What Words Do You Speak?
The other day someone met me for the first time and said, “You look different in real life. I thought the first time I saw you in a video that you had not done your hair and I could not even see your eyes for your fringe was all over the place and the glasses took up half of your face. But I see that you have very fine flyaway hair and you’re not unkept at all.”
I literally laughed, not offended, but amused.
But it made me think – we humans (speaking generally) in society, feel we can say anything nowadays to anyone.
No holding your opinion to yourself. Often actually not allowing others to have a different opinion. No politely letting things that are not that important ‘pass through to the keeper’ as the saying goes. As if no one is offended or hurt by what we say.
Sad to say but social media has done this to us. We have done this to us. We can write our opinions, our thoughts down on the social networks. They are just words sent through on a page, as if the people are not real.
But that is it – they are people. People with emotions, people with feelings. People can get hurt. These networks seem to make the person an object or like a robot with NO FEELINGS.
We all have heard of people hurting themselves, starving themselves, all because someone said something to them that was hurtful. That was downright mean.
Have we not been taught, or forgotten to hold our tongue?
Where are our manners?
Do we even think what we might say could injure or hurt someone?
Jesus shared about how our tongues can cause problems.
‘I tell you, on the day of judgement you will have to give an account for every careless word you utter; for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.’
Matthew 12:36 NRSV
Scripture states in Proverbs
Like a maniac who shoots deadly firebrands and arrows,
Proverbs 26:18 NRSV
so is one who deceives a neighbour
and says, ‘I am only joking!’
Have we pulled a practical joke on someone, and we thought it was funny, but the recipient got hurt by the joke?
Do we watch our actions and our words? Or do we just let them fly like poison arrows, shrugging our shoulders?
STOP. Watch what comes out of your mouth.
Sometimes, many times, keep your opinion to yourself.
It does not hurt me now. But possibly would have years ago.
This gentleman did not know but all my life I have disliked my fine baby hair that often does not grow.
I am content with how God made me now.
But what if I was not? This could have been very hurtful words spoken to me.
It made me think and I’m posing the question to you – Do you watch what you say? How you say it? Are you speaking in a manner that is worthy of calling yourself a Christ follower?
Jesus said,
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Matthew 12:34b NRSV
What’s your heart like? Do you care for your fellow man? Do you watch your speech toward others? Do you think before you speak? Do you love?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you watch what you say? How you say it?
Are you speaking in a manner that is worthy of calling yourself a Christ follower?
What’s your heart like?
Jeanette Easton
Beautifully said Rosemary I am so sorry that was said to you, you are a beautiful person and always look lovely. Have some people not got a lot to think about in their lives. Keep up your wonderful work and keep your messages coming. 💗
Diane McDonald
Dear Rosemary
What a pertinent question today. What we say and what we write can and does often hurt others. We all have been guilty of being thoughtless but today it seems that under the guise of honesty people can be just rude and unkind As the spent arrow our words can never come back They remain in the heart of those we hurt. A couple of years ago a long time friend sent a letter to a family member that was damning and unkind. It has been a struggle with forgiveness on our part not that he asked for forgiveness but for our own sake and as Christians we are called to forgive. The damage has been done and it is almost unrepairable.
So your message today touched my heart as did Bruces Phoenix message which bought me to tears I am not so brave as you two I would have throw in the towel. You both are amazing God Bless you both and all in your ministry You do make a difference !!
My mother long since gone to heaven always reminded us when we were saying unkind things about someone “please remember that if you can’t say anything kind, don’t say anything at all”. I still try my best to practice that today. You are a joy to listen to and pray with. You shine!
Amelia Maria Pereira
Hi Rosemary
Ouch – that would have hurt. I’ve always had really thin hair and then when I went through chemotherapy, I lost even that. Talk about cruel games life can play with us ! I told our Lord “Now’s your time to give me better hair”; guess I’ll just have to wait for that – on the other side of heaven !
Thanks for this timely reminder which I have shared widely. I myself have got into trouble for saying things aloud as I think them.
I agree with Doreen as my darling Dad lived by this principle “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything” !
Rock on, Rosemary. You are a beacon of light in this dark world !
Shelby R. Sellers
I was raised by the old saying,” if you can’t say something good, then don’t say anything at all”. I try very hard to live by that. Guess that’s why people think that I am so quiet! I try to be truthful, but not hurt anyone’s feelings. At times, that is really hard to do. By the way Rosemary, I have graying hair that is baby fine and soft and getting thin on top. Usually when one gets gray, the gray hairs are coarse. I missed that train all together. I am 79 and as an older lady I let very little of what people say ruffle my feathers. I just think to myself, we all get there sooner or later… love your jottings.
I dont speak .. i just nod to everything people trying to tell me and i just gave a nice smile and walk off know all is okay even if I dont know what were they trying to tell me about..
know what i mean.. it is my life as grow up from baby and got used to that./.
my parents ever know that beacuse they often noticed and explained to me again and again till i understood
I dont worry how you look .. I just force on toward what were saying on bottom of video ..
God bless all
Denise Hall
Firstly Rosemary, thank you so much for your Heart Ministry & for your Jottings & also for leading us in prayer when Bruce is away – you are an awesome, beautiful lady & your inner beauty shines for all to see – God is good!
I too have very fine hair and, because many of my classmates had lovely strong hair & thick plaits, I would implore my Mum to allow me to grow my hair. She always explained that this was not a good idea as my hair was too fine – Mothers are very wise, are they not?. consequently, I have always had short hairstyles & perms back in the day & now products are my friend!! Praise God that, as we grow in maturity, we become more comfortable in our own skin. Every day I pray for the Lord to “Set a guard over my mouth, keep watch at the door of my lips, that my words may be only a blessing to all with whom I speak & give glory & honour & praise to You” May God continue to bless you abundantly, Rosemary. Cheers, blessings & peace, Denise
Kim Beyer
“Touche” Denise, you are spot on. I loved your response and reiterate every word you have written.
(am also a fine hair recipient and believe Rosemary is a beautiful lady who always looks lovely with an inner glow that shines brightly )..x
Sorry for the unthoughtful comment Rosemary. You always present so well and you are doing some wonderful work, keep it up.
May God bless you, Bruce & team abundantly. 🙏💐
Thank you Rosemary. It is so true that people think they can comment on anything on social media and don’t think anyone will be hurt. We have all been the recipient of cruel comments and we need to be more careful about how our words can really hurt someone.
debbie thompson
Spot on! Guilty of it–as most of us are -though not proud. You are a blessing!!!
Theresa Annie
You are a beautiful child of God❤️❤️❤️
We all are❤️❤️❤️
Rosemary you are so very beautiful inside and out and we are so blessed to have you share your heart with all of us! I definitely will pray for that person who feels that their opinion counts….God is very pleased with each of us… and that makes all the difference in the world!