Reflecting on my Spiritual Health
Chronic pain is such a pain. Excuse the pun.
It makes you feel physically fatigued, sometimes brain fogged. It so often stops you doing normal things around the house. At times you feel like your whole life evolves around the pain. The levels of pain are always there but exacerbated at different times, doing different things seems to be debilitating.
I’m not complaining. So many people, children, elderly put up with so much more chronic pain than me. I feel for them. I have more compassion nowadays due to my discomfort.
During the day I can distract myself at times but at night when all is quiet, I toss and turn to get comfortable in bed. Do you know how frustrating it is that you want to sleep but can’t and your husband beside you is sound asleep? Arrrrggghhhh!
There are often late-night hot showers, heat packs, icepacks, creams applied to try and help.
Finally, after 6 months, the doctors have found a diagnosis.
I feel so relieved! Hope is at the forefront of my mind.
Nothing is yet helping but my attitude has turned a corner.
Reflecting on my feelings as I left the doctors surgery it made me wonder what people in the bible felt when Jesus came and diagnosed their condition and then healed it. Whatever the condition. Leprosy, Blindness, Addictions, Adultery, Lameness, Skin diseases, Haemorrhaging, ……. All were seen by Jesus. His compassion and mercy were utmost, and they were healed.
Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice.
Luke 17:15 NRSV
And then Jesus told his disciples that they would perform more and greater miracles than he. This next scripture shows the emotion and elation of the man healed. (And how I felt.)
And he took him by the right hand and raised him up; and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. Jumping up, he stood and began to walk, and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
Acts 3:7-8 NRSV
Something to note is that Jesus always healed not just physical ailments of a person but the deep spiritual ailments. The unforgiveness, the scars, the hurt deep within. How often did Jesus say before the physical healing, “Your sins are forgiven.”
As I continue with the therapies needed hopefully for full recovery may I be grateful to God and Praise Him for it and may I be open to listening to the Spirit’s promptings if any inner healing is needed, any forgiveness on my part.
Do you stop and reflect upon your spiritual health as much as we do our physical health?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Have you stopped to reflect on your spiritual health lately? How is it? Do you need to take some time to re-commit to God?
Where has the Holy Spirit been prompting you to ask God for inner healing?
Kathleen Patrick
This has been a year from hell. In February we were involved in a truck accident. My neck and back were broken. But not my spirit. I had an attitude of gratitude especially after the trooper said I shouldn’t have survived the accident. I healed slowly but still with great faith. I got active again in my parish ministries. Then came July. My knee was replaced 4 years ago and was great. Either chigger bites or a tick bite infected my knee and I spent 2 weeks in the hospital and will continue on antibiotics for another 5 weeks. I’m broken in body, but again not in spirit. I will never again be pain free, but realize how many people suffer so much more than I do.
Final thought, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I think I’m strong enough Lord.
Thank you for sharing your journal.
I appreciate you.
I wish I could see Bruce while he is in Tulsa since I live close by. But I imagine he is very busy here
Sandie Murray
Prayers for your continued healing..your are a spiritual giant… continue with your honestly and concern for others just like Jesus👍😉
Rosie Imbert
You’re such an inspiration to us, a woman of great faith, always finding the right words to comfort us all on our journey.
Thank you and I’ll also keep you in my prayers.
God will always be by your side 🙏🙏…