Meditation can take perseverance but St Padre Pio encourages us to start with small steps. Our chat focuses on this encouragement to include meditation in our lives.
Thank you Emma and Rosemary concerning this chat you have given on seeking God in meditation. Like you Rosemary I tend to read a passage of Scripture, then pray asking God, the Holy Spirit as to what He is trying to say to me. While I was listening to what both of you were saying, I looked down at my Bible that I had opened for a while now, and was surprised at what I saw! The Bible pages are from the Gospel of Luke. I wanted to find out more about Bruce’s message concerning the greatest being the least, so I looked up Luke 9 :46 – 48. Our Lord Jesus takes a child and puts the child at His side and tells His disciples whoever welcomes this child in His name welcomes Him. I left the Bible open on this page in order to return and reflect. Noticing that it was getting late, I thought I’d listen to this pod cast first, then go back to the Scripture passage before praying the Holy Rosary. But as I looked down at the other page I came across another Scripture passage I read in another Gospel concerning the joyful prayer our Lord Jesus made to Our Father after the return of the seventy two disciples He had sent on a mission, that was very successful. In Luke 10 : 21 – 24. Our Lord thanks His Father that He has hidden these things from the so called ‘ wise and intelligent’ and have revealed them to ‘infants’! Then I heard you say Rosemary that if there are any suggestions or memories that we may have seeking God in meditation to let you both know. A while back I was longing to be with Our Lord Jesus as I was praying and hoping to sense His presence. I then visualized seeing myself small, holding the Lord’s hand that appeared huge compared to mine! In order to see Jesus’ face I needed to look up, exactly as a child does! We then started walking down this dirt track and to my left I could see only tall fields of wheat, to the far left and far right of me and as far back in the distance. I sensed within myself an unexplainable joy, so excited to be with our Lord Jesus, that I felt I was jumping up and down while laughing!!! I have never had such an experience like this before!!! All I could do was thank the Lord several times over!!! Thank you both for REMINDING ME!!! May the Lord keep blessing and inspiring you both for all that you are doing in this very special Heart ministry and may the Lord bless all who work in this ministry too!!!
One Comment
Valerie Simms
Thank you Emma and Rosemary concerning this chat you have given on seeking God in meditation. Like you Rosemary I tend to read a passage of Scripture, then pray asking God, the Holy Spirit as to what He is trying to say to me. While I was listening to what both of you were saying, I looked down at my Bible that I had opened for a while now, and was surprised at what I saw! The Bible pages are from the Gospel of Luke. I wanted to find out more about Bruce’s message concerning the greatest being the least, so I looked up Luke 9 :46 – 48. Our Lord Jesus takes a child and puts the child at His side and tells His disciples whoever welcomes this child in His name welcomes Him. I left the Bible open on this page in order to return and reflect. Noticing that it was getting late, I thought I’d listen to this pod cast first, then go back to the Scripture passage before praying the Holy Rosary. But as I looked down at the other page I came across another Scripture passage I read in another Gospel concerning the joyful prayer our Lord Jesus made to Our Father after the return of the seventy two disciples He had sent on a mission, that was very successful. In Luke 10 : 21 – 24. Our Lord thanks His Father that He has hidden these things from the so called ‘ wise and intelligent’ and have revealed them to ‘infants’! Then I heard you say Rosemary that if there are any suggestions or memories that we may have seeking God in meditation to let you both know. A while back I was longing to be with Our Lord Jesus as I was praying and hoping to sense His presence. I then visualized seeing myself small, holding the Lord’s hand that appeared huge compared to mine! In order to see Jesus’ face I needed to look up, exactly as a child does! We then started walking down this dirt track and to my left I could see only tall fields of wheat, to the far left and far right of me and as far back in the distance. I sensed within myself an unexplainable joy, so excited to be with our Lord Jesus, that I felt I was jumping up and down while laughing!!! I have never had such an experience like this before!!! All I could do was thank the Lord several times over!!! Thank you both for REMINDING ME!!! May the Lord keep blessing and inspiring you both for all that you are doing in this very special Heart ministry and may the Lord bless all who work in this ministry too!!!