Being Humble. Changing my Behaviour.
Some of the grandchildren, as a treat for the school holidays, spent a day and night staying at a hotel. It was such a blessing for them especially because their Mum and Dad had organized it free with points, they had earned from a loyalty program. Aubrey, who is eight, was impressed with the luggage trolley which delivered their overnight bags to the room. She commented that it was just like in the movies. Then they went and got a milkshake downstairs and Aubrey commented, “Wow! This is luxury!” She wanted to get a photo in the foyer.
In the morning after breakfast, (where they had ‘coco pops’ cereal and pancakes with strawberries) as they were packing up to go home, Aubrey was asked to go collect the little soaps and shampoos from the bathroom. She was a bit hesitant to do this and turned to her Mum and asked, “Are we allowed?” Melissa, her Mum, laughed and stated, “It’s ok. We are not stealing. You are allowed to take those few things.”
As this conversation was being relayed to me a few days later, it made me think, ‘Have I ever taken anything that I should not have?’ It’s so easy to do. I’ve taken a pen, post-it-notes, or a pad with the hotel’s letterhead on it. But I’ve heard of people taking towels, pillows, slippers, dressing gown. Now I think the hotels will charge you for any missing items like these.
But it made me think.
Do we feel we are entitled to take whatever we want?
It’s not the way I was brought up, but many people do. They feel that they have paid for it in their accommodation bill.
Where do we get this “entitled” thing?
I’ve seen people try to skip queues in restaurants, in bars, in clubs and go to the front to try and talk their way in. They felt due to their status in their career, in prestige, in the amount of money in their bank that they should be able to go first.
Jesus did not put himself first. Always last. Serving.
He, being the Son Of God, the Saviour of the World, could have always pulled out His status card, His prestige card if He wanted too. But that is not His way. That is NOT His nature.
He humbled himself and became a lowly baby born in a stable for us!
For all of humanity.
Jesus so often has spoken to us about being humble. Taking the lower, poorer seating and not the best seats at the table. Putting others before you. He even goes as far as to say –
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.
Matt 5:43-45 NRSV
That’s a bit drastic? Love your Enemies?
But that is the way of the Lord. It is Total Love towards all. It is the way He is, and He desires us to be no different.
It made me re-think how I treat people. How entitled I can feel in different groups of people. Do I try and get come-upperence to be the best in different groups?
Then have I taken someone’s reputation with my gossip? Have I silently “killed” or destroyed them, their reputation, their good name?
Oh, I sometimes feel my past gossip, even being involved in a conversation about people has been poor on my part. Forgive me Lord.
I pray that I am walking more in the way of the Lord, loving my friends and even my enemies. Being more considerate and kinder to others, like Jesus asks us to.
Do you need to stop your gossip, or your involvement in others gossip?
Are you listening to where the Spirit guides you in your behaviour?
I pray that I am .
May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’
Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups. If you would like more information please click HERE.
Am I listening to the Holy Spirit guiding me in the areas where I need to change my behaviour?
Do I need to stop gossiping? Or is there another area of weakness that I need to work on?
Am I loving my enemies? If not, how can I be open to God changing my heart in this area?
Thank you Rosemary. This was a very apt lesson for today’s world. Gossip is so easy and yet so destructive. We probably all need to take a look at our conversations and realize how often we do this.
So true… I try to keep it to the level would I say this in front of the person🥹. God knows our heart and the intentions we have.. Sometimes we need to talk things out…I have two people I can go to and talk things over who listen and give their advise. I am thankful for their input which usually backs up His Word!
Valerie Lack
Thank you Rosemary
This is a an issue, which is troubling me. When does a discussion about concern for another, become gossip. We had an incident in the family recently concerning a family member in an unhappy situation. Two of us who had become involved with rescuing this person from a potentially dangerous situation, were discussing the situation with our respective spouses. We were pointing out the faults in the person we rescued our family member from. And why we had found it necessary to step in and sort out the mess. I did feel uncomfortable but at the same time needed to bring my husband up to speed on the whys and wherefores
There is a very fine line between discussion and gossip, isn’t there
Sometimes in a group of women talking. I think we tend to veer into gossip at times. Men tend to name the characteristics of those they meet. Such as for a man. ( Have a chat ). For someone who dominates a conversation
We do this because of ego?
The ability to love someone, who has caused you and those you love extreme distress or grief, is so very difficult. But on the same hand. We ask forgiveness from God, who we have all trespassed against. Life is not an easy journey but it is a privilege.
Come Holy Spirit, lead me , guide me, never let go of my hands.
Thank you Rosemary, there is really a fine line between gossiping and caring. As much as we think we helping sometimes,we,at least I know that I tend to criticize more than empathize at times.
I just need to take a step back and place myself in that person’s shoes.
What a meaningful message this is! Gives us food for thought as we discern the difference between gossip and concern for another. I try to be humble and not act entitled, and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Wow. Such great responses to Rosemary’s lesson for us. Yes we certainly do need to tread carefully with our thoughts & speech. Come Holy Spirit & guide us. 💓🙏📿
Thank you Rosemary…🙏” Holy Spirit guide and direct our thoughts, words and Actions!” When I became a guardian for foster care children I asked the Holy Spirit to please.. help me not to make things worse!!! He gave me the grace so needed and the gift of Shut Up! 😁.