Do You Stop To Smell the Roses?
Most of the year I have so many chores on my list. My list has lists! (Remember I am a list person.) I do this so that I try not to forget anything that needs doing. That does not mean that I get to complete my list. It just means items not done yet go on my list for the next day. Some of the items might be things I would like to achieve for the month, not necessarily on a particular day. So, my list has a list of priorities first and foremost.
The last month, over the Christmas season, I have had time to knock off a lot on my list, to the point that I have had spare time. Now that is different.
I used to feel guilty at having some space, till I realized that this is very healthy for you. To do nothing if you wish.
So, when a family member rings me to see how I am going, what am I doing? I respond with, ‘Nothing. I’m doing nothing and enjoying it.’ Now this ‘nothing’ always ends up to be something. Either a decision to clean out a cupboard, do some gardening, read a book, pray more……..
But I don’t have any particular deadline. Oh, it feels good.
Good to breathe. Good to take time to “smell the roses” as the saying goes. Good to enjoy or appreciate what is often ignored due to the fast pace of life.
Have you been able to do that this Christmas Season? Stop and appreciate God’s gift of the World more? Stop and appreciate God more?
To actually stop, breathe deep, relax and take the time out to enjoy the beauty of life. To stop and smell the roses with God is an act of worship. It’s a way of saying to the Lord that you are grateful for all that He has given you in this life. It’s paying attention to not just the blessings God has poured into your life but more importantly paying more attention to Him.
As I sat in my room I looked around and started thanking God for all that He had given me. As I made myself a morning coffee, I thanked God for the gift of His sustenance to me. Both for my human body and for my spiritual body. As I read His Word, I hungered for more of Him. To breathe Him more into my life, into my every day, ordinary life and make it more extra-ordinary.
To thank Him for blessing me and asking Him to grace me to be a blessing for others. To appreciate more the gift of His divine Son born to us, living with us for 33 years, here on earth. For His Sacrifice for us.
For His Love.
For All.
I am more peaceful, more focused, more enthusiastic, full of energy for what the year ahead will bring. I have God with me. What does He have in store for me? For you?
I have been seeking His will more for my life, right now, in this year of 2024. Whatever the season of life you are in, are you seeking the Lord’s will for you? It is a perfect will so logically the best to know, to seek out, to discover.
So go and smell the roses – today, tomorrow and into the future, that our loving God has for us.
Take one day and make it “God Appreciation Day” and see that it does not inspire you to make every day a day of appreciation of God in your life.
Funny how smelling the roses makes you “See” better.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Are you able to appreciate the gifts that God has given you? If not, why don’t you? What is stopping you?
What are the gifts that you are grateful for?
How do you “stop to smell the roses” that God has given you? Share your ways in the comments below.
Valerie Lack
I appreciate every gift from God, our greatest gifts have been our wonderful children, great grandchildren and now great grandchildren. It is difficult after a lifetime of responsibilities perceived or otherwise, to be able to allow yourself to have free time, without feeling selfish.
Grace Barry
Thank you for sharing that!
It opened a lot of avenues for me!
I tend to panic when things are not done. Sometimes, I dont pray enough then I felt guilty!
Kind Regards,
June Noblet
Last week I watched the Symphonic Odyssey with Brian Cox on the ABC. How immensely wonderful is God’s creation!! Whilst the scientific info was far too involved for me, just picking up a few facts and viewing the beautiful images gave me a much deeper insight into the glory of our Universe. Praise and bless and thank the Lord for the gift of his creation!
One of my late mum’s popular sayings was “Stop & smell the roses”, this was repeated many times over the years. So when this was the theme for today, it was almost as if Mum was telling me this through Rosemary!!! So, what did I do, Well I stopped and said a prayer of thanks for all the things that mum had done for me while raising me on her own all those years ago. Thanks for the memories, Rosemary.