, fires, earthquakes, and now wars that are escalating.
Some of this is man-made from greed of power and possessions. But much is out of our hands, out of our control. All of these things can affect our Life here on Earth.
What control do I have? I can only control myself. Actually, that’s where it all needs to start – with me.
We can only change ourselves, and even that is so hard. Just looking at me and knowing me… If I’m going to get healthier, fitter I am the one who needs to try and change my diet, change my exercise habits. But I know how slack I am in that area.
I’m so slack in many areas of my life, but even where I try really well, I fall short.
Even in John 5:30 AMP Jesus says
‘I can do nothing on my own initiative or authority.” It all comes from the Father. Jesus goes on to say that “…I do not seek my own will, but only the will of Him who sent me.”
If Jesus, the Son of God, knows that everything comes from the FATHER and seeks after His will, how much more do we need to seek after God’s will for us.
God has all authority.
God has all care and love for us. It is HE who gives us LIFE from the beginning and gives us eternal Life going forward due to the sacrifice of His Son.
I need to seek God more. I need Him more and more. That ever-deepening relationship of Love. And I am the ONLY one who can seek that out. God offers it to us every second of every day. Don’t Waste the time and Not seek Him. How much time do we have?
Our lives are frail. All people of the World are frail and just as I NEED GOD in my Life, NOW and FOREVER, so do ALL who live here.
What, who do you need?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Have you reflected on our human frailty lately?
What has it revealed to you about yourself?
Has it caused you to turn to God more? If so, why do you think it has?
Love your journal jotting! For some reason the email regarding Weight loss only came through once😢 and today I failed to receive the March 1st program🤷🏻♀️ Hoping I won’t miss the Lenten messages! The engine pray room was never received either, but I pray for Gods to continue to use this ministry and hope to be more of a financial partner in the future! Your team is amazing and reinforces what being a Catholic since I was 14 1/2.! At 75 I share everything about your ministry, with those who believe and those who don’t!
Valerie Lack
Yes, a lot to how frail human beings are. Physically and mentally.
It has revealed my imperfections, exaggerated them. This past week has been a dark night of the soul, so to speak.
Turning to GOD has been my salvation.
Deanna Francke
Thank you Rosemary for your journal jottings. It is so true that we can do nothing without God look at our world what a mess it is in right now viruses, climate change, floods, wars.
All of these things only God can fix or show us how to fix them if we let Him. I think we need to approach God in all of these circumstances & beg of Him to change these circumstances for the better. For only God can fix these problems as it appears to be getting too hard for man alone.
I pray that God will bless you, Bruce & the team abundantly. 💟✝🙏
Debra johnson
Thank you for all you do. I enjoy your letters. I also didn’t get the weight loss info.
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for your very relevant journal jotting, concerning our human frailty and if this has caused me to think of my own. Yes it has!!! Especially knowing that I can’t physically stop covid, wars, floodings, deaths all on my own!!! Not to mention personal problems that are having negative impact on my family as well as myself. Unemployment and the fear of a lack of finances to cover a change of lifestyle for our well being. Having to confront ageism. Family members and relatives scattered and distant. Continuing lack of
friends… and so much more that is out of my control! BUT I THANK GOD THAT HE IS IN MY LIFE!!! Otherwise it could be unbearable!!!
It is such consolation, comfort, reassurance to know that I can SURRENDER ALL TO THE LORD including my cares, problems, and know
that I can lean on Him, rely on Him, trust Him with ALL of my life, including my loved ones. And those who are in far off countries, that are in worse predicaments than me, that I feel totally helpless to assist them!!! But God who hears my prayers HAS GOT THE BIGGER PICTURE of each and everyone of our lives!!! Including my own!!! Thank You Lord God!!!