Our discussion this week focuses on the challenge of living our lives as Christians. As we live our every day lives it can be difficult to act, speak and behave as the Christian that we say we are.
So enjoyed this podcast Rosemary and Emma. Do you also have that little book ‘Living Faith’ Daily Catholic Devotion? I get mine from the local Parish, and work through the readings in conjunction with my Bible. A jolly good daily check…. am I reflecting the Lord Jesus Christ today? And to know, He is right there with us. Am I being the Ambassador for Him that He approves of? Oh my word, I fall so often….!!!!!
Joan Ranck
Thanks Rosemary and Emma I learned from you I want to become a better christian have a blessed day 😘🙏
So enjoyed this podcast Rosemary and Emma. Do you also have that little book ‘Living Faith’ Daily Catholic Devotion? I get mine from the local Parish, and work through the readings in conjunction with my Bible. A jolly good daily check…. am I reflecting the Lord Jesus Christ today? And to know, He is right there with us. Am I being the Ambassador for Him that He approves of? Oh my word, I fall so often….!!!!!