Is Jesus part of your normal conversation?
The chatter in the backseat was non-stop but very enjoyable. Three of my grandchildren, Freddie who is 7, Mackenzie who is 6 and Emmett who is 4, were in my care for the day, and I had just picked them up from school.
Freddie was talking about meeting the other two when they were babies and had just come home from the hospital. He was describing how little they were and so cute and that he had cuddled them. They were asking him questions about themselves and he was trying to remember. He then sighed and said out loud, “They were enjoyable, the good old days.”
I had to smile.
“The good old days at the age of seven!” I wonder where he had heard that sentence before?
Then they started talking about presents they had received as babies and Mackenzie spoke to me saying what she had received for her last birthday. Some “Rosemary” beads from her Great Grandma and Jesus was on the cross at the end of them.
Emmett then piped up, “Yes, Jesus – On the cross still!”
Again, I smiled.
Their conversation then went on to state Jesus was now no longer dead but had Risen at Easter. They remembered the stories they had heard and read.
Emmett piped up again, “but Jesus is still on the cross?”
So, I started to explain why Jesus was still depicted upon the cross but yes, He has Risen.
The conversation then went onto other things and so I quietly reflected upon all that we had talked about – the importance of their family and how a child wanted to know where they fitted in and that they were wanted. Do we not want that too? Do we not want to know where we fit in? That we are wanted and loved.
I marvelled how Jesus was just a normal conversation of their lives and that they were not embarrassed by Him, about talking about Him to each other and by me being there. I marvelled and thought upon how all children love to hear stories about themselves, stories full stop. How we as parents have so often used Storytime before bed as a calming time, an enjoyable relaxing time. Stories that are real or make believe but full of hope and adventure. Even ones that may need explanation if they don’t fully understand.
Is Jesus part of our normal conversation? Can He even be a normal part of our conversation, or do we live in difficult circumstances? How much we don’t yet even understand but love to hear stories about ourselves, of the good old days, of reminiscing of the past but also hope for the future, not just living in the past.
It is so important to reflect upon, and learn from our past, the good and bad situations. How we coped or did not cope. To reflect on who we can depend upon.
It is so important for us to know how we go forward into the future that lies ahead, with Jesus who died and rose again for us – for you, for me. He is “still” on the cross for all of Humanity, giving of Himself for all of us.
The stories that God shares with us are not make believe but TRUE and full of hope and adventure. The stories in the bible are depictions of humanity’s walk on the earth, of humanity seeking for answers and of God always being there and answering those questions. It is a Love story of God to us.
People have not changed all that much over the centuries. We still all have a basic need to be loved – for this comes from God, our creator, who is love. A basic need to be useful. A need to answer, “where do I fit in?”
God has ALL of those answers for us. Have you asked Him? Have you sought for the answers to your questions? What’s in your heart?
What’s in God’s heart for you?
Have you even sought this out?
It is never too late to ask Him.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Are you challenged to talk about Jesus in your normal conversations?
Do you seek out God’s heart for you? What could you do to begin to seek out God’s heart?
Where you do you feel God has shown you the answers to some of the questions we seek? eg. Where do I fit in?
Carla Villafana Villafana
Thank you Rosemary. These are good questions to think about. I feel that many days God has shown me some how what I can do to fit into his plans. Not always easy to understand but I do feel, if I listen, I could “hear” him guiding me.
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for sharing with us once again a lovely conversation you had with your grandchildren! I regret that I didn’t have these kind of conversation with my son, within my family. Now I see how very challenging it is to bring up in conversation anything about God, without bringing up jokes and ridicule! How things have changed in these past 36 years!!! I may have the odd opportunity to bring up a conversation about the Lord with my siblings and sometimes with my Mum, and I thank the Lord for these moments!… I often find myself sharing with the Lord in a quiet room on my own and on several occasions the Lord speaks to me through the Sacred Scriptures on a very relevant circumstance, on what I may be feeling or thinking. Sometimes the Lord may plant words in my mind that I hear mentioned at Mass, in the Daily Devotionals, in the Heart messages, even most surprising, in a film! At other times I may not understand fully a passage of Scripture then not long after it is explained to me via the internet, through videos, both by you or Bruce or by another Catholic Website! Once in a while I may see an ad printed on a wall or on a side of a truck that relates in a strange way to what I was reading in the Sacred Scriptures!… I could go on Rosemary but I won’t as my comments are long!!! I usually seek God’s heart quietly in prayer and especially when I am not fitting in with the present conversation or present situation I find myself in. It must feel like a real blessing for you Rosemary that you can talk about Jesus openly within your family, your husband Bruce, your children and grand children, in Catholic groups, in this blog, in communication with other Catholic and Christian women via the Heart Messages, within the Church community and most important heart to heart with our Lord!!! May the Lord keep blessing and inspiring you in your messages, blogs and pod casts, along with Emma and with the Heart ministry, and of course may the Lord keep blessing your 40 years of marriage with Bruce and all your family, including the lovely grandchildren!!!