31 March 2021
500 metres in I started to feel it. A low grade rubbing on the back of my heel.
I’ve worn the wrong socks – these ones on my feet are not high enough on the back of my ankle and are starting to rub badly. I had even put on a bandaid because I suspected that being new shoes, this might happen. At each step the irritation seemed to be getting worse to the point at the 3 kilometre (1.8 mile) mark of a 5 kilometre (just over 3 miles) run/ walk I was thinking of giving up. Every step made me grit my teeth and looking down there was blood freely flowing from the blistery sore at the back of my ankle – all over the sock and back of the shoe.
Then my thoughts stopped me in my tracks (not literally for I kept walking). How much pain and suffering did Jesus take on for me, carrying a cross up a hill after he had been beaten and whipped and had open bleeding wounds on his back. How much gritting of teeth in his humanity did he do?
Laughable really to compare how I was feeling and gritting my teeth as my ankle smarted to what Christ did for us!
But this very small wound if you can even call it that made me feel more appreciative of what Jesus had done even physically for me!
To be abused, brutally flogged. To be treated so undignified, while totally innocent. To carry his own cross to his death. For being nailed to a cross, pierced in his side. What agony he suffered for us. He was laughed and mocked at and even had guards betting for his clothes. He was left with nothing. Only his mother and one disciple were at his deathbed. And this is just the human part of him. What love he bore for us!
Then as the divine Son of God – taking on our sins and shame for all. Dying for us. Being found guilty so that we might be made free. Restoring us once and for all to a relationship with the Father. What love both Father and Son displayed for us.
I looked up through my thoughts and saw the finish line. The goal ahead was within my grasp and I picked up my pace.
Jesus at one stage had cried out to the Father – where are you? Have you abandoned me? But as the goal ahead could be seen. His death which would bring all of us eternal life (once he had risen in 3 days time) Jesus cried out “it is finished!” It is done. I’ve won my prize – my people who I love.
Oh, tears came to my eyes.
I was done. It was not the blistered ankle that made me feel like this. It was Jesus! So appropriate coming into Holy Week.
I walked across that finishing line a more humbled person. A more grateful person.
I actually did a PB (personal best) time that day.
But my reward was understanding more of what Jesus did for me.
This Holy Week may you find Christ, our hope, our Saviour!
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
I wish you a very blessed Easter!
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you truly understand?
Does the Holy Spirit show or give you opportunities to be grateful for Jesus’ sacrifice for you?
Denise Knowles
Dear Rosemary, I truly understand the pain you suffered with your blistered, oh yes it happened to me going to Church, quite a while ago, instead of driving it was a nice Easter Sunday, I walked I never wear high heels shoes, but I’m not a tall person, so I decided to buy a new pair of shoes, the week before, our Church was just down our Street, So I started to walk, half way there, I was having so much pain in my foot, the whole shoe gave me pain, I get to Church, Fr. House came to me, said oh good, our reader called in sick, so please, come up when it’s time for you to read the Scriptures, it was agony I was just about to tell him, but He was so busy, I had to carry the Bible to the ambo, a slow and long walk, I did the readings, with my foot aching like a tooth ache, so about 2 hours, I knew I was going to face the walk home, Well my foot stop aching, no more pain…
This was before I was married, those shoes lasted for a long time, Have a good Blessed Easter.
Jill Mitchell
Hi dear Rosemary, thank you, I really do enjoy your jottings and thoughts from your Journal.
Yesterday I was reading an article about a respected Asian family who had owned this little restaurant for years. A really well likes, friendly fellow.
He was deeply hurt because two strangers spat at him. This really hurt him badly and he could not understand why they had done that.
I really felt for him and wrote an encouraging line.
And then I thought of Jesus and how they spat at Him too.
It really wounds my heart when I consider how He suffered for me….
Thank you Rosemary for your sharing & Reflecting on Jesus & his great love for us. It’s a lot to take in, but very moving when you do.
Deanna Francke
Thank you Rosemary for sharing your pain & suffering in order to bring us closer to what Christ suffered for us. I always enjoy your weekly jottings please keep them coming & may you, Bruce & your family have a Blessed Easter🌹🙏