10 November 2021
We all are such complex people. Each have our own personalities, quirks, idiosyncrasies, upbringing, and on top of that different circumstances that shape us.
Visiting family lately, listening to different ones as we share life together, as we catch up on each other’s lives, it had made me think again of how frail we are.
So many of us have problems, issues that we have to deal with in life. Some issues every day, some for months on end, while others that raise their head every now and again.
All we want in life is peace, joy, goodness, for things to go well. We all want love to reign. Harmony in our families. For Life to go well.
Reflecting upon this, ultimately this only comes from God. Jesus did tell us while living in this world some strife would occur.
The goodness we all want comes from Our God who is good! And He our creator only makes good things!
O taste and see that the Lord is good;
Psalm 34:8
We need to let this goodness shine more!
That’s not to say we need to put our head in the sand and ignore our problems or the weaknesses within us. But we do need to celebrate the good things, our strengths.
“There is a reason people behave the way they do. Look beyond the behaviour, see the person and look for the beauty that lies deep within. People are precious.” ~ Julia A’Bell
What can you celebrate that is good?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Amongst everything going on in your life can you celebrate the goodness in your life?
What has God blessed you with?
Where can you celebrate the good things?
Miss Isabella Ramirra
Thank you for sharing Rosemary. I’m going through some issues with my health. One health issue was unexpected. I am concerned/frighten of what the future holds, however, that passage from Jeremiah has eased my concerns. I will trust in God of what comes.
I love your reflections! It’s SO important to recognize all the goodness God brings to out lives.It’s a game changer! I keep a gratitude journal but now I have a new goal to look for the goodness in others, especially when they’re behavior is irritating as I’m sure mine is as well on many occasions! Thank you!
Thank you Rosemary for reminding me! Sometimes I pray for Grace Mercy and Peace then realize The Lord has given me Grace Mercy and Peace I just have to Trust and Accept and Be Grateful!!!❤️🙏🏾✝️
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for reminding me that we all have challenges in one way or another and some more challenging times than others!!! Well it was only today that I thought that instead of concentrating on all the problems that I am experiencing and thinking critically and negative about them all, how about I concentrate on the positive and good and thank the Lord for them? As the day began
I noticed, the atmosphere at home didn’t start out so well, as I was the only one who was cheery. But as the day progressed and while I was concentrating on writing down my PERSONAL prayer and today’s Readings for Mass, what I received from the Lord was a lot of encouragement!!! Towards dinnertime the atmosphere in the home had changed!!! My husband’s pain was not as intense. My son’s headache had gone. My son’s girlfriend cheered up and was no longer talking about the difficulties she is facing in her workplace. I also managed to succeed in doing a task on the internet, that had been bothering me for a couple of weeks now. All seemed calm as we will be getting ready to go to bed. I thank you Lord for this day and for being with me and unknowingly for them,with my family!!! I thank You
for the encouragement I received from You and through your messengers today!!! Consider yourself and Bruce my messengers today and how truly grateful I am!!! I thank you both!!!