God Will Carry You
After a long few days of lifting and unpacking boxes my muscles were feeling decidedly sore. I have a couple of injuries involving damaged muscles and tendons that I did a few years ago, where if I do not care for them, they can develop into more damage and pain. So, when part of the team I was on were going off to relax over the weekend, by going to the movies, I took myself off to have a deep tissue massage.
I was lying down on the cushioned table, getting pummelled, prodded, and poked while the soft music played over the speakers in the roof. I could feel the stiff muscles in my back, shoulders, and neck relaxing. I suddenly was overwhelmed by a feeling of loneliness, and my emotions came bubbling up to meet me and I felt like sobbing. Was it the environment that had let out my thoughts and emotions which I had been stuffing down inside of myself?
I had been under a lot of pressure lately and suddenly, the valve exploded. I had felt for a while now that I was encouraging so many people in my life, but no one was encouraging me. I felt very alone. I had to catch my breath and control myself.
The masseuse must have thought she had massaged me too “hard” because I was asked if everything was ok. After a grunt from me, because that’s all I felt I was capable to say, the masseuse went back to the work of massaging out the injured muscles.
As my feelings were in a spin, I decided to breathe deeply and give my thought, as I started to think of things, to God.
Then the most amazing thing happened.
I felt His presence!
The tender shepherd came to meet me.
God came and met me exactly where I was at. On that table, where I was, God came and met me. I wanted to cry again.
Then I felt my gentle Saviour say to me, “You have never been alone. I’m always with you.” The peace and calm that came over me from these words, made me let out a sigh of relief.
It reminded me so much of the ‘Footprints in the sand’ Poem.
The first part of the poem tells of the person seeing their footprints in the sand and God’s footprints walking beside them. Then they complain to God that He has abandoned them, especially in the lowest and saddest times.
The last stanza of the poem was what was brought to mind.
“My precious child, I love you, and will never leave you.
Never, ever, during your trials and suffering,
When you saw only one set of footprints
It was then that I carried you.”
Where do you need to know that God has not “left the building?” He is still there for you. He cares and loves you and is often carrying you!
I came away from that massage with not only a fresh body full of relaxed muscles but a mind full of God’s peace and a relaxed belief / faith in my God and a knowing that God was walking with me. Actually, often carrying me!
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
When you have times of trial and loneliness do you turn your thoughts to God?
If not, how do you think you could begin to do this?
God can come in unexpected ways. Are you listening, ready to hear Him?
Thanks Rosemary for the reminder that he carries us.
Rosemary, your words ring so true with me! I have cried every day since Ash Wednesday seems like. Every single time I have felt his presence but you know what? I think the tears were to remind me that alone I can’t do it! He is Always there. The tears are the bath of faith! So glad you chose some “me and Him” time🙏
Thank you your story ,I love it , exactly the way I feel ,
Beautifully expressed as always. Much food for thought in todays message. I even shed a tear reading how u reacted when you had your massage, & that God was there, as always!!
Thank you Rosemary for sharing your own personal story and reminding me once again how God is still there for me and my husband at this very difficult time. God bless you, Bruce and team for all your caring and meaningful videos and writings which are so uplifting in hard times.
Dearest Rosemary….you nailed it! Like you and may sisters I have felt these time of…am I alone in all this? I tend to sit back and ask for Gods grace upon me. Today however you reminded me that our Saviour was nailed on a cross so I can be free and never alone! So grateful!
Just what I needed to hear this morning Rosemary. I do feel God is with me helping me to get through a very difficult time.
Valerie Lack
Thank you Rosemary,
I Am sending this on to one of our daughters, who is in crisis mode at present, I really hope she reads it and realises that she is never alone.
Many the time Tears and emotions have welled up and threatened to overwhelm me. We tend to bottle up and battle on, until, as you said, the pressure cooker valve blows. As Bruce says” God is never far from you”
Your writings are so insightful and thought provoking. Thank you for sharing from your heart! I also find feelings surfacing at odd times – a scene in a movie, tender words in a book bring up emotions I didn’t know I was storing. Thank you for the reminder to turn them to God.
Thank you for your wonderful heartfelt sharing Rosemary. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve too. The older I get the more emotions I feel. God touches me in lots of different ways, especially when I’m trying to read at Mass or some other Spiritual reading, & I have no control over it. I feel so silly, but one of my friends tells me I have the Gift of Tears. No doubt you have that gift also. God Bless you abundantly. 🙏💐📿
Thank you for sharing this experience Rosemary. I had a similar thing happen to me just a few days ago . I was home alone and my tears would not stop .I couldn’t even work out the exact reason for the tears , just everything and anything! I prayed and prayed and felt so much better by the end of the day . God bless you Bruce and the team for all you do .
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for sharing with us about your time of loneliness and how the Lord came to be with you, that changed your tears of sorrow into tears of joy and comfort! I can truly empathize with you Rosemary! There have been several times when I too felt so lonely that caused me to cry uncontrollably. Then I would go where I could listen to words of comfort: the Sacred Scriptures. There have been many a time when I felt God was speaking deep into my heart with His reassuring, encouraging and comforting words. Then there have been those times when rays of sunlight suddenly appears out of the clouds unexpectedly and wraps me in a reassuring warmth, that our Lord is with me, reminding me, ” I am the Light of the world…whoever believes in Me will not live in darkness…” But in His everlasting Light, I then no longer feel so desperately alone and from my heart, I thank Him for His Loving Presence! Keep up the good work Rosemary that you do through the Heart Messages, the Jottings in your Journal and the pod casts!!! The Lord is truly blessing and inspiring you through all these forms of communication, that are helpful, encouraging, insightful and openly sincere!!! Than you again Rosemary!!!
Gail de Oliveira
Dear Rosemary, Thank you for taking us into your personal life and illustrating how God manages to speak to you right where you are. I think that God speaks to all of us but we are not in tune to listen. Thank you for helping me to learn how to tune in to God’s channel.
Carlota Alicia Villafana
Hello Rosemary.
It is sad to hear that sometimes you feel no one is looking out for you. I too occasionally say to myself “no one cares.”
However, like you, how wonderful it is to come to realize that Our Dear Lord cares. God cares. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and helping me to remember.. when there is only one pair of footprints, they are HIS carrying me.❤