The Holy Spirit Guides
Rush, rush, rush. It often happens in all our lives.
As a young woman, going from working full time, volunteering to sing in choirs and church and other groups, going to family functions, studying part time for my second degree, I was busy. Then I got married and it was another phase of busy. Then children came along, and I was flat out busy! I often thought finally after nine years, no nappies to be rinsed, washed, and cleaned every day. (Disposables were just coming into usage but were very expensive so I had used cloth nappies.) Then school years were always many days of being rushed, juggling all that that entailed while working full time and volunteering in many aspects of church life plus all the umpteen sports or groups your children were in after school.
Many of us have been there, done that, and possibly even more!
Reflecting upon how I coped during a busy few weeks with little sleep and full on days of presentation or travel, I felt I could breathe again. I saw how far I had come. How far God’s spirit had transformed me.
God has always gifted me with patience and grown me to cope with days of stress and work. Not only functioning for a time on minimum sleep but also having patience and harmony in my spirit, still, while under stress.
Of course, there is a limit. You know the old saying of “straw that broke the camel’s back”.
It happens to us all.
But the spirit has expanded my ability, my mind, my heart, my thoughts, my feelings to REST in Him. When things come my way to stress me out (and they do), to cause disorder or confusion, the spirit steps in and helps. Refocuses my mind and feelings on what is important.
I have learnt to not compare myself to others but to look back on my journey, with guidance by the spirit, to see how far I have come. Then with the spirit, looking forward, to how much further I need to go in my character.
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God.
Let your good spirit lead me
on a level path.
Psalm 143:10 NRSV
The Holy Spirit guides me. He will guide you. We need to just ask Him. Upon reflection, with Him, we need to ask for help for our lives. Advice, instruction, guidance for our lives.
That’s who He is. Our helper. The advocate.
Don’t compare yourself to others.
Look at your journey, how have you developed?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
When you look back at your life, do you see how far you have come?
Can you see where the Holy Spirit has guided you?
If not, what can you do to be open to the Holy Spirit guiding you in the future?
Valerie Lack
Loved reading about your journey, sounds a bit like mine, in the area of babies and nappies.
The difference is that, you had the solidity of regular education in the walk of faith and developed a strong relationship with the Holy Trinity early in your life.
Looking back over my life I can see how there has always been a guiding hand, even though I didn’t always sense it. I didn’t have a clear idea or direction, but did have a strong belief in God.
In retrospect, I can see where the Holy Spirit, has moved and redirected me. Certainly in the past five years and within that time I found Bruce and you, Rosemary. The daily devotionals and Heartbeat, have reinforced, informed and strengthened my spirit, for which I am so very grateful..
I pray, beg and plead with the Holy Trinity, never to leave me alone, to hold my hand, direct my feet on right paths, to fend off the evil one and his minions, to surround me with the Angels and saints and bring me safely home to be with my God in heaven one day.
Georgie Peachey
Beautifully said, I echo your thoughts on all of that!! When we look back, we understand more of our past, and how it has shaped us.
Deanna Francke
Thank you Rosemary for these thoughts very useful. Yes we cannot do without the Holy Spirit in our lives. It’s you & Bruce that have made me more aware of the Holy Spirit and I now pray to Him regularly. May God Bless you & Bruce & team abundantly. Thank you both for all that you do. Keep it coming.🙏💐
Valerie Simms
Thank you Rosemary for sharing with us your progress with the help of the Holy Spirit! It is good advice not to look at others and compare, but to look back and see the changes that have happened within us. There are changes that need to happen in me to be the woman, the Loving Father God intends for me to be but as I look back, there have been positive changes I could not have done without our Great Loving God!!! I do appreciate so much how these Daily Devotionals, Heart Messages, Jottings from your Journal Rosemary has helped deepen more and more, my loving relationship with our Loving God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I have come to know the Holy Trinity in such a profound way, that I NEVER want to leave, distance myself from our Loving God EVER AGAIN!!! May the Lord keep blessing and inspiring both you Rosemary and Bruce!!! May the Lord keep blessing, providing and protecting all of you working in these blessed ministries, along with your families and loved ones, I pray !!!
Sandie Murray
Rosemary.. continue to lead all to the Giver of life…a life truly worth living! The Holy Spirit is transforming me and enabling me to function after the passing of my beloved husband of 56 years 9 days ago. The worst has happened to me but the best is yet to come..when I think of my husband I smile as I know he is enjoying the promise of eternal life and all the beauty of Heaven. Total trust and reliance of Our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit gives to each of us the peace needed knowing He is always with us willing to share this gift of 24 hours!