JOY to the World! Yes what joy the Lord brings us in the gift of His son!
Do you feel that joy? Do you experience joy in your every day?
God created us out of His sheer goodness. God has blessed us with many gifts and He wants us to give the gift of joy to others. This is what I will be sharing on during “A Time with Rosemary.”
Join me this Christmas season so I can encourage you to find joy in every situation. You can register today for this FREE event.
I know that this is going to be a special time where women from around the world will join us to pray, journal and hear from God. I don’t want you to miss out!
I hope you will join me!
Much love,
Rosemary xxx
Ladies around the world – Join me for this online event! Take some time out for yourself. Make a cup of tea, have something yummy to eat and be open to hearing what God has to say to you.
Released on 4th December 2021.
You will be emailed a link which will remain active until 18th December so you can watch any time during that period.
I encourage you to invite ladies to your home, your church or a hall to listen, watch and share time together growing in your faith.