Are We Listening?
Willow asked her Mum, while I was travelling in the car with them, “Which world is Pa in now?” Because Pa had been travelling a lot and moving from place to place, we all did not know where he was at any certain time. The different countries, to Willow, are different worlds.
As Willow’s sixth birthday approached, I remembered this conversation. I found a map of the world with a compass and stickers of landmarks of the world such as the Pyramids, the Eiffel tower, the Himalayas, the Taj Mahal, the Grand Canyon, Uluru etc. and animals like whales, dolphins, kangaroos, eagles, moose, deers, bears, giraffes, elephants etc.
She could learn about the different countries (‘Worlds’ to her) within the one world and learn to know where her Pa was, when we pointed it out. As I saw the delight on her face when I gave her the gift, one of her Aunties leaned over to me and said, “Where did you get that idea from?” I smiled and said, “I just listened to her conversation.”
A few days later I was reading my daily scripture. I heard the Lord in the words of Isaiah speak to me.
Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good,
Isaiah 55:2b-3 NRSV
and delight yourselves in rich food.
Incline your ear, and come to me;
listen, so that you may live.
This word ‘listen’ brought to my mind Willow’s gift – the map of the world. If I had not listened, I would not have thought of the idea of the map. Willow would not have received that gift but something else. Something that may not have given her so much delight.
If I am not listening to the Lord, who tries to speak to me, to us, often about our lives, I cannot see so often the gifts He desires to give to me. I am the one who misses out because I give pleasure and glory to my God when I respond to him.
God listens to us. He hears the conversations we have publicly and privately within our hearts. He desires to guide us, to provide for us good gifts, ones we desire. To eat what is good. To delight in the rich foods He gives to us.
He desires we live this Abundant Life.
Jesus, His Son, told us this. This was one of the reasons why He came.
But are we listening?
Truly listening?
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Are you listening to God? What is He saying to you about your life right now?
What distracts you from listening to God’s voice? How can you move past distractions?
What a wonderful message to start my day with the children I work with at school – to listen, to really listen to the words they speak. Far too often my regular routine and time constraints, at times, does not allow me to deviate too much from my timetable but today I’M going to make a point of really listening them and the words they speak. I’m inspired by your simple message Rosemary! Thank you!
Valerie Lack
Am I listening to God?
I really am trying to. I got an instruction from God a few years back which told me to listen more, not to talk so much, but to be quiet.
Sounds such an easy thing to do, yet it is the opposite.
What is he saying to me about my life?
Be still and know that I am God. See God in everyone I meet
What distracts me from listening to God’s voice?
Oh it is so easy to become distracted, to get caught up in worldly things
How can I move past the distractions?
I do Christian yoga, which includes Christian meditation once a week and am trying to put that into place every day, not doing very well at that though
Reading the Bible, doing daily devotions going to Bible study weekly and listening to Bruce every day, weekly online mass all help
Melanie Morrison
Thank you. Agree… God speaks to us in wonderful ways…if we listen.
Denise Burke
Thank you Rosemary. Your words are always inspiring.