Do You Need Reminding?
I know I share often about antidotes from my grandchildren but sometimes the wisdom that comes from their mouths stop me in my tracks.
This is one of them.
Willow was sitting in the front room of her house and was crossed legged on the couch. She was looking out of the big, large bay-like roof to floor front window.
The picture in front of her eyes was magnificent. These glorious Cumulus clouds in a bright blue sky. The clouds were very low lying fluffy white cotton balls.
Willow turned to her Mum after gazing out at this scene. Pointing at the clouds she asked, “Was that the city of God and Jesus’ home?”
Mum said, “Yes.”
Her reply was “Wow! He lives near me!”
Did we hear that? Jesus lives near us! This is TRUTH we need to be aware of ALL the time.
Jesus, Our Saviour, IS WITH US!
I know, you know, all Christians should know that God is with us. Not FAR from us. But me included, forgets this.
Life’s circumstances get to us. Stress of living get to us. The lack of peace and harmony gets to us. The plague of not enough time gets to us…. We ALL forget to see things from God’s perspective. We forget to INVITE HIM INTO our lives, our everyday lives. Maybe we need to often look out the window, look up knowing that JESUS is in control.
I often meditate upon the picture of Jesus as an infant holding the earth in the palm of his hand – The Infant Jesus of Prague picture. I know the young boy is dressed in regal clothes from the 16th Century and is of Spanish origin. I don’t concentrate on the clothes but on the hands of Jesus. One hand is held up in a blessing to us, the other holds the world in his hands. This grounds me when I feel my life, my circumstances are out of control.
HE HOLDS THE WORLD IN HIS HANDS. Even as a young boy.
My confidence is restored, and I remember to lean into MY GOD once again. I probably sound like a scratched record, saying the same thing over and over. But I don’t know about you, I forget so easily. We Christians often have Alzheimer’s, especially when stress, fear, anxiety is involved. It’s as if these things cloud our judgement, our decision making.
So, when these RAIN DARK CLOUDS come into our lives, remind yourself and let others remind you WHO GOD IS!
How do I do this? I give permission to my close Christian friends to speak into my life. I go to them and state, “Pray for me today. I am not coping. I am feeling low. Remind me again.”
What do you do to remind yourself?
Her reply was “WOW, He lives near me!”
Did we hear that? Jesus lives near us! This is TRUTH we need to be aware of ALL of the time.
Jesus, Our Saviour, IS WITH US!
I know, you know, all Christians should Know that God is with us. Not FAR from us.
But , me included, forgets this?
Life’s circumstances gets to us. Stress of living gets to us. Living with disagreeable, ‘fighting’family members gets to us. The lack of peace and harmony gets to us. The plague of not enough time gets to us………. We ALL forget to see things from God’s perspective. We forget to INVITE HIM INTO our lives, our everyday lives.
Maybe we need to often look out the window , look Up knowing that JESUS is in control.
I often mediatate upon the picture of Jesus as an infant holding the earth in the palm of his hand- The Infant Jesus of Prague Picture.
I know the young boy is dressed in regal clothes from the 16th Century and is of Spanish origin. I don’t concentrate on the clothes but on the hands of Jesus.
One hand is held up in a blessing to us, the other holds the world in his hands.
This grounds me when I feel my life, my circumstances are out of control.
HE HOLDS THE WORLD IN HIS HANDS.Even as a young boy.
My confidence is restored and I remember to lean into MY GOD once again.
I probably sound like a scratched record, saying the same thing over and over. But I don’t know about you, I forget so easily. We Christians often have Alzeimhers, especially when stress, fear, anxiety is involved. It’s as if these things cloud our judgement , our decision making.
So when these RAIN DARK CLOUDS come into our lives, remind yourself and let others remind you WHO GOD IS!
How do I do this? I give permission to my close Christian friends to speak into my life. I go to them and state, “Pray for me today, I am not coping. I am feeling low.Remind me again.”
What do you do to remind yourself?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you need reminding that God is close to you? What can you do to remind yourself?
How can you be a reminder to others in your life when they need some encouragement?
Thanks for reminding me Rosemary. Your writing has brought tears to my eyes.
Carla Villafana
Wow! A beautiful story of a child like awe for God’s presence. Thank you Rosemary for this reminder. ❤
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for sharing with us that tender and surprising moment with your dear grand daughter Willow! In a most unusual moment, what young Willow did by looking out towards the clouds through the window, reminded me of myself as a little child and throughout the years as I was growing up to be a young woman. I too, often would look out from a window in the house! But Willow’s question she asked to her Mum concerning where God lives and her response of our Lord living so close to us, has been spoken by a child who is confident and trusting towards her Mum to ask openly, what was on her mind and in her heart about God!!! Meanwhile for me, looking out the window gave me that tiny space to ponder what I saw and a connection within myself to feel what was in my heart. Willow’s response is that of joy! My response as a child growing up, was often one of uncertainty as I looked out watching the beauty I could see, or in curiosity at the lives of others. As a child I was very curious about a painting I saw of our Lord Jesus at my school hall. I looked at our Lord’s most serene face, then at His hand carrying a bloody heart, crowned with thorns and then at the big gaping black hole in His chest. I at first became scared then curious as to why our Lord looked so calm, with a gentle smile on His face when He had such a big hole in His chest? Then I turned towards a tall statue of our Lord’s Mother Holy Mary. She also looked very serene and gentle, with stars surrounding above her head. Her hands gently outstretched from her left and right side. Her long mantle was blue draping all the way down to her feet. As I looked at her feet, I was shocked to see that she was treading on a snake! At first I was scared to see this snake so close to her feet! But then once again I took a look at the face. Like our Lord Jesus, she was so calm, serene and gentle and again I became curious as to why she looked so calm while she had trod on this snake! But more surprisingly, I noticed our Mother of God was not standing on level ground but what seemed at first, half of a ball!!! As I came closer to see I saw she was standing on the world!!! There was no one I could ask.. A Sister had noticed me looking but continued on her way… How wonderful that Willow could ask her Mum if God’s home was in those clouds above she could see through the window at home!!! And I am sure Rosemary, that if there were any other questions that would pop in her dear little head about WHO GOD IS?, or WHY IS GOD DOING THIS?, or WHY DOES LORD JESUS AND HOLY MARY LOOK LIKE THIS? Willow could always come to you Rosemary, her loving Grandmother and ask! How wonderful that is too!!!
Now as to who I could go and ask to remind me that our Loving God is with me, our Emmanuel? There is no one I can ask but the HOLY SPIRIT!!! And I do ask the Holy Spirit to remind me A LOT!!! I also find that while listening to the Homilies the Priest gives at Mass, can often remind me too!!! I also have to add that you Rosemary and your dear husband Bruce, along with Emma remind me so often, while watching the Daily Devotionals, the Heart Messages, the pod-casts and the Jottings Of Your Journal Rosemary virtually every day too!!! May I say I find this VERY WONDERFUL!!! Finally the Sacred Scriptures mysteriously help to REMIND me tremendously!!! May the Lord keep blessing and INSPIRING you Rosemary, Bruce and Emma with these most helpful messages that are so beneficial to us and to me!!!