What Season Are You In?
“Now that you’re five, you are a big girl!” said Willow’s mum, Melissa, as she tucked Willow into bed after an exciting birthday.
Willow replied, “Yeah, and I can’t wait till I’m a new student in high school.”
Melissa laughed, “Ah no… you still go to kindy tomorrow.”
Oh, don’t little ones bring a smile to your face. We are not very different in our thinking to this. How often do we want to move from the season we are in to something that appears better?
We very quickly want to jump from a young girl to a teenager. Then when we are early teens, we can’t wait till we are eighteen. Then when we are eighteen, we desire to be twenty-one already. When we are at school, we can’t wait till we leave school………. Have you ever heard “I can’t wait till I’m a Mum” then… “I can’t wait till the kids leave home.”…….
Are we never happy? Never content?
Did the writer of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 write his wisdom for all of us?
To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die,
A time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted.
A time to kill and a time to heal,
A time to break down and a time to build up.
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
A time to mourn and a time to dance……
Ecclesiastes 3:1-4
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
We cannot quicken time. There is no time-travel (unless God decides to bi-locate or miraculously move someone to another location – see Phillip in ACTS 8 :39-40.)
There is often a season we are in, and we will be in it till the right time occurs for us to move to another season of our life. But in EVERY Season God has a purpose and a plan for our lives. In EVERY season we must be prepared…. As stated in 2 Timothy 4
… be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.
2 Timothy 4:2
We may not be evangelist proclaimers like Timothy, John or Paul but we could be evangelists like Barnabas – the encourager, who welcomed people into the early Church (a new believer in Paul converted from Saul).
Maybe you are one of the followers of Jesus that serves at tables and supervises the distribution of food like Stephen and six others who were chosen to do so in Acts 6:2b and Acts 6:5.
All doing our part, in the season we are in.
Let us keep reading about Stephen who was a waiter, let us see how God used him in his role, in the season of his life.
“Now Stephen, full of grace, divine blessing and favor and power, strength and ability worked great wonders and signs, miracles among the people.”
Acts 6:8
Oh wow! In between washing coffee cups and plates, in his serving people, God blessed him to perform miracles in people’s lives!
What could God be using you for in your season of life?
Where could miracles be occurring in the everyday for you? Especially if we lean into God in the season we are in. Let us open our eyes to God working.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
What season of life are you in now?
Do you see God using you where you are? How? If not, where do you need to open your eyes to what God is doing in you?
You’ve inspired me Rosemary to be more alert to how I can make a difference in all the ordinary happenings in my life. Thank you for your jottings!
Yes I need to connect with likeminded women to strengthen my faith and womanhood
Joanne Millington
Thank you for the sharing. I am in a very low season /period in my life and can’t see God’s purpose or how He will bring good about from it-I feel in much need of prayer and encouragement Please pray for me
Rosemary Downes
Dear Joanne, know for sure that God can turn good out of your situation! He loves you ! Lean into Him. He is looking after you. Be of good courage and draw strength from Him. One thing we do know is that a season has a limited time. Ecclesiastes tells us this- it will change.
We will pray for you. Much love to Rosemary
Rosemary Downes
Know this- God has power that you have never seen-strength that you have never known- God has love for you that you have yet to see – try not to see with your eyes and mind trust in Gods blessed eyes and mind- remember his ways and thoughts are way above ours
Joanne Millington
Thank you Rosemary
Valerie Lack
Dear Rosemary, you are so right. My mother used to say stop wishing your life away.. How much better to enjoy each millisecond of every season of life. It is true that we see things more clearly in hindsight too.. In this my winter season, I look back and can see highlighted, my many mistakes and failings, I do not see the good things which I may have done, just the foolish things. But I can also see the hand of GOD at work in my life. Dear Lord GOD, make me aware of, and prevent me from spoiling this last season of my life, help me see the needs of others, clearly. Let each word from my mouth be a blessing. Let me see only the good in others and hear the need behind the words spoken to me. Assist me in my journey of knowing you more deeply and following you every day.
Please pray for me Rosemary, I need all the help I can get
Carla Villafana
Thank you Rosemary. Yes sometimes I try to jump seasons. I pray we all learn to enjoy our seasons.