Listen and Look at Your Heart
As Father leaned over and blessed the baby with the sign of the cross, he verbally stated to the newly baptised one, “Now that did not hurt, did it?” Her 5-year-old sister piped up, speaking and looking directly to Father. “She does not understand you. She is only a baby.” Now the soothing tone of the Priest I’m sure helped but yes, the baby in question, being only 4 months old, probably did not understand.
How many times have we said things to babies, to children, to adults even, and they did not understand what we said?
My husband, Bruce, often states that’s what spurred him on in the first place to try and explain things simply. Especially in his work of talking about knowing Jesus, teaching about God the Father, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, so people would be inspired to go and check out this God.
Once Bruce had a very bad cold and thought he may have an infection so went to see a doctor. He is not often sick, so at this stage in his life he did not have his own doctor. The doctor’s explanation of what was wrong and what treatment was needed was not understood by Bruce because the doctor had spoken in high fluting medical language that Bruce did not understand.
So, he actually drove down the road and saw another doctor and was told in simple, commonly understood language what he had and what he had to do to get better. Then going back to his car, he felt like the Holy Spirit impressed upon him – ‘See… make sure you explain me well so that those seeking me will understand.’
Jesus in his stories/parables was often trying to explain Gods Kingdom concepts to the ordinary, everyday person. Sometimes when even his followers, the disciples, did not understand Jesus had to re-explain. It was not because Jesus had spoken above their heads. He actually had spoken above their hearts. They were still learning the new kingdom rules.
The first will be last.
It is better to give than receive.
To live you must die to yourself.
It’s always our hearts that Jesus is more interested in.
Do you allow your heart room to grow in love, mercy, and compassion? Or are you closed off from learning, loving more, giving more, seeking God and the purposes and plans for your life?
Are you willing to open your heart to love others, to love those who don’t in return?
Do you try and explain simply?
Or because of your brains, intellect, proud of your study, do you not care that others don’t understand?
Listen and look at your heart.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Is your heart open to God’s Kingdom ways? If not, what can you do to be open?
Are you willing to open your heart to love others who don’t return love?
Where does God want you to be open to Him?