15 December 2021
In the Advent season we are reminded that God has come, is here and is coming again.
I was praying in the car. Listening to songs of worship, joining in at times or just talking to God. Bringing up areas in my life I was wanting God to be victorious in. As I prayed out loud, the Spirit reminded me of all the prayers that have been coming in during the last few days. Prayers needed for so many things, so many people, so many situations. In the midst of the words of prayer, the feelings of pain, grief and suffering, real tears in my eyes came to the fore.
Oh, so many experiences of people hurting, so many situations that are demoralising, are downright wrong, so many crying out to God. My heart was weeping for each and everyone.
O Lord, you say you have come and are coming again.
Oh Lord when, when are you coming to these people, to these situations, to answer these needs, real needs of people? We are crying out to you, O God. When are you coming?
And once again the gracious Lord answered me. He answered me in the way I often listen to Him – in worship. In song.
These words of a song came out of the radio.
They say this mountain can’t be moved.
They say these chains will never break
But they don’t know You like we do
There is power in your name.
We’ve heard that there is no way through
We’ve heard the tide will never change
They haven’t seen what you can do
There is power in your name.
Move the unmovable
Break the unbreakable
God we believe
God we believe for it.
“Believe For It” CeCe Winans
We need to believe in our God. Believe that He can! The enemy wants us to lose. To NOT believe in God (that’s how he wins). Don’t let him!
Our God can.
Our God will. Our God saves us. His timing is perfect.
So, bring All your needs before Him and let us call out for mercy and see what He does.
So, bring all of your prayer needs. Send them into us at Heart.
My prayer team will offer all of your prayers up and petition to the King of Kings to come.
And on the 26th December, the day after our saviour comes to the earth we are going to believe for It.
Show our belief in our Saving All Loving God.
I don’t want to be living in a town like Nazareth, I don’t want to be one of those people living there, where not many miracles could occur there because the people did not believe.
And he did not do many deeds of power there, because of their unbelief.
Matt 13:58 NRSV
I will be praying for people’s needs during our Heartbeat video on the 26th of December. If you would like me to pray for you, please email me prayer@heartministryforwomen.com
I am believing for God’s miracles, His mercy, His grace and His love to pour upon you and your needs.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Do you believe that God can? Are you believing that He can? If not, what is stopping you?
Do you believe that God can make a change in your life, for your circumstances?
Thank you Rosemary for your wonderful faith in our God, & for your sharing. Please pray for my Family, that they would come to know, love & serve God in this life so as to be with Him in Heaven for all Eternity. I pray that God wouldn’t give up on them, to keep knocking at the door of their souls. He made us, we belong to him. Christmas Blessings to you, Bruce & your Family & Ministry team. With love in the Divine Will. Vivienne
Please pray for my family that their faith will grow stronger and will turn back to God.
Thank you Rosemary and Bruce since last Easter somehow your email appeared on my Facebook and I have listened to you everyday.You both have helped my faith to grow .I have even sent your videos to my children’s emails,hoping it will help them.
Keep on doing what your doing.
God Bless you.
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for this very relevant, timely message!!! I really needed to hear this with the ears of my heart , that God Can!!! I have had challenges all my life!!! But as I look back I could see where the Lord was with me and didn’t even realize it at the time!!! In this season of my life I am facing challenges that are overwhelming, like violent storms that would like to tip me out of the boat and see me drown!!! You are right about the enemy who wants us to lose and NOT BELIEVE IN GOD!!! I will be sending you my prayer request via email Rosemary! Thank you and your prayer Team at Heart Ministry!!! God bless you all!!!
Denise Knowles
Thank you Rosemary for your words the Holy Spirit puts in your gentle heart, for you to share with us.
Our son Mark keeps asking us to pray for his wife Kim’s father who has terminal cancer he’s suffering so much, we do pray, but they want a Miracle, my brother’s wife June is in the hospital very sick. They want us to pray, I say to them that we can Pray but God is in charge, it’s very hard to let go of someone you love so much, please for our son Daniel who is facing financial problems, he needs to have a job that he can work fr home, for he is teaching his 2 sons from home, pray for him to believe again on our Lord Jesus. Barry and I are feeling beaten down ,but we must always pray Alleluia Jesus . Because that’s what the enemy makes us feel. , he hates when we put Jesus Our Lord first, by saying Alleluia Jesus 🙏
Helene Williamson
Rosemary: Today I asked you to pray for me as my faith is so weak right now. With this new Omicron Covid virus that is now among us and spreading so fast. I have only asked for one thing for next year and that is that my husband and I can make one last trip to Cuba in March of 2022. He has been diagnosed with dementia and right now he is doing quite well. This is his wish as well as mine. I know it doesn’t seem like it is important – but I would like to take him there to see our dearest friends that we made during our travels. That is all he talks about. He is already starting to plan what we are taking with us. I keep saying God willing – but I am finding it very hard to believe these days.
Thank you all – I wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, Bruce, Emma and everyone at Bruce Downes Ministries.
Love in Christ
Eva Martino
Rosemary , I thank you and Bruce for relaying Gods Messages to us everyday!! I know God is talking threw you both to us every morning we listen daily devotional before we start our day and off to work. Thank You THank you !! We pray for you and your ministry every day in my now appointed prayer chair. We do have one married child not attending church and would like prayers for him and his wife. We pray for them every day as well that they will come closer to God. God is working with me as well and I am so thankful for it as well . He threw me in his path to get my attention a little deeper and here we go. I do need prayers while traveling this path with God. I love God more deeply and eager to learn more about him. EVA
Anna Herd
Please pray that my ex will stay away from my place as I had to take out a VRO on him
Please pray also for my dependent cm drugs to sleep. I hate it
Valerie Simms
Yes Rosemary it’s me again! I will be sending you an email but for now, I have a burden on my heart concerning my Mother.
She is 87 frail and her phone call I received this morning, she was crying and depressed. She lives in Queensland. The last
time I saw her was at my Dad’s funeral 6 years ago! Please could you pray with me that I will be able to see her soon, before
she passes away. That this new Covid outbreak will not prevent me from seeing her for yet another year! Please pray for virtually
all members of my family and relatives who have either left the Lord far behind them in their lives, or have never experienced a
personal, loving, life changing relationship with Him. Thank you and God bless you Rosemary!
In Christ’s love,
Valerie Simms
Rosemary, I discovered last night that my sister is diagnosed positive for covid but her fifteen year old daughter is diagnosed negative. They are both quarantined in their apartment at this present time. Could you and the praying team in the ministry please pray for them?
I would appreciate your prayers
In Christ’s Love
Colette conlon
I would ask God to help my children forget about our church scandles and come back to the church
Our Pope needs prayers to help him cope with all this mess
My granddaughter does not want to baptize her new baby
That makes me sad
ItI is inriching to be with people that think like
Thank you
Jeanie Bartholomew
Please woould you pray for my older son, he is not well, needs psychological treatment, he has BiPolar illness, and is very unhappy at the moment, and doesn’t want to tlk to me. Thank you Rosemary