God is Interested in the Small Things

I have this new computer that recognizes my fingerprint so as to open up all my icons on it. It keeps everything private and unopenable by anyone, unless it’s me. Most of our technology have these protections inbuilt in them. Our phones to be usable often need face recognition. Passwords are put onto our email addresses so people find it harder to use our personal information. Of course, computer wizards or hackers can often get through these protective mechanisms, so passwords are often changed to try and avoid this.

The other day I was trying to open my computer and it did not recognize me. After a few goes and turning it off and on, I started chuckling. Of course, it would not turn on, I had a band aid over a cut on the finger that I was using and so it did not recognize my fingerprints.

As I started my work for the day a work colleague asked me for some information that I had stored on my computer from ages ago. The worst thing was I could not remember the password that I had used back then to get into the web address that held the information. It took me a good part of the day to finally open the folder with all of the information.

Computers are so good when they work and terrible when they don’t. Actually, so good when the user can work them and terrible when the user can’t. So often we blame our tools, but the tools are only as useful as the person who wields the tools. I was so frustrated with myself for my lack of efficiency in this area.

How often do we blame others, circumstances, our family background……. That is the reason why we can’t do this, or that, we state. Often so many excuses. We need to take responsibility for our own actions. We often cannot control what happens to us but we do have control over our response to what has occurred.

In Hebrews it says:

And before him no creature is hidden, but all are naked and laid bare to the eyes of the one to whom we must render an account.

Heb 4:13 NRSV

Now of course God does not care if I’m good at computers, but he cares about my response to not being able to find the information. Did I swear at the computer? At my work colleagues? Was I in a bad mood all day because of it? Did I change my way of storage so next time it might be easier to find? Did I learn from my mistakes?

Every human being will have to give an account for his or her life and actions.

But you may say – such a little thing for God to worry about. God is interested even in the smallest little thing. He wants us to act, talk and be Christian in every area of our lives.

This is what will speak to the world. This is what being a light on a Hill is.

Whatever you say, do, act or be will speak volumes to those who are watching. Are you stating, like Paul the Apostle, – ‘Be like me for I am like Christ’?

Daunting when you truly think about it.

We all will render an account to God.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups.


Do you get frustrated and as a result act poorly?

Where do you need to focus on the little things in life?

How could you act, speak or be so that your life always reflects the love of God?

Are all areas of your life showing the world that you are a Christian?


  • Mary

    Yes Rosemary I shouldn’t be sweating the little thing’s that happen in life . Sometimes it can get hard especially when you are not in control of your emotions & thoughts

  • Kathy O'Connor

    Thank you Rosemary. Yes I need to chill. I tend to get frustrated and anxious at times that. I know I should not. Very good read and a subject that is so important.

  • Annette Obermeier

    I am so blessed to still have my mother with me, she is 91 . I am so ashamed when I do not appreciate that fact , or have the patience or the ability to be in the moment to enjoy the time we have left .
    I am too much like that in all aspects of my life, too worried about getting things down to have time to myself, to not having time to myself and enjoying the moments to hear Gods voice in all those moments 🙏🏻

  • Maureen

    Like you Rosemary, I had a computer problem last week.
    I sent my usual list of information that I do weekly and confirmation came back.
    Later on I made an adjustment and waited for confirmation. It never came. After another 4 tries I shouted ” Jesus, can you help me please, there is no one else here and I cannot get it done”. I heard a voice say” turn off and walk away”. So I did. I had only taken 3 steps
    When my brain clicked on. I had not sent the adjusted list, so it could not be confirmed !
    Like you and the Band aid on your finger, I just needed to calm down and think, or was
    Jesus helping me?