Where is the Spirit Leading You?
It was school holidays. And as it so happens my little three-year-old granddaughter did not sleep in as her parents would have liked. She woke up her usual early time and came into their bedroom.
“Time to wake up.”
There was no movement in the big bed but a groan.
“I’m ready for breakfast.”
Again, no movement but a deep voice from her Dad from the depths of the blankets said
“You go, I’ll meet you there.”
She replied, “I’ll help you.” And proceeded to pull off all of the blankets.
Because her Mum was holding onto the blankets on her side of the bed and would not let go, she said “Excuse me, Mum, I need to move it.”
When I heard this story, I laughed out loud. Memories came flooding back. Times when you could maybe sleep in a bit, but the little ones had other plans. Then I heard the Holy Spirit whisper into those memories, “Remember when you were so comfortable in your life, you did not want to move. Remember when I had to literally ‘pull the blankets off’, ‘pull the rug from underneath you’ to get you to go to the next level, to go to where I wanted you to go. You resisted. You wanted to stay where you were comfortable.”
Memories again came flooding back.
I was 18 years of age. The Lenten season was approaching and in my prayer, I was asking God to guide me to “what to give up”, “what to take on?” for my 40 days of penance. I can’t say I heard audible words, but I definitely felt the tugging of the Spirit on my “Blanket of shyness.” I was quite shy. I am the youngest of twins and often let my older sister (by 5 minutes) stand up for me, speak for the both of us, it felt comfortable. But the Spirit was telling me “Excuse Rosemary, I need to move more in your life. Let go.”
And so it started, this hard road of not standing in the background, speaking up, stepping out….gulp, gulp…..
It was a long journey of encouragement by the Holy Spirit in my life. I felt the Spirit share with me that if I was to be used by God, the way He wanted, I needed to be bolder, I needed to come forward, to take charge…. I did not fully understand that for many years……who would have guessed that I would be preaching, teaching, sharing, writing a blog, being on videos?????? And it is still unfolding.
Oh yes there are many times when I crawl back into my shell, where I am safe. But as a Christian we need to walk like what was shared to Timothy, what was shared to me.
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline
2 Timothy 1:7 NIV
for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7 NRSV
The scripture goes on to say – do not be ashamed to testify about Our Lord but continue to preach regardless of the circumstances, in accordance with the power of God for He delivered us and saved us and called us with a holy calling, a purpose….. (AMP)
And so, I was asked by God through His Spirit that lives within me, to let go of the covers and move into the realm of the unknown, for my Life’s purpose.
Where is the Spirit leading you?
Do you need to let go of your “covers of safety” and move where the Spirit guides you?
God has already designated your purpose, have you discovered it yet?
Do you trust in Him for your Life?
Only you can answer those questions.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Where is the Holy Spirit leading you?
What do you need to do to step out of your comfort zone and follow the lead of the Holy Spirit?
Valerie Lack
Dear Rosemary,
I can so much relate to your story of shyness. I was afraid to speak out for such a long time, particularly in public.
It wasn’t until I became a Suzuki music teacher , that finally my voice began to speak. One occasion forced the issue.
The founder of the Suzuki Method , died and our Queensland branch held a memorial service. Our president, who was a good friend of mine, wanted an item to complete the program. I tend to think and feel in verse, so wrote a poem , which the president thought suitable to put on the program. I asked that someone else would deliver it on the day.
The day arrived and as we sat down, I was told that they wanted me, to get up in front if a whole roomful of people and recite the verse..
It was my worst nightmare. However , no backing out. Afterwords someone told me, that I never once made eye contact with the audience. I really was quite I’ll for several days after the event. I am sure that it was only by the grace of GOD, t hat I ever managed to do what was asked of me. It has never been as difficult since that day.
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for sharing how the Holy Spirit has helped you on your Journey to proclaim the Gospel by your life, your Heart video messages, pod casts and this very special Blog. I have been praying as to what is the Lord’s Will for this season in my life. Where
does the Lord want me to be, what He wants me to do, which Catholic Church does He want me to attend. So far I haven’t had a clear answer as such. I may have to pray that the Holy Spirit will have to lead me and guide me. Although while praying my PERSONAL Prayers I did have the Scripture passage pop up in my mind to not worry and to strive first for the Kingdom of God and all these thing shall be added to you as well. I would very much appreciate your prayers Rosemary and Praying Team, to hear the voice of God from behind me say, whether I turn to the left or to the right that, ” This is the way, walk in it”. May The Lord keep blessing you Rosemary and all in the Heart ministry.