Jesus Helps us to See
Willow came to her Mum, Melissa, one morning and shared some of the wisdom that she has been learning.
“Did you know hedgehogs can’t see very well?”
“How did you know that?” Melissa asked.
“cos I watched it on a video.”
“oh ok”
“And some people can’t see either cos some people are blind.”
Oh, so true, but are people blind because there is something wrong within their eyes or figuratively are they blind from just seeing what is in front of them?
There is a great story in John 9 where a man born blind receives his sight from the action of Jesus in his life. Jesus had just publicly proclaimed Himself as “The Light of the World.” And with this demonstration of giving sight to a man born blind was claiming this. All men are spiritually blind from birth. It is only God’s love and action in our lives that makes us see.
It was Jesus who saw this blind man. It was Jesus who approached him. It was Jesus who saw beyond this blindness and saw the man’s life of hopelessness. It was Jesus who told his disciples that this man or his parents had not sinned and so this blindness was not punishment for that sin. NO.
“He was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him.”
John 9:3b NRSV
This man was born blind so that one day Jesus would restore his sight. It was for GOD’s Work to be revealed. It was so that God’s Glory could be shown in the midst of this seeming tragedy. This man’s eyes physically were now working but spiritually he was awakened too. He did not know who this man was but knew he was sent by God.
“If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.”
John 9:33 NRSV
But sadly, it was the Pharisees who were Blind and could not see. Spiritually speaking.
Reading John 9 you see this man healed. Told to go, is SENT to the pool called Siloam (Which means ‘sent’ – this is no coincidence).
This man, and we do not know his name, represents all of us who need an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ for us to see. Jesus will always come to us. Jesus will reach out to us and spread upon our lives, the dust (Mud), the DNA we are made of mixed with His DNA(saliva) and send us on our way to live our lives believing that He is the Lord. And in so doing worshiping Him.
Jesus said to him, “You have seen him, and the one speaking with you is he.” He said, “Lord, I believe.” And he worshiped him.
John 9:37-38 NRSV
Are you going to be the blind man, the one who can now see? Or are you going to be the people who can see but are blind?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Are your eyes open to the work God is doing in your life? Or are you blind to see?
What area of your life could you ask God to restore your sight so that you see how God wants you to see?
Valerie Lack
All my life I have been one of those people who loves everybody until I or one of those I love has been hurt by someone.
It is a form of blindness. I worry that , when I leave this mortal coil, for eternity, that I will not recognise my Lord God. And that I will be tricked by the sly trickster, the evil one.
Considering that I will be Eighty at the end of this year, that time to go, is fast approaching.
I know people far younger than me are dying every day, however at this stage of life the odds are much higher.
I pray fervently, that when my eyes close here on earth for the last time, that GOD, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, will be there to take my hand and lead me home to be with them. I pray that my eyes will no longer be blind.
Rosemary Downes
Dear Val, you will trully know and recognize the lord! Remember He is not like us, He is total love that pulsates for us, total purity, total awesomeness, total Holy- your spirit will tell you the truth. Be at peace , keep your heart kind, generous, loving, focused on Him and He will come to you . that’s our living God.
Love to you Rosemary
Eileen Chisari
I pray that I may pass any spiritual blindness tests. I pray that my OCD does not throw me off course to what really matters, And that I can clearly and confidently cry out for the Holy Spirit to embrace me and lead me home, lest I feel compelled to stop and muse a long the way. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. AMEN
Susan Dudek
Dear Rosemary,
I pray my eyes will always be opened to see how deeply God our Father, Jesus, His Son, and the Holy Spirit being always present for me, and I feel the love that surrounds me each and every day. Thank you, Rosemary, Bruce & team, for always being so attentive to all of us who art fortunate enough to hear and listen to God’s words.
May you continue to be blessed, reaching all of Us in so many ways?
Deanne M Savard
We will know JESUS because we have already met HIM in all those we meet. Thank you
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for that thought provoking question: Am I going to be the blind man who can now see? Or be the people who can see but are blind? Well I hope to be the blind man who can now see. But there are times when I become discouraged about who I pray for to see for many years and hoping that an event or a certain person will help. The event was unsuccessful and a certain person has not appeared yet. Then there are times I would love to see a miracle from the Lord, that no one can deny happen in my circumstance and I’m still waiting. Times like these I need to pray to the Lord, and pour out my heart, see what He wants to say to me through the Scriptures, what I can hear in my heart. Psalm 42: 5 comes to mind…Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, my help and my God.
May the Lord continue to bless you Rosemary!