Praying for Us
We have just celebrated Mother’s Day here where we live. A time when we honour our Mothers for who they are and what they have done for us. We know they are not perfect but most Mothers try their very best to love and give of themselves to their family. I find it a privilege and an honour that my children want to come and visit me on this day. To tell me, even in a small way, thank you for your giving of yourself to us.
For those who maybe are not physical Mothers, we honour you for being Spiritual Mothers to people in your lives. To do this for us is very life giving and generous. Keep using your gifts. We in the world need “Spiritual Mothers.”
My mind turns towards thinking of THE Mother of them all – Mary.
It was her YES that gave us Jesus. It was her giving of herself totally to her God that gave us access to the eternal life that Jesus through the Father is restoring back to us. And so we honour Our Lady.
Saint Louis Marie de Monfort said it so beautifully and explained it so well:
“We never give more honour to Jesus than when we honour His Mother, and we honour her simply and solely to honour Him all the more perfectly. We go to her only as a way leading to the goal we seek – Jesus her Son.”
And so, Our Mother Mary, servant to her Son, always points to Him, just like she did at the first Miracle of Jesus at the Wedding Feast of Cana.
Mary’s response, after pointing out to Jesus the problem (there was no wine left) in the book of John, drew Jesus out to reveal for the first time His Divinity. Jesus seems to state gruffly-
“Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.”
John 2:4 NRSV
Mary’s response shows us what concern it is to her. She IS concerned about us, in our everyday, ordinary lives! In our lives of ‘running out of wine.’
Mary simply instructed to the wedding servants:
“Do whatever He (Jesus) tells you.”
John 2:5 NRSV
Total trust in His answer. His response.
To simply point to Jesus for the answers, the solution. Mary just intercedes to her Son for us.
I know how much my kind children would do things for me well.
I know that Jesus would not deny honouring His Mum in anything that she would ask of him
Also would you not want Jesus’ Mum on your side? Well, she is! She is a servant to all, FULL of the Lord’s Grace – as stated by the Angel Gabriel. So let us ask her to intercede for our needs, for our loved ones to her Son, Jesus.
We honour Mary as our ever Blessed Mother who desires us to come to know her Son and receive from Him, Grace upon Grace.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Have you had the blessing of a Spiritual Mother in your life?
Are there people in your life that you can intercede for? Who could they be?
Do you ask Mary, Our Mother, to intercede for you? If not, why not?
Valerie Lack
During the birth of my fifth child, our lady the Blessed Virgin Mary answered my fervent prayer to her and I experienced something remarkable. You would think after that experience, that I would have lived a blameless life. It is hard for me to forgive myself for not doing so.
I intercede for my children all the time.
My prayers via the mysteries of the Rosary, are constant, that she intercede for me with her glorious Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for forgiveness of a lifetime of sins and falling far short of the ideal.
Denise Burke
Mary is a wonderful Mother. I often turn to her when I am troubled and I feel her support and comfort.