Are You Glued to Your Couch?
She was lying on the couch with a flushed face. Feeling her body, it was very hot, so out came the thermometer and the Covid test kit. Yes, Willow had a temperature, but no the Covid test was negative. For now, anyway. It will be needed to be used a few times over the coming days to check.
So, no more school for now. She was not up to it anyway. Over the coming days her symptoms escalated but the worst thing was the persistent cough. It appeared to just be the flu or a heavy cold. It was very phlegmy and made her vomit a few times. Often in children this is one of the ways the body gets rid of the phlegm. Not good for Mum or Dad though in cleaning it all up.
So, for the first few days Willow was not interested in going to school but as she improved, every day she asked Mum if she could go. As you can tell she loves school. Lying on the couch was not something she now wanted to do. But her cough persisted and so staying at home continued.
Two weeks on her cough was better but then she broke out in school sores. The doctor stated after looking at her and prescribing medicine that she was contagious till the sores healed, so no school. Willow was bouncing off the walls with energy that had returned. But alas no school yet. Maybe by the end of the week. So, Mum and Dad occupied her with activities.
On one of the days later in that week, when Mum was home, she asked Willow to help her with a chore. Willow was no longer sick, just recovering from the sores and replied to Mum, “I can’t someone has glued me to the couch.” I chuckled to myself when I heard this.
When she literally was stuck on the couch with sickness, she wanted to get up and go do something, anything, but when she was better, the couch was her friend.
Are we not the same at times?
Not happy where we are, how we are, how our lives are going? Wish we could do, could be somewhere else. Just not here. Often being self-centred. Not caring about others. We often take the easy way out. Someone asks for volunteers at Church, at our sports clubs, in our family and we bring up every excuse we can to not help.
Now I know this is not everyone. There are some who have the gift of helps. They thrive on helping others, on Volunteering. There are others who would like to help but can’t. Truly are not able. But there are many who selfishly don’t want to bother. If it is not helping them, they say no. It’s too hard to organize, to change their timetable, their day for others.
It made me question my Charity, my intentions to give help if I could where needed.
They just recently had over 1000 CEO’s of companies sleep out in the cold with the homeless. To raise money and awareness of the plight of the homeless, with not just all the staff of these particular companies but anyone watching the news. They raised over 8 million dollars!
Maybe I was not able to raise much money for them myself but even just a little helps.
What can you do? If not for the homeless, for the lonely next-door neighbour? Could you go visit? Could you make them a meal?
Or are we glued to our couches? And can’t be bothered.
Could we pray? All of it matters.
Jesus did say,
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
John 15:12 NRSV
We are also reminded,
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
Hebrews 13:16 NRSV
So, as I am asking myself the same question I ask you – What can you do?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you become discontent with where you are in life at times?
What opportunities to help have you knocked back because you couldn’t be bothered?
Where could you help those in need? Where is God prompting you?
Valerie Lack
Hi Rosemary
Poor Willow, cam empathise with her it is very hard for little ones when they are sick and hard for parents to see them suffering.
Well I am stuck on the couch right now, with a second bout of Covid, despite the fact that my vaccinations, both for Covid and flu are up to date. Have no idea from whence I came into contact with this beast, as still washing hands and wearing a mask. All that is beside the point which is that now it is here I just have to deal with it
I am or have been quite a fit and agile 80 year old. But this has knocked me for six and I become exhausted so fast ie hanging washing on the line, how ridiculous is that
Of course the upside is, that sitting around allows more time for meditating upon faith, our Lord God, the Holy Trinity, Our Lady and the fact that we are only accepted and loved by the grace of God
I happened upon the full Revelation from our Lady of Fatima, it is terrifying reading. I really hope not to be here when this occurs. It would be horrible to suffer but also worse to hear and see the suffering of others. I am sorry for emoting this to you, but felt if anyone could understand it would be you.
I don’t know how to handle the emotions attached to this.
My faith life has not been as yours has been , it has been a roller coaster of stops and starts, flat tyres and batteries. Funnily enough we have the same number of children, we also have four daughters and one son and eleven grandchildren plus one foster great grandson throughout it all I have always always believed, loved and trusted the Lord my God
However I came not to trust the church
Whether God loves me or not is not the issue.
The fact is, that without knowing it and sometimes knowingly, I have often sinned against him and caused pain to the suffering body of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and that to me is unforgivable. How can one forgive oneself?
The highlight of my day is listening to Bruce or, and you
Thank you for listening and relaying the words you have from God.
I give when I can
With loving thoughts
Margaret Mary Mayne
Valerie. At the age of 85 Like you I have been reading Our Lady’s messages conveyed at the various apparitions from Lourdes, Fatima, Garabandal and also Medgugorie. What is happening in our world and Church today is terrifying and what punishment is to come unless we pray the rosary; do penance etc. Which I’ve been trying to do in recent times. We must not lose faith in God and his Divine Mercy. God have mercy on us all.