Do You Need Refreshment?

I have had some time off from some of my responsibilities lately. Some of the meetings, women’s groups that I am in, I had stepped away from for a break. Some time out to get physically, mentally, and spiritually refreshed.

We do need to be kind to ourselves at times and take that time out.

I was “doing” so much and felt tired by everything. It appeared to be all chores and I was depleted. I had nothing left to give because I was not filling myself up from God. I had been starving myself, trying to run the marathon with no nourishment. I was not spending enough time in prayer and contemplation which is what I thrive on but have also been asked by God to develop in my life. So, without guilt I stopped some of my “things, works for God.”

After a few weeks which then seemed to extend into a few months I again felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit to start again. But now I was in a different place. To start again differently because of what God has done in me but also to ask now for help from others who God has sent to help me.

No matter what we are doing in life, for our families, our career, ourselves, there are times when we need to take this time out deliberately to reassess us. To reassess where we are. Where we think God wants us to be. And if we are not in that place to put ourselves there and ask the Holy Spirit to put us there in that right place.

Maybe we are in the right place but it’s our attitude of heart that needs to change?

In our daily prayer we should give some time to be real and think about where we are at and how we are going. Not same old, same old. (Or young ha ha!)

What is God saying to me in the small picture and in the big picture of my life?

If you don’t stop, take that time out sometimes we miss it or we become washed out, good for nothing because we have extended ourselves too far.

We need to have a healthy balance in our life – even though there can be seasons where it’s skewed to one side, for example……

Looking after elderly parents…

Babysitting grandchildren…

Bringing up children….

Working hard and long hours because of projects at work…

Whatever it might be, you still have to balance well all that you have on.

So, have you assessed your life today?

Do you need to take some time out? Or put some time into what God is calling you to do?

May these jottings from my journal inspire you to believe in and fall in love with Christ- the hope of the world, as stated in Jeremiah 17:7, ‘Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord!’



Every week groups of ladies meet together to chat about the things I raise in my weekly blog post and to chat about life in general. We call these ‘Heart Connect’ groups.


Be honest, how is the balance going in your life? Do you need some spiritual refreshment?

What practical things can you do to be filled up by God?

What activities do you need to pause or resume to follow what God is asking of you?


  • Anne

    Thanks for those wise words Rosemary. I am constantly reassessing my life. I can identify some things that need to change but all I see are obstacles. I feel like my life is on hold for a time that never seems to come.

    • Lorraine Desouza

      Dear Rosemary, you are so right, I’ve been tired and confused, I do need to take a step back and find some clarity on my life. I feel I’m at the crossroads of my life and do need direction. The next few months are going to be hard, but o trust in the Lord and will put my faith in Him

  • Anne-Marie Werritt

    I totally agree Rosemary I am juggling so much work and family I am feeling pretty burnt out right now. I recently got a short break away to a personal spiritual place and it made me realize that I do need to assess my priorities though everything is so finely tuned even the finances it is difficult. However I keep trust in God and do my best now to be kind to myself whenever I can. Your ministry is so grounding for me and I turn to it first thing every morning when I wake. God bless x x

  • Sheron jean balhorn

    Gentle reminders work. Feeling guilty never does, for me. God is certainly patient with me and He is always there, waiting for my return. Blessing being sent for you and Bruce from northern Michigan USA Pray for our country at the hurricane approaches

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