Oh the Joy!
I’m watching on television the coverage of the finals of the women’s canoe slalom at the Paris Olympics. The race is very exciting because the twelve finalists individually steer their canoes down the artificial white-water course, through a course of gates in the fastest time possible. They need to take care not to incur penalties for missing or touching the gates. The person with the fastest time and least number of penalties wins.
As the competitors start their run down the water course, their supporters are cheering on the side lines, urging them on to do their best. The suspense builds as each canoeist gets closer to the finishing line.
It struck me as one competitor went across the finishing line with an excellent time and no penalties and their team were yelling, screaming, and jumping up and down expressing their great joy that this is what it is like when we get to heaven.
As a person “crosses the finish line” and enters heaven all the angels and bystanders (which is humanity gone before) will be screaming and cheering and jumping up and down with excitement for that person.
This joy is stated in the Parable of the Lost Sheep:
“Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.” Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance.
Luke 15:6b-7 NRSV
Oh, what joy!
Do I see myself as a sinner who does wrong and chooses wrong at times? As someone who needs Jesus’ mercy?
Am I being too harsh on myself? I don’t think so.
There have been times when I did gossip.
There have been times when I did judge.
There have been times when I was mean and selfish.
There have been times when I coveted my neighbours goods.
There have been times when I lied to save face.
There have been times when ……..
These times hopefully are in the past and I am being drawn more into living in Jesus’ Kingdom ways. But I once was lost and now am found.
Many a saint would state there was a before knowing the Lord and an after.
St Augustine, St Ignatius of Loyola, St Paul the Apostle to name a few.
Oh, what joy there will be in heaven when we get there one day. I can’t wait for the party! For the cheering. For the eyes of all but especially HIS EYES – of the Lord Jesus Christ – looking at us and welcoming us into His Home.
Have you ever imagined it?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups.
Have you had an experience, like the Saints, where there was a ‘before’ knowing the Lord? How has your life changed since knowing the love of God?
How is your race going? What sin is in your life that you need to recognise and work on?
What do you think the party in heaven will be like? How does the joy of heaven spur you on to live your life on Earth?
I enjoy meditating with you through your writings. Thank you for sharing Rosemary
J, Monaro
Good advice and understanding.
Rosemary Jordan
I’ve lived a life that I’m not proud of, committed every sin in the book as it were …not all at once but over many years and I thank my god for the opportunity repent, such a gift, but my heart breaks for those who die without the opportunity of forgiveness, not terrible people just misguided, kind considerate people ,I pray for their souls ,may god bless them
Rosie Imbert
You give us so much encouragement to do better every single day, even when we keep falling. Thank you so much 🙏.. May Hod continue to bless you all.🙏