
Heartbeat is our video and podcast series designed to give you food for thought for your week. This is a resource for you to watch or listen to about what it means to live out our faith and grow in holiness in the every day. We know that life is busy so the videos are short with the intention that you can work them into your life - while you do the dishes, get ready in the morning or however it works for you! This is then followed up by our podcast which debriefs the weekly video. So don't worry if you struggle to watch the video because we'll make sure we discuss it and how it impacts on our everyday lives. You can listen to this while in the car, exercising or simply when getting things done.

  • Are You Making Excuses?

    How often do you make excuses for your sin? In this Heartbeat Emma encourages us to be honest with ourselves, to look at our heart and to ask God for the grace of forgiveness.

  • Faith Lived Through Small Disciplines

    The small disciplines that we put into our lives lead to the small decisions we make each day. In this Heartbeat Emma encourages us to put small disciplines into our lives that help us to live out our faith. 

  • Faith Lived in Small Decisions

    Everyday we have decisions to make. What we decide can help us to live out our faith. In this Heartbeat Emma shares how the small decisions in our lives are evidence of what we believe in.

  • Lent 2025: I Give You My Heart Lord

    Lent is a time to deepen our relationship with God. We do this by reflecting on our lives and spending time in prayer but we have to do it with our whole heart. What is your heart like? Are you giving God your heart this Lent? 

  • Knowing God – A Time with Heart

    When you wait on God are you truly seeking after Him? Or are you seeking after answers and what He can give you? Rosemary encourages us to wait on God so that we get to know Him for who He truly is. We should wait on God to get to know His heart. (This is a recording of a live event. There is no live chat for this on demand version.)