I Had a Stressful Day!
I had to laugh when I sat down to write this blog. I had just spoken on how to cope with stress on our latest Heartbeat and guess what God sent me this day? A situation where I had to put into practice coping with stress or forever ‘eat my words’.
I had just dropped Bruce off at the airport and was driving a van that had been given to us to use. I was in another city and did not know the roads at all. Well, this side of the city anyway. The van was a late model and did not have GPS in it or even a plug to keep my phone charged while I used my phone with the GOOGLE MAPS setting for directions.
Knowing this about the van I had come prepared with an outside charger that I had plugged my phone into. It had happened to me before, in another city, where my phone had died, and so my Maps navigation was null and void and I was lost, driving around in a thunderstorm, but that is another story. I did not want that to happen again to me!
I happily was following the Maps and made my way back to where we were staying. Before going home, I had driven to the shops to get some groceries and other items on my list. This was late afternoon.
As I drove into the carpark of the apartment where we were staying, I put the car into reverse so I could reverse into the parking bay designated to us. The car stopped. The engine had spluttered and would not start. The battery light came on, but the car would not fire. After trying it for a few times I decided to wait and try again soon. Maybe I had flooded the engine too much. Something I vaguely remember happening when I was a child to my Dad with his old car.
To no avail, it would not start up.
The problem was I was halfway into the parking bay, sticking out so that NO other car could come or go from the Carpark for the units.
I breathed deeply.
Said a prayer heavenward. And tried again.
I sent many prayers heavenward again, about the car starting, sending someone to help etc.
Just then God sent me a guardian angel. A man had come to take down the real estate sign for a unit that had been sold. I approached him and asked if he would push the van into the parking bay more so it would not block the driveway.
So, I steered, and he pushed. Finally, after a period of time, we got the van in more of the parking bay so it was not a hindrance to other cars coming and going.
After thanking my angel, I rang Bruce. He was on a train and said he could not hear me but would ring back. By this time, I was a ball of perspiration. I decided to empty the car of the groceries and other items while I was waiting for him to ring me back. After eight trips, there and back, going up the carpark stairs to the unit I was dripping in sweat. I had to do so many trips due to the awkwardness of some of the items. Like a clothes hoist, an iron, an ironing board.
I missed Bruce several times calling me back because also in different parts of the carpark there was no phone signal. Finally getting onto him again and sharing with him about the van, I had to wait for the Car Breakdown Service and the man who had loaned us the car. This was now one and a half hours since the van had “Conked it”. It was now getting to be around dinner time.
The Car Breakdown Service and the man who owned the car arrived around the same time. The repairman could not fix the problem, but he got it started and said it needed to be booked into a mechanic to see what the issue was.
The gentlemen then said he had another little car we could borrow while this occurred, but could I drive to his Mum’s house right now to pick it up. So, following him in the van, which at least was now working, we travelled half an hour away and swapped cars.
Driving back now in the dark – thank goodness for my GOOGLE MAPS, I finally gave a sigh of relief as I drove into the “Offending” Carpark back at the units.
Thank you, LORD!
As I went up the stairs for the last time that night, I realised how tired I felt. The stress of the afternoon was not one I had chosen but with God’s help and a clear mind I had done ok. I know I needed a nice long cold shower to wash away the sweat and grime of the day but also to feel a little refreshed from everything that had happened.
Then I sat. Too tired to eat. Too tired to fully pray but God understood my effort.
So, I listened to my advice and crawled into bed for a restful, peaceful, stress free slumber.
Where do you need to learn some skills to cope with the stresses of the day that might come your way?
GOD definitely HELPS!
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Where do you need to learn some skills to cope with the stresses of the day that might come your way?
Do you trust that God will send you someone or something to help you in your situations?
How can you begin to turn to God more during those stressful times in your life?
Cheryl Weber
Thank you for the many times you and Bruce have inspired me to be better.. trusting and loving..I live in a senior facility where it gets challenging at times!! I tell everyone that we need to pray everyday as we are all cramming for finals!! Thanks for everything!❤️🙏🏻from Cherie Weber/Orlando Florida
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for sharing your stressful day with us and what you did !!! Where do I need to learn some skills to cope??? When I catch the wrong train from Museum Station, after having such a lovely walk through Hyde Park in Sydney after Mass!!! This is the second time I have done this!!! Fortunately this time, I peered out from the train window and saw a sign Mascot. Then I knew I was on the wrong train again. But to be sure I asked a passenger was this train going to Bankstown, her reply was no!!! So I got off, and looked for the appropriate platform in order to get back home. Once again I had to go back into the city to Central Station and wait on Platform 22 again, for the Lidcombe train that goes via Bankstown!!!
I remember saying to this lady I didn’t know, ” This is the third time I have caught a wrong train! Maybe I’m destined to catch a flight on a plane! ” I said half jokingly, as the time before I got off at Domestic Airport!!! I was sure for the second time, as I quickly looked at the screen at the train station, I saw via Lidcombe??? The first time I caught a wrong train was because I had my eyes reading a book so intensely, sat down in the train and after quite awhile I looked out of the window and saw scenery I had never seen before!!! I got off at the next station and had to travel back to where I got on this train, to step on the right train this time that would take me home!!! Yes I could say that I was fed up of making these mistakes!!!
But this time, I decided I would not be overcome with frustration and would not bring this up again. The next time I catch a train at Museum Station I will be looking for the Station Master and ask him/her when the next train going to Lidcombe will arrive? And make sure with the Station Master, that this train is the right one. Before this last mistake took place, I remember thanking the Lord that He is always with me, throughout the morning and getting to the Cathedral just a few minutes late… The next time I will be asking for His gracious help, that I get to Mass on time and get home via the right train at the station!!!
Isn’t it amazing that throughout these challenging times, we manage by the grace of God to get home safe even though a little frazzled Rosemary? And isn’t it amazing how the Lord sends individuals unexpectantly to help us? In my case it was a construction worker, who told me the exact platform and time to catch the right train home!!! May the Lord bless you and watch over you Rosemary and keep you safe. May the Lord do the same for me as well!!!
Valerie Lack
You poor girl. Definitely not a good situation in a strange place.
Yes GOD certainly is our Rick and our strength.
Just wish I had turned to him more, when I was younger. Ah! Well! If wishes were fishes they’d swim in the sea
Gosh Rosemary, I can so relate to your day, so glad it all eventually worked out for you. I also really like the way you wrote you believe “God understood your efforts” sometimes we can all be a little hard on ourselves, that line just really stood out to me. So “Thank You”……..
BTW – you are an excellent story teller.