Finding Rest
Have you ever felt very empty? The brain is not working, the body is too tired. It’s just all BLANK in the mind. I don’t often get that way but sometimes when I have over-worked on a shift, pushed myself with night after night lack of sleep, the brain is mush. Nothing is going in and nothing is coming out.
That’s when I often sit in prayer and just sit. God must be enjoying my silence, for some days I open my mouth and go on and on with my issues and problems and prayers. He must think, ‘oh no Rosemary going on and on again.’ Actually, that’s how we think – not God. He loves our conversation. Just as long as we let Him have a word in too, that it’s not all one-sided.
Do you know God never tires of us? (Actually, God never tires.) We are His children and in scripture Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me.” Remember what comes from Jesus comes from the Father – Jesus shares the Father’s heart for us and with us.
So, the Father loves us going to Him. When we are full of energy or when we are exhausted.
In this tired mode that I am in at the moment, prayer is often difficult. I can’t concentrate. I try and read scripture, but nothing is making sense. The power of the Word of God is still powerful even if I do not comprehend and so I try. I have expended so much energy from my physical being but also from my spiritual being. So, like I said sometimes I just sit and absorb His Prescence. Winnie the Pooh Bear got it right – ‘Sometimes I just sits and thinks and other times I just sits.’
I try and go sit in front of the Blessed Sacrament and breathe Him in, into my life. The Eucharist at Mass is extra nourishment for me. This is nourishment all of the time for us, but I notice it more when I am weak or tired. Even if my physical body does not feel any difference, any refreshment. I know that my spiritual soul is renewed and that I can often go further with the discomfort of my tiredness and still be filled with joy and peace. The body is refreshed in other ways.
Jesus often went away from the crowds to pray, to get rejuvenated. To spend time with His Father. And so, should I.
So as soon as I can, I have a break. A down time just for me. I know my limitations.
I remember as a young Mum, trying to cope with little children after having only a few hours of sleep, I would be kind and warn my children. “I don’t have much patience today.”
Well at least I warned them!
Lack of sleep, worry, anxiety can affect how we react, how we treat others. We don’t want to appear to be impatient or lack Christian love, but these feelings can affect our emotional state and then flow over to our mental and physical being.
Sleep also restores our immune system, so important for our bodies to stay healthy. Sleep repairs our brains as we sleep, as we rest.
So, when you can, I encourage you to go and rest, go and have a sleep-in every now and again. It’s very healthy for you.
And most importantly go and rest before Our God.
“He makes me lie down in green pastures…. He restores my soul…..surely goodness and kindness will follow me…”
Psalm 23
We need to be restored in our Souls!
So, I encourage you – just go and SIT before Him – get refreshed for the journey ahead. He is patient and has all the time in the world for you.
Where do you need to find the rest that only HE can give?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you find it hard to sit with God and be silent? What can you do to allow God to refresh you?
Where do you need to find the rest that only HE can give?
I guess in the hustle & bustle of life these days, we are not really encouraged just “to sit”, we have to be doing something, going somewhere, visiting somebody, anything but “to sit”!! But we all need “:Me time”, & this is where we really need to listen & sit!! This quiet time refreshes us, & we see things in a different light, so while we are resting, we are really doing “something”. No need to feel guilty at all, it is what the Lord wants for us. Blessings, Rosemary for this thought today.
john Kearney
I thought if being a single.. I can rest a lot.! Have I ? but you are busy mother .. I enjoy trying to understand you. good thanks
I love that God has all the time in the world for me! Thank you once again Rosemary!
I rely on my silent time with God. Many times it seems the words I need to convey my thought just do not seem enough. I have learned here how important the silence is. Thank you for this today Rosemary.
There are times that I feel the need to just sit with God. It is 3.30am and I am awake. The first thing that jumps into my mind is a conversation I had with my daughter yesterday. It has been worrying me, is there not something else that she could do? The next best thing is to pray. What am I praying for… her situation to change, the other person to change, … can this not just all dissappear…. once again I am back asking God to do what I want, what do I want? Eventually I’m not even praying my mind is jumping from one thought to the next not even finishing a thought. I cannot even just sit with God quietly.
Thank you Rosemary for your post that I am reading days later and reminding me God restores my soul.
Vicki Gibbs
Thank you. I was worried I was becoming senile. I have recently returned to work after 10 years retired. I think the numb feeling I have is from being over tired. Thank you again for your encouragement, and that’s it’s ok to just sit in His presence. I desire to be lead by our Great Shepherd and be restored.