The Practical helps with the Spiritual
Yes, I can find every excuse under the sun to not go do my exercises. I injured myself a few weeks ago and finally went to the physiotherapist. I need to do exercises on my knee joint. It may never fully recover but will repair a bit and will get better mobility. Let alone hopefully reduce in the stiffness and pain.
But unless I have another appointment the next day which pushes me to go do the exercises, the weights just sit on the floor. I need to strengthen some of the surrounding muscles to support the weaker area. When I get up quickly or awkwardly out of a sitting position, I have to grit my teeth for the stab of pain alerts me that all is not well. If I sit too long or stand too long the area needs a change in posture or again, I’m gritting my teeth.
So why not do the exercises?
Time poor.
That’s my excuse anyway. But it’s a valid one. I have too much on my plate. But the Holy Spirit prompts me often – ‘Go do the exercises. It will help. Make the time.’
Hang on a minute I think, why is the Holy Spirit or my conscious (For that is how often the Spirit speaks) talking to me about my practical human life? Because HE does. The Spirit speaks to the whole of us. For our mental, physical, emotional being can affect greatly our spiritual being. The Spirit is interested in US. The entirety of us.
If I can cope better physically, I then do not have to concentrate on it as much and can put my effort and thoughts to more things of God. But if I can help myself physically be stronger then I don’t get fatigue as much and can focus on the works of God and reaching others for Him. So for my health, to look after my body,– which is a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell within,– I have an obligation to look after it, to the best of my ability.
Now if in all of this, it cannot help improve my walking ability, then so be it. But it cannot be from lack of trying. I need to put in the effort to the best of my ability.
The Holy Spirit talks to us through Scripture too. In the second book of Timothy it states:
All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.
2 Tim 3:16-17 NRSV
And so also in the first book of Corinthians:
But it is not the spiritual that is first, but the physical, and then the spiritual.
1 Corinthians 15:46 NRSV
We all need to look after this body, this spirit that God has given to us.
And so, I have started. I not only set myself up with some weights to lift (for I need to load the muscles to improve them and the circulation) but I also am changing my schedule to fit it into my busy day.
As I finished the first day, I smiled. ‘That was not that bad’, I said to myself.
How about you? Have you been asked by your doctor to look after your body more? Has the Holy Spirit spoken to you about your health? Are you doing something about it?
Make the time. Re-prioritise your daily calendar. God would want you to be as healthy as possible so that you can be a good example in all areas – for God draws us to His perfect self.
Now of course the health of our spirits is of higher priority as stated in Proverbs where if your Spirit is healthy this will heal your flesh and be a refreshment for your body.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Proverbs 3:5-8 NRSV
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be a healing for your flesh
and a refreshment for your body.
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Are you looking after yourself physically? Have you been ignoring some advice that you know you should be following?
Has the Holy Spirit spoken to you about your health? Are you doing something about it?
What can you do to re-priortise some things in your life?
Have you found that once looking after the physical you are more able to focus on the spiritual? What has been your experience?
Catherine Nicolopoulos
Thank you for the encouragment, I have been putting off getting my bloods done for no apparent reason that is sensible, so I will now go and get them done, hopefully the request form is not out of date! Bless you xx
Catherine Nicolopoulos
Also Dear Rosemary I hope your knee heels well and you are freely mobile pain free, I will pray for you xx
Suzanne Nistico
I like to start my day by going outside to do my stretches. I accompany these stretches with Scripture.
Praise the Lord
For he is Good
And his Mercy endureth
For Ever!
I thank God for your practical and spiritual ministry Rosemary! You are Blessing us!
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for sharing on how important it is to look after yourself both physically and spiritually!!! I am sorry to see that you suffer from injuries to your legs! My husband despite having shooting pain in his feet and hands due to diabetes, has a torn tendon in his hip and has difficulty walking too!!! In the past he was told he had to lose weight, watch what he ate and do exercise. He likes to walk but can’t walk too far or this will aggravate the torn tendon and his feet! So he decided to swim instead and has found this form of exercise very helpful. Especially when he stretches his legs while walking in the swimming pool! Me I need to get out of the apartment in order to absorb some vitamin D and even do walks, as well as do a little workout on resistance bands to strengthen core muscles ( which I need to start doing again, thank you Rosemary!!!).
I do believe being physically active, exercise- not too much!, and good healthy diet gives us more energy! Recently I’ve been seeing on my Facebook page many Italian women over the age of 100 celebrating their Birthdays!!! I wonder if it has anything to do, with their active lifestyles, the food they eat from their gardens, being close to God’s Creation and their FAITH in God??? One woman I saw was over 90 years of age and was still making home made pasta, all on her own!!! I will be praying for your recovery Rosemary! Could you please pray for me Rosemary to get back to doing exercise and to have less craving for chocolate and cakes!!! May the Lord keep blessing you abundantly Rosemary and your dear husband Bruce, along with all your family!!!
Was about to do my (neglected) physio exercises when I decided to first sneak a look at your latest post (displacement activity). Oh dear, no gentle prompting by the Holy Spirit — it was a discernible smack on the back of the head 😂
Hope your knee improves exponentially & you’re back to full speed soon. Blessings to you & your family. Will now go do those pesky exercises…!
I realized a short time ago, at age 66, that I was not appreciative or honoring what God has blessed me with. As a result, I have made a commitment to honor my spirit, mind and body. There are days of struggle, so I pray harder, remembering why. I am grateful and take it one day at a time to be the best I can to honor him.