Mary’s Wise Words

Just recently where I live, we celebrated Mother’s Day. A day where we honour our mothers for the love and care they have shown us. My Mother is outstanding in her selflessness towards all of her children, actually all who she meets. 

I admire her for her strength and perseverance that I have seen in her life when circumstances have been difficult. For her peacefulness, mercy and love she exudes to others who are in need. For her generosity and nurturing of 6 children, 23 grandchildren and now 28 great grandchildren and counting. She has always been a listening ear, a caring gesture extended while giving wise counsel. 

My mother is never one to take but to serve and give to others first. I remember many meals where she went without or had less helpings of food so as to give more to her family. She did it quietly without any fanfare, but I noticed. 

She worked full time to help her family and never complained then did all the housework for 8 of us – 6 children, Dad, and our Nanna (who lived with us.) After she retired, Mum volunteered at Meals on wheels, delivering food to the elderly at home. She was also a catechist to the local schools. 

The thing I admire most about my Mum is her faith and trust in God. It never wavered and she was such a good role model for me and all my siblings. Peacefully in the background ever watching and loving us and stepping in to help when needed. 

Maybe you don’t have a Mum like that, but Our loving God has given everyone a perfect Mum – His mother and our mother Mary. She was firstly given the assignment to be the mother of God. She was present at the first work of Jesus in the world. The first miracle of the wedding Feast of Cana she looked out for us. It was Mary who pointed out to Jesus that the wedding party had run out of wine. It was her gentle words that instigated this first miracle. Her mercy and love for us that made the hand of Jesus to act. It was the honour that Jesus gave His mother that He listened to her and all she did was honour Him back by saying to the servants – “do what he tells you to do.” 

Jesus completed the installation of Mary to be our mother while dying on the cross. 

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.

John 19:26-27 NRSV

This is the month of May where we have just honoured our mothers and the church designates the whole month to honouring Mary. 

We can do this by listening to her wise words – “Do what He asks you to do.” 

So, I pray that we listen well and hear individually what Jesus might ask of us. 

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups.


What attribute did your mother display that has inspired you over the years? Or is there a mother-figure in your life you had inspired you?

What area of your life do you believe God is asking you to move forward? Are you stepping into the wise words from Mary – “Do what He tells you to do”?


  • Catherine Ryan

    I loved you reflection it certainly gave me food for thought. I returned to my childhood and my mother who suffered as a chronic asthmatic and died when I was 12 years old.My feelings then were vastly different to now.Coming from a family of 7 girls and being the youngest I probably was better off but never felt accepted like my next sibling who seemed always protected.Such were the feelings of perhaps a selfish 12 year old high lighted by the fact she reprimanded me the night she died.Moving on to present moment memories remain but perspective changes,my mother was dearly loved by all my siblings they speak of her as being such fun such compassion and such a silent sufferer.I now look back and truly recognise her beauty but still suffer the feeling of perhaps not measuring up.My prayer is that she will be the first to meet me when God calls me home.Excuse all my meanderings Rosemary it’s been good for me to reflect and thank God for my mother.

  • Rosemary Downes

    I pray that your mother greets you with open arms too. I also pray that God shows you even now the love your mother had for you but most importantly that your loving God makes up the difference. You are loved and you do measure up. Much love Rosemary

  • Yvonne Denise Etchells

    Rosemary, your reflections are an inspiration to me. I hope you and your family are blessed by God.

  • Denise Burke

    Thank you, Rosemary, for your reflections. My mother was also kind and selfless, but I didn’t really appreciate the extent of her sacrifice until I was married myself. My father died in his forties leaving my Mother to bring up 3 of my siblings on a very low income. I realize now just how amazing and loving she was. I hope she knows how much I love her. Like Catherine, I also hope to be welcomed into heaven by my Mum and my Dad and my son, Andy, who died just after he turned 21.