23 September 2020
Some of my family are getting up early in the morning or going out later at night for walks for exercise. My three-year-old granddaughter, Willow, on one of the evenings was told by her Mum that they would be buying dinner because time had gotten away, and it was getting late.
Willow asked if they could buy chips from the farm. Her Mum, Melissa, did not understand what she was saying. A farm selling potatoes? But her Dad, Scott, whispered into Melissa’s ear, “Like Old MacDonald’s.” The penny dropped.
So, Melissa asked Willow, “Do you want chips from McDonald’s?” Yeah was the answer.
Did you not get that?
Old Macdonald on the farm sells chips or fries.
I laughed so much. Children are such a delight. They are so innocent and their world blends in all together. And so the normal correlation for them is that McDonald’s has a farm that sells chips.
It brings to mind the scripture in Matthew 18. (NRSV)
The disciples had come to Jesus and asked, “Who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” He called a little child and set him before them.
3 and said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:3-4 NRSV
I guess we all want to feel great, be great. We want to be held in high esteem by God and Man. We are not unlike the disciples.
Jesus’ answer turns their ideas, thoughts, and attitudes on their head. It is an upside-down Kingdom, different to what they were used to.

Firstly, Jesus states, “Truly I tell you” – I want you to listen well to this, it is a strong recommendation! He is telling us the way it is. Jesus uses it when he wants to strongly convey something concerning Himself, His Kingdom rules and the disciple or follower.
What does this change mean? In your inner most self, your old way of thinking and living (your attitude) needs to change to be like a child who is trusting, humble and forgiving.
When a child is still innocent, they are open and trusting. They have a purity of spirit that the world has not yet infected.
Jesus wants us to have these qualities and attitudes like a little child. The heart of a child, when very young, does not desire authority, does not regard outward distinctions (for example the colour of someone’s skin does not matter to them), they are free from malice, they are teachable and willingly dependent upon their parents. These are the humble distinctions of a Christian who is willing to be the least of all.
That does not mean that you allow yourself to be a doormat even though you have God given leadership abilities. No. It means you humbly know your abilities but are willing to allow others to step up to theirs and know there are probably others way more gifted than you. You don’t push yourself forward, in spite of anyone else, to be the leader but if chosen will be the leader. There is no pride or ambition in you to win, to be the best amongst others. You want to win to be the best you can be because you are a good steward of the gifts God has given you, but you are only competing against yourself. There is a difference.
So, visualise the cutest, most adorable, innocent little one that comes to Jesus willingly and is loved by Him and that’s you! The greatest in God’s Kingdom.
That’s one of the reasons Jesus was upset when the disciples turned away the little ones (when they thought he was too tired). One – They were turning away the greatest in His Kingdom and Two – He turns no one away.
So, let us try to rewire our minds – actually let our God rewire them to help us to think and act differently.
We are not embarrassed when we get “Old MacDonald’s farm who has chips” wrong. We just laugh at ourselves and know that God thinks we are so cute.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Where do you need your mind and your thoughts to be rewired so as to be like a little child?
Does this challenge you?
Louise Ades
Love it Rosemary thank you
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for sharing this funny incident involving your grand daughter,Willow to explain the scripture verses,
Mathew 18:3 -4. God’s kingdom is so opposite to the world’s requirements. The world views being like a child from an adult as
being immature, a lack of self control, spontaneously reacting to a situation in retaliation without reasoning, bursting into tears
without considering the full facts -tantrums. While our Lord Jesus states we need to change and be like children, who are fully
open to trusting, fully attentive and eager to please, as you put it Rosemary willingly dependant. They are not discriminatory,
authoritarian, and vainly egocentric until they are taught either by example, or by their piers or by their parents.
Many in the world would not want to become like the child Jesus is referring to, as it would leave them in a vulnerable state,
not being fully in control of their lives, rather having to TRUST completely and give their CONTROL over to God, in order to do
His will, and not their own. To be humble rather than be full of self assertion and esteem, in order to enter His kingdom.
Deanna Francke
Thank you Rosemary it is so true we forget to have a child like attitude when approaching God as we are all children of God.
Very good Rosemary using your granddaughter Willow as an example. l look forward to your comments each week. Keep them coming.
May God Bless you, Bruce & the team abundantly.