8 September 2021
Melissa, my second eldest daughter, headed for bed herself after putting her four children to bed. What a day!
As she started to feel herself winding down, she heard a noise in the room and soon felt a little body snuggle in beside her. Turning to look at who it was, Melissa said to her four-year-old, whose name is Willow, “What are you doing?” “I’ve just come to relax with you” was Willow’s reply.
So, she let her relax with her for a while and took her back to bed.
Willow just needed the feeling of security, the knowledge that her Mum (or Dad) could give her as she headed for bed. A time at night when we all often reflect upon our lives and circumstances of the day. When things can often seem worse than what they are. When security and rest is needed.
If only we would learn that lesson, at the end of the day, before going to bed, just before we sleep, even at times when we feel stressed or under the pump.
If only we went to the one person, (actually the three persons in one) – our God who gives us the total security we need, the total relief.
If only we went and relaxed beside our God and allowed him to give us the rest, the peace we need.
Life is sooo busy and rushed.
Jesus encouraged us strongly to come and rest with Him. To unpack our burdens and find rest with Him.
Come to me, all you who labour and have been burdened, and I will refresh you.
Matthew 11:28
So even if it just makes you feel good and helps you sleep – go rest with God.
But I can acknowledge that being with God is way more than a good feeling! He fixes all things for my good! He gives me perfect peace. He resolves situations that are way above my ability.
When I come to Him, He takes my burdens off me, even if it does not look differently, the circumstances are no longer burdens and I can rest physically, mentally and spiritually in Him.
It may seem that this topic comes up often in my life, maybe yours too? My life seems to come up with so many things that can make me feel stressed. Things that take my rest and peace away. I need to remind myself, take note from this little girl to come to my saviour and find the peace and rest I need. Do you need the same?
“Come!”, says Jesus. An encouraging imperative. Come!
Willow never mentioned to her Mum what was bothering her, but she had a restful night sleep. Maybe you don’t say anything at all to God, but he knows what worries you and if you unburden to Him, “relax” with him, maybe you too will have a restful night sleep with the peace that only God can give.
Maybe you are carrying burdens from others that you are praying for? Let us ask the Prince of Peace to come and bring rest to all the souls in need.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you need to spend some time to rest with God?
What burdens are you holding onto that you can give to God?
Mary Ann
Yes Rosemary I do feel like that! Especially through the stresses that have come from living and working at home 24/7 with quite a few people.
It’s even hard sometimes to find that place to sit & think and pray alone.
Thank you it helps to be reminded that God is there to come to with our worries and needs. Bless you
Thank you , so lovely to read always. Yes often if I can’t sleep and toss and turn , I just say ‘Jesus be with me ‘and repeat the words Jesus slowly a few times , and concentrate on His holy name , and I find I can usually go back to sleep again . Also praying to Holy Souls help me .
Brenda L'Etang
Thank you Rosemary, I needed to hear this right now, life has been so stressful this past week and even though I pray and I know God is with me always, it has been a struggle. I have a set time to pray daily however I do talk to our loving God constantly during the day, but some days I feel I just can’t go on, that’s when I know He is carrying me. Your jottings today really resonated with me, thank you.
Your thoughts shared today was just what I needed to hear. As you would well no trying to please everyone is always a challenge. Yes we do and I especially do need a higher Power to no is there and listening to me. Thanks for sharing. Special Blessings to you
Deanna Francke
Thank you Rosemary yes we all need to relax from time to time & who better than to relax with God. What a great idea it will do us all good relaxing with God.
Great idea Rosemary I don’t know how you keep coming up with these splendid ideas each week but you really know how to do it, very often it’s just what each of us needs.
I pray that God will bless you, Bruce & team abundantly with all the resources you need. Great work keep it up. 💕✝🙏
Maureen J
Thank you Rosemary. Our family has been struggling with some issues, but God’s peace is in my heart and sustains me . Thank you for your prayers. God bless
Thank you Rosemary for your sharing today I often think of God as far away a heavenly body up there. So this is a good reminder that I have to keep telling myself that He’s right here always. You and Bruce are so open in sharing about your family it’s so lovely as it makes us feel as a family and not like one usually feels about Godly people like they are on another level. I love that about your team as it helps others to share. Thank you. May God bless your family and your ministry in Jesus precious name Amen 🙏
Di A
The house is empty – the 3 familly members living here are all out. 2 or 3 hours of me not feeling as if I’m “on call”. So I sat down to rest for a while and relish the silence of a never empty home and read this jotting. I am continually amazed at how relevant your comments can be at the time I read them. Thank you. It is so much easier to rest with God when there are no distractions. God bless you, Bruce, your family and the team
Such a beautiful timely message. Thank you. Peace Rosemary.