God Has Plans For You

My daughter-in-law, Brigette, sent the family a message the other evening. She stated that she had just showed her daughter Mackenzie, who is nearly 8 years of age, how to empty the vacuum cleaner.

Mackenzie’s response was, “I can’t do that! I’m allergic to dust.” (She does suffer badly from hay fever and is allergic to dust and pollen.)

Brigette replied, “That is a good point, but at least you know now how to clean it, the filters etc.”

Mackenzie’s reply was priceless! “I’m never doing that in my life. My husband will have to do it.”

Oh, we all smiled at that quick response.

I wonder if we will remind her about this and tell her husband at her wedding that there is a pre-nuptial agreement that he did not know about?

We often, as little girls, have pre-conceived ideas, dreams, thoughts, ways of behaviour of how we are going to live when we are older. Of course these do not always eventuate. Life, sickness, disease, circumstances take us on a different course.

I do want to encourage all you women though, no matter what age you are now, that God still has a perfect plan for your life.

No matter if you are in your final years or just starting out in life this passage of scripture in Jeremiah still holds true.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Let me put it another way – God is speaking directly to us individually.

“I know what I am doing – I have it all planned out. My plans will take care of you. I will never abandon you and my plans have already worked out the future you hope for.”

What do you hope for? Do you still dream? Or have you given up long ago?

God wants us to keep dreaming and hoping. He is our hope.

He put those dreams into our hearts. Nothing is impossible for God.

Remember when Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the temple after He was born there was a devout man called Simeon and a prophet, Anna, who were both faithful people. They lived their lives in constant prayer and fasting but most importantly with hope in their hearts that they would see the Christ before they died. They lived believing that the promises they felt the Holy Spirit had told them were true.

How many years had they been waiting? Their dreams and hopes were realised, and they continually reminded the people of Israel that God had promised redemption to His people.

These two people are examples of hope. They help us have a trust and hope for our lives in Our Faithful Almighty God who only wants the best for us, who loves us always, eternally, 100%.

Hope in your dreams. Now of course they need to be part of God’s Big picture plan for you. But if you spend time with Him waiting, he will tweak your attitude, your dreams and your plans to be His will for you. The best for you. This should bring us great joy for God’s plans are way better than mine and what I could achieve.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups.


What are you dreaming and hoping for? Or have you stopped dreaming?

What do you need to do to be reminded that nothing is impossible for God?

Who could you share your dreams with so that you can be encouraged to hope again in God for them?


  • Cheryl Reckers

    I have bad anxiety. I have a lot of stress in my life and I have been praying everyday for God to continue to be by my side 24/7 and help me through it all. Every night before I go to bed I thank God for giving me another day. I always consider it a good day if I wake up and knowing God will be by my side makes every day a good day even with everything I have going on🙏

  • Rosemary Downes

    Yes, every day with Christ is the best day. Keep giving your anxiety to Him and you will cope better. Be encouraged and Know that in your anxiousness He is strong- so lean in on that strength.
    Thank you for sharing. Much love Rosemary

  • Cynthia Allagappen

    Lately I have been feeling so depressed, and I tell myself that I have to lean on God and believe that He will get me through this,to be grateful that I have been blessed with another day.
    Thank you Rosemary for your encouraging words.
    God bless you.