1 December 2021
In the last little while there has been bad news. News about people who have found out they have cancer, have cancer back again or have tragedy in their families.
The world situation is still very dire with the covid-19 virus. Isolation, families split apart, businesses struggling or already gone to the wall. So many people’s livelihoods at risk. Mental health and depression are on the rise with people not getting the help they need. Loneliness is an epidemic.
My thoughts go to, “Lord where are you in all of this?”
Most of these people with sickness or tragedy in their lives are good people. They are trying to live good lives.
So again, I question, “Where are you Lord?”
I bumped into a stranger who shared her life with me, she is struggling following God, believing that things will get better, she too is questioning, “Where are you Lord? I’ve been crying out to you. Where are you Lord?”
I believe our God is just like described in 2 Chronicles 16:9
The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
2 Chronicles 16:9
As I get older and have walked longer with My God, I know He is faithful. I know that He has walked with me and looked after me over the years. It is my Saviour that has saved me time and again. Saved me from wrong decisions, saved me from circumstances in my control or even out of my control. He has sent me strength sometimes by me recognising His help and sometimes not.
But My saviour is not mine alone. I am just part of his perfect plan. He is OUR Saviour who has saved and continues to save His People. I am a part of the big picture, a very small part.
The Holy Spirit reminds me that,
…all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
God works all things for good! He works it all out.
So I need to lean into God’s plan, to trust in Him, not in my understanding.
As in Proverbs
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways submit to him,
Proverbs 3:5-6
and he will make your paths straight.
I would like to encourage you in your walk with the Lord. He sees. He knows your situation. He cares. He weeps when you weep. He grieves when you grieve. He understands how you feel, He himself has felt those emotions. And He will strengthen you to endure, He will come and rescue you,
As my Mum said to me last week, a very wise woman, “We need the Holy Spirit to sweep across the earth and into our lives.”
What does the Holy Spirit bring?
Supernatural power.
One who comforts.
Intercessor. Advocate.
So may the God of all, the Almighty, send His Holy Spirit upon this earth, upon all of us. To strengthen us, to help us, to comfort us, to open all of our eyes to the truth, to love more, to receive guidance for the right choices in life, to send His power when we need it, to protect us and to intercede for us before the Father.
Holy Spirit come.
My heart still cries, “Where are you Lord?”
but changes quickly to “Thank you Lord, that you are here.”
What does your heart cry when life happens to you and things occur that you had not planned?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
What does your heart cry when life happens to you and things occur that you had not planned?
Have you ever cried out, “Lord where are you in all of this?” Have you felt God respond?
Do you need to ask the Holy Spirit to come into your situations?
Thank you for your timely message Rosemary. A great reminder to be always thankful to our God in all circumstances. Not always easy to do, but Praise & Thanksgiving be always in our heart & on our lips. Christmas Blessings to you. Vivienne.
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for bringing this subject up, concerning how we feel in times of suffering, hardship, illness and hurt. You asking where is God is in all this, brought up a time where I felt God had forgotten me. But as always that was not so. However at the time and many other times I have felt speechless and without thought and only in hurt and pain….then I begin to pray to the Lord, when I find myself in a quiet, alone, safe space with Him, pouring out my heart to Him….Sometimes scripture verses will enter my mind and I feel the Lord is talking to my heart through His Word. Then there are other times, there seems to be silence that appear long, only to find the next day has brought change in the circumstance. Words of encouragement spoken by others and especially by Bruce, yourself and Emma as well as a Priest through his homily, or the Pope’s message are to me God’s words spoken through you all! You become the mouthpiece of the Holy Spirit to me! I thank you once again Rosemary and i thank the Lord for hearing my cry even at the time it didn’t feel like it! But appearances can be deceiving!!!
God never fails. In our times of distress we do unfortunately lose sight of our Heavenly Parent and even get quite angry as we ask “where is God”? Thankfully He knows our weak and earthly failings. I think perhaps we may break His heart a little with our unbelief But our Heavenly Father never abandons us. He indeed “works everything out for our good “. As we hurtle towards the end of a difficult year and as news spreads of a new wave of Covid, may wr look back on this year and see just how faithful God has been and turn our doubts to praise and gratitude. We must remind ourselves to hold on, to not give up and we ” will see the salvation of the Lord “. We cannot do any of this alone..we need the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Debra J Johnson
Thank you for being a light to women. There has been so much tragedy in my life this year. Sometimes I feel like I’m never going to get through it all but I always remember our Lord does not abandon or forsake and our blessed mother is always with us along with St Joseph. They walked through all we go through and walk with us.
Looking forward to hear your message.
Merry Christmas to all.
Good day !
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