Thinking of Others Expands Our Hearts

My daughter had recommended a new program to watch that was coming soon on the television. As the day approached, she reminded me what time it started etc. That night, in our private family messages, she expressed her opinion on the program. I was a bit puzzled. The time had not yet occurred for the start of the program. As I messaged her she told me you can watch it on the station half an hour early using the 9now app – such an appropriate name – get it now. I was busy getting dinner so decided to wait until the program came on the normal television at the designated time.

As I was waiting for the program to start there were many ads. One was telling you that you are ‘built for more, you are not average so go for that future – expect more for your life.’ Then there was an ad about finances, telling you that ‘you are smart, lend better, grow your wealth…..’ The next ad was encouraging you to ‘celebrate this car for fun, for ever… so go get the car for your life.’

Everything was focused on your life, your happiness and what are you doing about it. You felt encouraged and coerced to make the decisions now. Immediate. Don’t wait.

Because of what God is talking to me about currently, that it is not a bad thing to wait at times, these words on the advertisements and the impressions that were made were screaming at me through the television – that we do not need everything instantaneously and in some cases I question whether we need some of these things at all.

Also, that it is not all about self. When you think of others, give to others, your heart expands. Your heart becomes healthier when it works through things over a period of time. When you focus on others your heart seems to be able to cope with more, cope better. You actually become healthier when…

 You do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Luke 6:31 NIV

We are also called to this…

Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.

Luke 6:30 NIV

And the ultimate in John…

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

John 15:13 NIV

I don’t know about you, but I have a long way to go to attain this. But please pray for me and I will pray you, that God shows us how we can love our fellow man more and better.

Then we will truly honour our God with our lives.

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups.


How difficult do you find waiting for things? Are you able to sit and wait when necessary? How do you do it?

How often do you focus on self more than others? What do you think you could do to shift your focus to others?

How are you living out Jesus’ call to lay down your life for your friends?

How has God changed your heart when you have shown love to others?


  • Valerie Lack

    Hi Rosemary
    It is much easier to wait for things now at age 82 than it was years ago
    It is so much better for all of us to focus on another persons needs than our own. In terms of mental health.
    I think it is important for the sake of our souls, that when we give, we do so as if we are doing so with the Spirit of God, not taking any glory for ourselves. Otherwise it is almost empty giving.
    I have never actually been in a situation which calls for me to lay down my life for a friend, not sure that I have that sort of courage.
    It sits right within my heart when showing altruistic love to others