God Can Use Anything To Make Us Think

A friend of mine with her granddaughter met up with me and two of my granddaughters, to go to the movies together. One of my daughters with her daughter came along as well.

All the adults enjoyed the movie Runt, and the children all seemed to as well, even though there was quite a bit of “talking” together during it.

A lot of the movies nowadays are presented at two levels. There is the general storyline and then often an undercurrent of humorous lines that only the older or more mature pick up on. Even if there is no “adult humour” there are levels of understanding of what is going on amidst the characters in the movie.

Afterwards Willow, who is 6, turned to her Mum and stated, “yes the movie was good but not as enjoyable as others.” Adding on the end of the sentence, “– that is my opinion…..” (Now where has she heard that phrase before?)

Oh, sounding so much older than her years but not fully understanding the meaning of the movie or the sub-themes among the main theme.

It made me think how quick we are to judge sometimes and give “our opinion” of things we see, situations we acknowledge, thinking we know exactly what is going on. We often don’t give people the benefit of the doubt or ‘walk in their shoes’, as it is so often stated.

Willow enjoyed the dog races in the movie but did not pick up on the gems of the words used in the interaction between the family members, the Australian humour, the lifestyle portrayed, and the lessons learned by many for the love of the main two characters, Runt the dog and Annie her adopted owner.

To me this was going to become an Australian Classic like Strictly Ballroom that I remember many years ago. There were many a scene where the lines and situation made you think about your values, about the way you think. I hope many felt the same way.

Again, my thoughts went to how God can use anything in our lives to get us to think, to stop and meditate upon our morals, our values, how we treat people……. just in our ordinary everyday lives.

Where have you seen a movie, read a book, spoke to someone and felt like the Holy Spirit said something to you about your life or values right now?

Stop and listen for your benefit.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups.


Can you name a time where God spoke to you in the ordinary, everyday of your life? What were you doing?

Did you make a change in your life because of the experience?

What can you do to be more aware of the Holy Spirit prompting you each day?

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